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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Agreed... They raided his club for a reason. So surely he had not given any tea money to them previously. OR not enough tea money..
  2. They already have a help line to report these scamming drivers. They even have an app for it. But alot of good those did when no-one speaks english and the app is in Thai. I tried to report a driver once on the app and once on the phone. I had video footage of what happened for each incident. Nothing ever came about my reporting the drivers. So these nice new little help lines is just like most of the lip service foreigners read about. It will work for a short time then it will stop.
  3. The last comment in the article about the couple on the 2nd floor with glass windows were seen having sex. Those onlookers would have been charged for being peeping Toms in my country. rather than the couple maybe having consequences for their actions inside their hotel room. If you can not even do it in your room. Next will be the voyeur seeing couples having sex from their adjacent hotel room window or from the rooftop poolsides that have the other hotels near and can see the room windows there.
  4. I did that once... negotiated a deal to take me back to my hotel. Enroute the driver decided I needed more girls and more to drink and began taking me to different places that serviced mens uhh needs... Even though I kept saying no and demanding to take me to my hotel as agreed. After an hour driving around the driver finally pulled up to my hotel and then demanded 1000 baht more than agreed. stating he showed me around to where all those places were and wanted to be paid for it. After a few minutes arguing he finally took the 100 baht that was initially agreed upon. If i was not so strong-willed the driver would have scared me to pay it I think. They can be intimidating and violent easily.
  5. I'm sorry if my reply steps on anyones toes. but this must be a joke article. Thailand where every month we read about bank employees, government employees and everyone in between selling date about the people here. How exactly does Thailand now think that other countries would even consider releasing their data to them knowing how easily that information can be bought and sold illegally?
  6. You can not blame them for wanting to increase visa fees. They can not collect money for this from their biggest income earning country (China) so they need to make it up somehow/ somewhere. Hence the increase being so much (600%). I wonder where they will make their next increase in fees. Surely this increase would ne cover their losses either. Their free visa for the Chinese had to have repercussions elsewhere. Nothing is free in the world.
  7. I beg to differ. You see more racism with the wealthy than you do with the poor. The poor are forced to accept people in their community that are not of the same race.
  8. The article is a crock. This story focuses on one Thai's experience only. From all I know S. Korea is not prejudice the same way Thais are. Most likely this Thai person got grilled and harrassed and sent back to Thailand because there are so many Thais entering S. Korea and then going to work illegally. The questions asked and their grilling was meant to sort out if they really came as a tourist or if they came to work illegally. My guess would be that the one person who got the news to write this story has left out a lot of what was asked when being questioned and that their replies did not convince the immigration as to their reasons for entering the country.. Thailand does this quite often to people entering the country.. The philippines also does this to their own people leaving the country. America will do this if you enter from a country that has a history of using tourism to work there illegally.
  9. Yes. The day he was released on parole he miraculously got up on his own and walked out of the hospital without aid. The conditions seem to have been met only while he was incarcerated in the hospital. What is more the miracle is that the people have seemed to accept it with very little opposition. When it is talked about as in this article it is more to get you to hear what they say then the topic changes to something other than Thaksin.. Click bait maybe.
  10. It is possible there is a problem with the water pump instead. same symptoms if i recall. happened to me once that way.
  11. There is more to this story than those ladyboys are saying. 4000 baht each is an extremely large amount of money for even one of them. The women there only charge 3000 baht to stay long time. Perhaps there was a miscommunication between their transaction agreement? Or perhaps the reason 3 ladyboys went to his room was more nefarious than the article leads to given the history of ladyboys robbing and fighting in packs when they do not get what they wanted even from passerbys.
  12. hmm... i do not keep personal banking information on me walking down soi buakow.. nor do i keep other personal information other than some money and some photos of passport in case i am stopped
  13. Does anyone here actually trust to click on a link and never be sure where it will take you? Given the hackers abilities now infiltrating computers just by opening a webpage it is extremely dangerous to do. Especially unknowingly. I post this because for the first time, I clicked an email link sent to my email with the Aseannow email. It sent me to a completely different website. Albeit, I trust Aseannow up to a point with keeping their website free of hackers, but to send external links to private web pages is dangerous in my opinion. More dangerous than here. What are your thoughts about this? Be careful clicking on this one... It says trust no one as an expat newbie. Who knows who owns it or if it is safe to even open.
  14. I read there is a new gofundme page for Trumps court settlement to New York. Perhaps they would send it there haha..
  15. I do believe they said big names. Names that would fill a stadium and net them millions. These singers you talk about coming. Have not arrived yet. But also they are very old and not as popular with the younger generation. On another note. Most of the singers you listed play more music than singing and when singing they usually have sing them slowly and with limited vocabulary. Not an upbeat pop star band.
  16. 2 in my family already got dengue in the past couple of months.. It is really not as bad as they say for children. But old people need to be careful. hospitalization and death is probable.
  17. Given Thailands English abilities, it is understandable why they would never get such a large audience. Most Thais would not listen to nor understand the foreigner music. Those that do go to these types of shows. Those that do not make comments blaming others for this country offering less money to pay the artists to come.
  18. They can not even control emissions from vehicles in Bangkok that are contributing greatly to the pollution levels. Black smoke pouring from vehicles are seen daily throughout Thailand especially by trucks on the highway. They need to make their rules and actually enforce them. But this is Thailand and as seen all too often here where the rich can escape actual prison time just as companies can pay off police for little stickers on their trucks to bypass vehicle inspections. When they fix the problem at local levels and actually begin real enforcement, only then will something happen to the pollution levels and air quality in Thailand.
  19. Wow.. Are you really so racist against foreigners to make such a comment? Phil1964 comment was being sarcastic but justified. So why tell him to leave simply because his comment reflects what you did not like? I also do not see anything in his comment stating his hate for Thais.
  20. of course. and there will be more profit spread with these arrests. Lots of hand to hand cash will be passing around.
  21. This happens all too often with countries doing business with China.
  22. Does it really matter? We all know who won the last election yet look at who is the sitting PM. Of course he would dissolve the house and have another election.. The real question is will he step down as PM. This has been a problem in the past with others. Then there is the real possibility that they hold a new election and Pita is not permitted to run for office for some scandal or another as a ruse like the last time. Then of course. Everyone knows that even with another election and the PM stepping down.. The peoples vote means nothing as proven in the past election as well. This PM would remain or another Thaksin lackey would be voted in the end.
  23. I must say, if the photo is him leaving the hospital, he looks really healthy and not the sickly 70 year old the police and prison system claims. I guess I would be all smiles if I was sentenced to many years and only had to do 1 hour in a prison and a few months in the hospital and now free to do as he wants without anyone keeping track of his activities.
  24. Someone once told me that in Thailand, it is better to take the life rather than allow someone to have a debilitating injury or illness. This was said to me because when a Thai dies, the compensation is minimal. I was even told if you hit someone to make sure they are dead haha... The cost to compensate for someone left alive is a lot more. That being said, the 5000 baht offered as compensation is probably the least amount the school could have offered. I am curious though. By the articles description of events, perhaps the child had an allergy unknown to the Thai teacher and her giving the kid paracetamol was the reason for death. only an autopsy will confirm the reason he died. The 5000 would not be enough to pay for this to happen. So sad for this to happen in a school. The school or teacher should have called an ambulance immediately when seeing the boys skin changing color. Perhaps the child would still be alive.
  25. probably because there is more to the story than she is saying and by posting it in social media she can make more than 30,000 baht if she has enough views. haha.... Also this spotlights her home based yoga business and could possibly attract more customers.
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