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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. I have a 4 stage water filter costs me about 1000 baht a year for fresh clean great tasting drinking water water bills on Thai house total 4000 a year, including washing machine , toilets etc UK house is 25,000 a year and the water tastes a bit chemical plus the UK rivers are overflowing in faeces and the water company makes Billion in profits for poor service ,, also Thai electricity bill is lower than UK one even though I have FIT , solar panels and batteries in UK , and Thailand has no clowncil Tax , UK 80,000 baht a year for nothing and the thai bin men are more reliable than the UK ones who are always on strike
  2. The super rich, elites , always win in Thailand , their cronies the Cops, Military , Bankers senior civil servants and aristocrats all benefit ,, every one else loses
  3. Camera and security lights are waste of time we have them on 2 properties ,,the burglars and cropo raiders ignore them but dogs and guns are better , deterents and actually work
  4. My entire 3 bedroom house in Bangsarey with 3 TVs 4 Aircons , washing machine , Oven etc is never more than 3000 a month even in hottest months . usually less than 1700
  5. H1 and 750 H2 rode both back in the day nasty noisy stinkwheels with hinges in the frame terrible on bends and the old Nylon Jap 70s tyres lethal in the wet,, Love my Z900 though
  6. lack of foresight poor quality lack of new tooling , lack of development despite having very talented designers and engineers but they were starved of resources , unions partly to blame , but greedy owners such as lady Docker the owner of Triumph/BSA motorcycles her husband ran the companies he spent all the profits on her diamonds , yacht and parties same in shipbuilding, cars , etc all killed by idiots and greed
  7. Put him in the same cell as Putin and let them <deleted> each other
  8. 1991 Ducati 750ss and 1977 HD superglide 1200 custom
  9. Porntip is one of the decent educated thais who actually wants to do good for the country , and dont forget the GT 200 was sold to many Law enforcement and military units all over the world
  10. its run by a private contractor anyway , totally crummy
  11. Humans are the most vicious predator on Earth we do more killing od=f everything than any other animal
  12. Dont worry , I fix mates motorcycles in Pattaya for beer vouchers , never had a problem in almost 30 years
  13. Yep should be introduced to UK ,,, we need them to control deer and politicians only problem is the woke pc nuts would insist that they are VEGAN wolves only
  14. Some of the government officers are really good they are especially good with stroke surgery and dealing with road accident injuries
  15. Hopefully they are Using concentrated Sulfuric acid to dissolve the politicians
  16. The fighter jet collided with the drone and also crashed into Black sea , Hope the pilot ejected , crazy Ruskies not very professional
  17. many years ago a small container of Plutonium from Ongarak experimental Nuclear research centre was lost , it ended up in hands of various scrap dealers who thought it was PLATINUM ,, and a few Bhudda amulets and some jewellery was made from it , some people died and others got sick before authorities recovered it all,, quite funny if you think about it but not good at all.
  18. Thai banksters will stand in front of a Tsunami and say all is fine like in 1997 ha ha
  19. Like an old SF B movie but I hope the Green Blob wins
  20. my wife won the lottery big time .....she married ME !!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I have spent a lot of time in venezuela and thailand is not in the same league, venezuela is a totally destroyed country , violent ,and bankrupt ,, Thailand is nowhere near as bad ,, it could get that way but TBH Burma is more likeVenezuela at the moment ...Thailand is more likely to be subsumed buy the Chinese ,
  22. anyone who believes in NWO conspiracy is clearly as delusional as Putin ,Trump and all the other loonies
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