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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. Thats an old scam seen it pulled in UK too.
  2. Good planes but quite ancient not competetive against 4th and 5th gen fighters , they make good advanced trainers though and will easily deal with Cambodian burmese and Laos airforces if electronics upgrades are latest from elbit and latest missiles
  3. we have 5 cameras on our house in Bangsarey and also 3 on my G/F business,, but intruders still try and get in , if she is sleeping on the farm she has booby traps and a shotgun ,, at the house she is just plain paranoid its like living in a jail she locks every door as she goes,, shame really as I would love to thump a burgler with a machete or hammer,, did that at my old house in Eakmongol 1 Pattaya years ago ,about nine at night 2 young guys burst in to front room where my wife and her sister and our at the time 6 year old daughter was ,I was watching TV in another room ,heard shouting and screaming so grab my hammer and a garden machete and weighed in , result one ran away but I had his mate on the floor with a blow from blunt side of machete,, cops came took him away , and arrested his mate next day,, we had no problems with the BIB , both perps confessed and got 2 years in clink
  4. build it at Bali Hai ,,,
  5. My mate Colin has been to every corner of Thailand , Cambodia , laos and malaysia on a Honda Wave 125 so its definitely possible,, you can cruise at 80kph + easy on PCX ,, dont be put off .I have big bikes but have done Pattaya to Bangkok on Scooters several times
  6. The Chinese can fake almost any consumer product ,,,the guide is the price if its to good to be true and 1/4 of regular retail price ,, then thats a red flag Go ahead and buy one but dont cry when you are in A&E with a missing hand . leg or knob
  7. I drink my Tap water in Bangsaray or old house in Pattaya but I have triple +UV water filters in the loop drinking the bottled water or home filtered has one negative , osmosis filtering removes good elements , and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc etc from the water , you have to get them from your diet or supplements
  8. dangerous fakes Caveat emptor
  9. follow the money thats the solution either the monkeys have gone for more cash and a better job , or they have been sold for food
  10. still much cheaper than Pattaya Bars
  11. why buy online and import ???, the high quality genuine ones are easily available in Thailand and are 30% cheaper than in Europe
  12. Im a Dual national UK and another EU country all legal I actually hold 4 passports 2 from each country for business visas etc , I know lots of People who hold 2 passports especially after BREXIT some have 3 nationalities
  13. the sealing ring for concrete floors is a wax seal , I recently fitted one where thais had bodged it now no leaks and no smells
  14. Vietnam war was uneccessary war The USA made a big error in getting involved , they thought they were saving Vietnam from the Communists . But that was not actually true. Vietnam had been under Chinese domination and Kymer domination for hundreds of years , then The French came then the japanese and after WW2 the French again, Ho Chi Min was patriot who wanted Vietnam free of Foreign Domination he was a western educated socialist but disliked and mistrusted the Russians as much as Chinese . The South Vietnam government after 1956 was controlled by the rentier class of capitalist Francophile land lord class who exploited the peasants , 90 % of the souths population wanted to be unified with the North under a free socialist government Vietnam run by the Vietnamese.. The British who had only recently suppressed communists in Indonesia and Malaysia before giving those countries freedom from Empire advised the Americans in 1963 to let Ho Chi Min take control of all of Vietnam and then there would have been NO war NO destruction of Laos or Cambodia , and no massive loss of life or waste of Millions of $ . And USA would have a friendly peaceful prosperous socialist one partygovernment but anti Russia and China interference . which is what we actually have Today But the USA was paranoid and just saw Commies everywhere , and so went oto the aid of the corrupt venal South Vietnam government which was incompetent and had virtually no support from the peasants and workers .... Dont forget who got rid of Polpot in 1979 it was not the bleating West , nor the Chinese or Russians , but Vietnam , and they were condemned by the world for freeing Cambodia of its horrors , and were also invaded by China , who they soundly beat in a short war . Ukraine is an independent Democratic European country that has been invaded we must help them. Sane as we would help Taiwan, Even Today Vietnams military is prepared for war with China as its greatest and only Threat . The intervention in Iraq and Afganistan were bad mistakes and poorly handled that could have been done better ,, Russia has its own version of Nato called CSTO which is disintegrating as now only 6 countries are in it and they no longer trust Putin either .
  15. I live in Bang Sarey and all the nice Villas with pools are on East side of Sukumvit ,,as far as I know, on West side there are condos , rooms ,,but when you say Dark side it is not Pattaya its just a nice area actually prettier than the west beach side sprall Bang Sarey is a small place ,
  16. My HiLux is oil changed at shell , filters for fuel and oil and Shell Synthetic oil every 10k kms
  17. Go to Manerat in soi Post office pattaya they are very professional and efficient been in Business for over 30 years
  18. If we dont help Ukraine then Kazakstan will be next on Putrids list then Poland , Finland ,etc he must be prevented and punished even if it means WW3 , does the lesson of Hitler and WW2 not register on some idiots tiny brains The russian people are being sent for cannon fodder by a lunatic power mad despot , I dont trust USA OR uk POLITICIANS much , You do not kowtow to Bullies ,, do nothing and it only encourages more outrages and suffering
  19. there was some mention a couple of weeks ago about international cable hub links for Thailand having issues ,,
  20. My Daughter katria was at BEST from 2002 aged 3 until 2009 when she was 10 and went on to a senior school at wat Pottisamphan North Pattaya for matayom 1-6 . then to Bangkok University to study Business Degree, we found BEST to be excellent she is faultless in English and Thai both reading and writing , she loved BEST . I dont know what its like now its expanded a lot over the years but It was great for her and many of my friend Kids , The Dual language program was very good. she is 24 now and running her own business in UK .
  21. Laughable and pointless ,, there is already a huge shortage of actual flights to Thailand compared to pre covid ,, and airlines especially from Europe and ME are reluctant to add extra flights which is one reason prices are so high .
  22. No its not finished , never will be as what was done last year is already broken and will need fixing again soon,,, all of Chonburi and rayong is one vast road work due to EEC projects
  23. usually 22 mm bur not easy to get at , can use crows foot extensions and a ratchet for access if really awkward
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