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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. Thay all know where he is , he has houses in London, Paris, Switzerland he has been seen at F1 races all over the place , They have not yet put an interpol arrest warrant out on him , he could have been in Court in Thailand many times ,, they are milking his family for easy money . TIT
  2. Darren Died and they are now not very good best place is maneerat soi yamato
  3. Yes it is ,, made a big difference to me im 65 ,,, got my energy back , more active better sleep and my libido also revived , But depends where u are ,shop around as there are rip off pricing in some hospitals and clinics ,, i now pay 300 baht for genuine Bayer injections twice a month at present and but HOM Testocaps 40mg as well one a day .
  4. Big thai wholesale place behindold central mall north pattaya 3rd road they have loads of teapots
  5. My wife made a will house comes to me , I then have 2 options put it into a LTD Company or into my Thai Daughters name and she signs USUFRUCT 19 years ago her mother put 3 rai of land near Kabinburi to me ,, I then had 365 days to either sell it which I did to my wifes brother for 180,000..
  6. Its in the press ,,, apparently 3 Scots chaps in ROV crew one murders another and hospitalised the 3rd guy and then tried escaping in a chopper he is now in clink in Qatar ,, bloody heck I have had a few barnies with crew members offshore but methinks it went a bit to far ???? <deleted>
  7. Recently borrowed a Rebel 1100 DCT rode it for 2 hours about 120kms ,, usual great honda quality but a bit gutless and bland did not handle as well as my wifes 500 rebel ??? , lacked excitement DCT worked really well i also have recently tried out all Triumph Bonny models too from 900 to 1200 great quality and looks but naff engines gutless also horrible handling so ended up with a bargain new Z900 for 250k to go with my old S4 Monster here , my wife has a rebel 500 and my daughter has a Ninja 650 ,, I got a few more bikes in UK 2 750 monsters and a HD shovelhead 1200 custom and a Norton commando
  8. big GPX dealer in Prattaya same shop as Royal Enfield ,,, MITYON they are better bikes than stallions
  9. When my Ducati S4 got to 9 years old could no longer get 1st class insurance its now 20 years old only get government insurance even though the bike is like new and worth 250k
  10. OK house is in Bangsarey its 6 years old and over last year we have had a continuing bad smell in one bathroom , its on ground floor but the kitchen and other bathroom are not affected , They are not on same Cesspit tank. We have checked the U bend S bends toilet seal and shower trap all are good no pipes are blocked, chemical have been applied and cesstank emptied and inspected it seems OK . Its getting worse and its dangerous , methane and drain smells make our master bedroom unusable and potential for explosion and health issues now high. Im running out of ideas ,,, any suggestions or a good reference for a company to call in ??? area is bang sarey /pattaya
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