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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. They want to confirm identity so when they sell your number to the scammers who are always calling. Those scammers can be sure they know who you are. My wife has been getting a lot of calls from these people who seem to know her name and other private information that only AIS has. When they call she pretends they have the wrong number. They are asking for her by name though and this is disturbing in itself. AIS sells your phone number and personal information as does TRUE and the other services offered in Thailand. They do not check the companies buying this information apparently. The only way to stop it is to call your service and have you taken off the lists for distribution as well. Which is unnerving and in my opinion an invasion of privacy.
  2. Im actually surprised your bank sent that. Bank of America would never send me a new credit card and I need to have that sent to family in the USA. Then the family mails it to me.
  3. Be grateful then your Thai family helps you still. You must be helping them in ways that provide incentive to be so attentive. Other than that you may as well forget and stop complaining about access for disabled. You are beating a dead stick there. Thailand will not be making such changes to aid your mobility as they do not care if you get out of the house. So button your lip and kiss your families butt for helping you still. haha...
  4. The rental bike business booms there in Pattaya without any checks to see if the driver actually knows how to drive a motorcycle. Then these same drivers become overconfident and drive stupidly and fast or recklessly causing accidents. They deserve their injuries and the hefty fines they will soon have to pay for the damage they caused. In other countries you actually need a special license to drive or rent motorbikes. Thailand should adopt a safer attitude towards this. Perhaps change all the motorbike rentals to bicycles. Pattaya is not that big of a city that you could not get anywhere on a bicycle easily enough.
  5. Well, you have never been whisked away after spending time in another country partying with their leaders only to get out of your airplane and taken to a prison. It can be quite traumatic and most likely those first few hours in prison scared him into heart failure which was why they could fly him quickly to an outside hospital late at night. Then of course every time revues come up it must make him have seizures thinking of going back into prison so the doctors must be busy with that also which required even longer stays in the hospital.
  6. He must have a really small pecker to worry so much to pay bribes so others would not see it.
  7. More like this is akin to telling him in advance that they are coming to arrest him like they have done with so many other high-so who fled just prior to their arrests.
  8. They should be checking the assets and bank accounts of all people associated with this to see if anyone has recently become rich with deposits or large purchases also..
  9. For me, I feel a little light headed in the morning. I few times I have gone to see the dentist or doctor and they have told me i had high blood pressure. But, it only stays high until I have eaten something. After I eat my pressure is normal and healthy. Usually, I feel fine when j have had my first cup of coffee. I think it is the sugar also that makes me feel better but I have also tested and am not diabetic at all. The coffee though is making my blood pressure high until I have eaten something. Perhaps you need a little sugar in morning or some food to stop the feeling. Now I am waking in the middle of the night and having a cup of coffee and then sleep through the night. I do not wake feeling lightheaded anymore in the morning.
  10. exactly yet the article says they won the ice sculptor first and third place. when googling this there was nothing in Chinese news. Which if why i asked about if anyone found a link from china about it. I lived in harbin china for awhile. Every year the river freezes over and the things they make there is amazing. Which is why i was curious how that snow sculpture won. The chinese even make an ice hotel there so detailed. They have lifetimes of experience doing this. Which again makes me wonder how a Thai won.
  11. I have searched china news services and have found nothing to confirm this article. Perhaps someone else can send a link to a Chinese news agency that reported this. I do not trust Thailand news services as they seems to make their own stories without proof sometimes to make Thailand look good. I saw photos of the winner last year there in a Chinese paper. It amazes me Thailand won with the one they showed in the story. No detail. simplistic at best. So i have doubts about this story.
  12. Bar girls and massage girls are secure careers in Thailand. It does not matter how old they are to work at those places and men seem to still be paying for the old ones in pattaya for sex. Their pay is better than any office worker. Seems to me career and good profiles can match any number of sex workers in Thailand
  13. It seems nowadays all the bar girls, call girls and any girl asking money to be with you only seems to be interested in ST (short time). Pre-Covid and even before that the majority would gladly accept a customer for long time (overnight) and provide the Gf experience that was well known for Thailands women. Can anyone provide some insight to this?
  14. Well... I did say produce offspring. Not adopt offspring from other Thai. By the way, I am curious. How can they adopt a child if the Thai are in a same sex marriage? I did not know 2 women can make a baby together with only each other. or 2 men for that matter. Perhaps you misunderstood what I had said.
  15. Never heard of that, but as i think about what happened there is one thing i forgot that could make her drowning while in the hospital.. Perhaps the hospital did not check lungs for water. The hospitals are not known for their excellent thinking and care. So I guess it is possible she died with fluid in her lungs and the hospital is saving face by not disclosing this.
  16. yeah pathetic isn't it. I have never seen so many fat old ladies trying to be bar girls that are out there now. It is scary to think what it will be like in 30 years hmm... As for their population, I donated 3 kids already. Can not give more haha... It begs to wonder with their acceptance and promotions of LBGT that perhaps they encouraged many to have same sex relationships which would never produce offspring? Hence aiding in the reduction of births.
  17. The pain management center there has a neurologist there and the doctor in that pain center also has after hours offices in the newer hospital building. I know because I go to both.
  18. Sorry for asking, but why would you hope she had drowned when the article clearly states she died 30 minutes after arriving to the hospital? Clearly drowning is impossible unless they smothered her head in water while at the hospital. Perhaps this is just a case of being hit in the head and having getting blood in the brain. Since obviously the foreigner carried her downstairs while she was alive still and perhaps still awake. I would agree with you that automatic suspicious falls more quickly to the foreigner doing foul play though. Seems to happen a lot in Thailand.
  19. If you have good insurance. go to the pain management center there. Or go to the private one there at Sirirat.. My last back surgery they imported a surgeon from Australia to sever some nerves in my spine using lasers.
  20. She was able to pay the 300,000 from the money she got stealing from all the other foreigners that she came into contact with I would have to assume
  21. I send mine to Bank of America and then do a one day wire transfer which is free. The bank changes the currency to Thai baht automatically and sends that. I never lose more than a few baht to the current exchange rates online. Then when the money arrives to Thailand my local bank only takes out about 1 or 2% as fee.
  22. You can not read i guess... i clearly said watching them get customers.. I did not know men go to those bars to find customers. but maybe you do hmm
  23. sounds like you have a lot of personal experience with dealing with this. It seems safe to assume you went through this yourself and have now shared your own private insight and experience with everyone else. Thanks for your insight and experience. I hope it has gotten you happy in your new life with other men. As for the story, there are many men who go to these type of bars without ever taking a woman. Personally, I go to watch their antics trying to get customers. Occasionally I will take a woman for a drink or more if she interests me enough to consider paying a few hundred dollars on her for drinks and bar fines and then some playtime. It seem easy to come to the conclusion though that you personally go to the bars for other men and you are still fighting to come out of the closet or just recently did and trying to convince yourself that other men are the same as you.
  24. Who do you think taught him to drive and gave him money to buy a motorcycle or loaned theirs to him?
  25. That is a lot.. In the USA they just had a promotion for hamburgers at McDonalds for 1 cent.. Burger King also ran a promotion for New Years weekend to give hamburgers away for free. Your 165 baht was really a lot.
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