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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Ooooh hit a nerve did I?

    OK well firstly, I've never said that I haven't paid for it. I have partaken - albeit very occasionally - but do I get on TV forums telling everyone that because I have paid for it, everyone else must be paying too?

    That the lines between P4P and normal relationships with women have become so completely blurred for you tells me and everyone else reading your pitiful posts exactly what you're about.

    Do you really think that saying "Come to Thailand" actually taunts me?

    I mean, you're in your 70s, right?


    It is blurred for me as well,

    I am 54

  2. Common ground with many posters (not myself) countless numbers of men come to LOS and believe they are changing the way working girls see the world. It is quite common.

    I have observed that it is not "we who believe" we can change their world view.

    In my case, I know I can not,

    What I can do, is make a difference in her life, and wish her well.

    I hope to return, but not to same same.

    I have enjoyed my time here, but have a thing about "going forth"

    and not looking at life in the rear view (pun intended)

    As for me, I see only stagnation here, and I am too young, at heart, for that.

    If she wishes to sell her home in bkk, and go back to the north country, there we could have a fresh start,

    but not here

  3. I know you are not in Thailand but in Thailand everybody pays. Everybody pays sin sot.


    I'm not in Thailand??

    Jeez bro, your dementia's getting worse.

    "Everybody pays??"

    OK you keep telling yourself that if it brings you the validation you need

    Momma said, "why buy the cow if the milk is free." This is not a new idea.

    You are such a stud that I could not imagine you posting on the INTERNET at 3:00 AM in morning if you lived in Thailand.

    Also some women in the West don't charge up front. So putting two and two together I assume you are posting from somewhere else besides Thailand.

    Also you seem to put some moral stigma on charging for sex. And that men who don't pay for sex are somehow better than men who do. That's not really a Thai idea.

    I don't give a toss what your "Momma" said.

    I'm such a stud??!! Really??!! Well thanks but as I haven't and don't intend to hand navigation of the direction my life takes to over to my cock, I can find other things to do in BKK at 3am.

    Like go to an after hours bar or club.

    Everyone pays you say but I don't see Somchai, the motorbike taxi handing over a stipend to his wife and supporting her deadbeat extended family. Hell, she's lucky to even get a look in to his wage packet and yet here you are trying to reinforce the moronic assertion that "everyone" pays.

    Anyway, you're really boring the shit out of me now so go back to chanting

    "Paying IS normal.

    Paying IS normal.

    I AM a real man.

    I AM a real man."

    You may be right about the motor bike taxi's wife,

    But what on gold earth could she possible look like?

  4. Wanting a person to wash the spoon in between the first and second cup, is clearly to me, over the top control issues

    As is the usage of the bin, instead of the toilet for paper,

    Yes, I find that control freak insanity, and, that is what the toilets are for, so yes....

    And, <deleted>, you mean, by,

    "I am up for a gentle scolding?"

    sounds to me like you are the slave

    You apply an adversarial view to your dealings with women and this is very likely at the root of your lack of success with them.

    You're a rebel without a cause.

    You're seeing control and manipulation when she's just wanting to keep her place clean and in the manner that she thinks is best.

    You're a guest - albeit a paying one - so shouldn't you try to respect her desire to do things her way in her own freakin' home rather than sitting there suggesting she's trying to control you?

    Lose the chip on your shoulder and bloody well grow up, for cryin' out loud.


    Today, I was chartered to drive a hole in her concrete wall to hang a picture.

    I have handled a drill my entire life,

    She, never, only watched other Thai repair and installation people.

    With me so far?

    She selects the drill bit. I see, it is the only bit ever used in the set. makes sense. (If you are thai)

    I compare with the screw and plastic sheath, and it sizes up. No problem, the last guy who hung the clock used the same sizes.

    So, I install the smallest bit in the drill, because I want to start the hole.

    She insists I use the larger bit. Mind you now, she has never touched the drill in her life,

    I instead, go about doing it the way I know is right, use a small bit to start the hole, so the larger bit, doesnt careen all over the wall,

    So far, so good?

    I get the hole started, and mention, this is similar to getting a woman started (goes over her head)

    Continuing with the next size, to ensure the larger size will fit.

    She comes over, insists I use the larger size.

    I attempt to do that, see the larger bit wobbling, as it is too long for the drill, and understand anymore pressure and it may snap, and I lose an eye,

    So, I go down two sizes to complete the hole,

    Does she understand any of this? no, but at the end, wanted me to agree with the use of the larger bit first, notwithstanding my safety concern.

    Yes, this is a control freak,

    I am well aware of it,

    And I enjoy her anyway

  5. they certainly are, just not the old-fashioned kind, i think "third-wave" is one descriptor?

    certainly sex-positive

    my mum too very strongly, but not as politically active

    I fully understand what you mean by "feminist" as used here

    The girl I am with is very strong willed and determined to have things her way, every time.

    I of course, placate, but, still leave my guitar on the couch, still leave my shirts on chairs and still don't use the bin for toilet paper,

    I also continue to leave my coffee spoon on the counter, awaiting its refill use,

    all of these things are simple examples, of a woman who must have things under her control,

    we all know, in the massage world, one step out of line brings in the bouncers,

    girls in the vanilla world, do not have this amount of control over men, and this one isn't easy on giving it up,

    Having been married to a Leo already, I know how to handle them, not unlike the Lion himself, who allows the Lioness to run amok, until he's determined to do something.

    Being a Leo moon sign, arrests her desire to try to control me, and puts her at rest.

    She has told me she was able to dominate all of her thai boyfriends, and that they understood when she didn't want sex from them.

    I carry that understanding, and temper it, and have had no trouble adjusting to her, nor she to me,

    Amazing tho, how the affection hs racheted up, as my departure moment grew closer tho

    Your gf wants you to clean up after yourself and you consider that shes controlling and running amok?


    If i do something that narks my bf, i do my uttmost not to do it. If i forget, im up for a gentle scolding..and will make a joke out of it.

    I call that being considerate...not about relinquishing control.

    ..and thats not even getting into the line about rebuffing a partner if you arent up for sex. There was me thinking that was a basic human right...

    Wanting a person to wash the spoon in between the first and second cup, is clearly to me, over the top control issues

    As is the usage of the bin, instead of the toilet for paper,

    Yes, I find that control freak insanity, and, that is what the toilets are for, so yes....

    And, &lt;deleted&gt;, you mean, by,

    "I am up for a gentle scolding?"

    sounds to me like you are the slave

  6. Also you seem to put some moral stigma on charging for sex. And that men who don't pay for sex are somehow better than men who do. That's not really a Thai idea.

    <deleted> company do you keep in Thailand that you think there is no moral stigma attached to charging for sex?

    Let me tell you that most young Thai guys (edit: most young educated thai guys) would consider it an affront to be paying for sex, particularly from some ratchedy bar girl.

    How do i know this? Because my bf has tons of thai male friends.

    How many thai male friends do you have? How old are you..?

    That is 100% BULL

    Just walk into any massage parlor, and you will see it primarily filled with young thai men

    • Like 1
  7. they certainly are, just not the old-fashioned kind, i think "third-wave" is one descriptor?

    certainly sex-positive

    my mum too very strongly, but not as politically active

    I fully understand what you mean by "feminist" as used here

    The girl I am with is very strong willed and determined to have things her way, every time.

    Feminist? not sure, but she does want control

    It's been an interesting time with her, no doubt

  8. It is hard for some, on TV, to imagine that some of the girls in the industry, are professional, and have separated their lives and personalities from what they do

    I can not speak for bar girls,

    I dont like them but dont condemn them either,

    I met a few ib Chaing Mai with good personalities, but had not sampled their wares mostly because, they aren't clean, and aren't tested.

    They were also most often, very drunk, and sloppy, and some, pool hustlers in particular, were a huge turn off

    I do make a distinction between bar girls, and high end massage joints, as do the proprieters of these places do, as well

    How would you tell the difference between a massage girl and a bar girl if you met them outside or work at the mall or in a restaurant?

    It requires the acknowdglement first, that there is a difference.

    The girl I am with doesn't drink, doesn't have prostitute friends, and looks like a model,

    that's one way

  9. And several female members of my extended family have indeed worked in the sex industry, and they are all very proud feminists.

    Yes sure wink.png

    No idea why you would doubt this.

    None were Thai BTW, live in Melbourne, Munich and NYC.

    The first was my wife, ER nurse, many of her co-workers moonlighted as well.

    Did a lot of activism fighting for sex-worker control of the (now legal) industry, and organized a group that coordinated volunteer workers visiting the disabled at rehab hospitals, often over the objections of administrators and patient families.

    My NYC relative is now a lawyer - paid her tuition working escort, is 100% open about it - does pro-bono work prosecuting and suing law enforcement for their very frequent abuses of power, and was instrumental in recent improvements to its landmark Safe Harbor laws, extending their protection to 16 an 17 y.o's.

    Whwn I first came here I originally wanted to help out with a great outfit works in BKK called Empower, but had to disqualify myself as an active punter. Maybe as I get older. . .

    It is hard for some, on TV, to imagine that some of the girls in the industry, are professional, and have separated their lives and personalities from what they do

    I can not speak for bar girls,

    I dont like them but dont condemn them either,

    I met a few ib Chaing Mai with good personalities, but had not sampled their wares mostly because, they aren't clean, and aren't tested.

    They were also most often, very drunk, and sloppy, and some, pool hustlers in particular, were a huge turn off

    I do make a distinction between bar girls, and high end massage joints, as do the proprieters of these places do, as well

    There is a huge difference in them, entirely which is why they can charge 4,000 Baht an hour, and not 500

  10. Yes "polluted" by all those other skanky other-naive-guys' wives, because of course mine is different.

    Fact is even if your young cutie is sincere, unless you keep her locked up she'll quickly see she's a very hot property surrounded by younger fitter AND wealthier guys - quite likely less manipulative and controlling, more respectful, thoughtful, faithful and sincere - most certainly more SANUK!

    The likely outcome is obvious. . .

    did you say, "this one's different?"

  11. most of the bar girls i no in pattaya are there for one thing money....most will not take a young guy as he can offer nothing...

    they say..old man have money..houses pension..take care good...means i can cream him off and take the lot when he is dead..

    young boy boom boom to much..drink to much..and no have nothing...why waste time...

    and yes many have more than 1 man

    and many of them "are" men

    Pattaya has some of the ugliest skanks I have ever seen

  12. This thread has become uncomfortable to read the OP starts by giving his opinion after 6 months for me I saw a common ground with many other posters. Now the thread is about his future plan sorted personal and business relationships and quite frankly TMI. Why would I care about any of that personal baggage? TBH it smells of extreme insecurity.

    Revealing that the only person to "like" your quote, was the very same person who instigated the only dispute on the thread, as semantics over what isand is not "personal" attacks, versus making statement veiled to discredit purported facts as stated by the OP and the followups

    TMI? Maybe but, others less wordly than yourself, may find some of it informative, ie.,

    how CA lawyers can be far more dangerous than a bar girl,

    or how ex wives can play legal games with us, causing great financial harm to the unprepared

    and because this particular poster was able to enjoy six months in thailand with a female native who took time off her miserable life to also have a good time and benefit greatly as a result,

    was somehow lost on the antagonist

    TMI perhaps,'but not insofar as to be insignificant to others,

    Consider some of that

  13. This thread has become uncomfortable to read the OP starts by giving his opinion after 6 months for me I saw a common ground with many other posters. Now the thread is about his future plan sorted personal and business relationships and quite frankly TMI. Why would I care about any of that personal baggage? TBH it smells of extreme insecurity.

    common ground? You all want to resCUe prostitutes???????????????

    And NO they are not your girlfriends!

    Rescue vs Enjoy and be kind too,

    is a great gap

  14. As a fellow American (now 58), I appreciate your post. Sounds like you offered to sponsor your tirak to the US. That would be a BIG mistake. Fortunately she said no. Just in case she changes her mind, don't do it! Once she arrives in the US, she will realize how popular she is with all the other American guys - young, rich, white, latin and black! Each time you say NO or she gets bored or angry, she will be at the bar picking up another dude. Your heart will be broken.

    Anyway, I don't think you will be able to date American women again. And Asian girls in the US will look right past you as if you are invisible. Therefore, I predict you will be back to the LOS. Chok dee kap...

    But all the fossils keep telling me that age doesn't matter and that girls don't prefer younger guys who are closer to their age???

    How can this possibly be????????

    Girls, maybe, but not "women"

    Women, who have been thru the proverbial mill, want security and bettter treatment,

    they will not get that from guys their age

    just my opinion, and, word for word from the girl i am with,

    people seem to object to my calling her a girlfriend,

    but that is what she has been,

    all the way


    women prefer a 50+ year old men........



    my daughter at age 25, pulled up in a car with a guy 42,

    she thought it ok, I didn't pay much attention to it, as she felt safe,

    but the guy,

    turned freakin white as a ghost

    it all depends, on the age of the father, in my opinion

    in my case, the father of the girl I am with is in his late 60's, the mother 52

    if the father was my age, its a no go

  15. Surely, you don't condemn us for that?

    Absolutely NOT.

    I don't have any issue whatsoever with an older guy who smoothes his way with women. Each to their own.

    Personally, I find it distasteful and I genuinely can't envisage the day when I'm 65 years old and actively chasing 25 year old women. Who knows, I may be wrong but hey, I'm 47 now and girls that age have little or no appeal for me. Sure, they look fabulous and their bodies are tight but, personally, I need more than that - that's just me.

    What I object to is those who insist that because they have little choice but to do pay for it with the younger women, then young men are in the same boat and that is drivel. The same seas, yes; the same boat; no freakin' way

    Actively chasing anything at any age, is the key word here...

    At 64, surely a girl 45 will be very satisfying

    At 54, I found my desire at 32

    I thought girls at 35-36 in the States were my style, but, I found them to be much more interested in guys their own age

  16. Moving on though, there is nothing wrong with large (15yrs+) age-gap relationships provided the older party accepts that:

    1. There's a massive chance that genuine love may not be the glue holding the union together and

    2. That people will look and laugh.

    That might not bother him but it could be a source of crushing embarrassment for her.

    I'm not judging anyone - I said as much in my first post on this thread way back on page 1. I've reproduced it above so you can't say you didn't see it.

    Yes many guys, old and young, pay for companionship - no one denied that but MY point is that if a man is seeking genuine companionship from a young (under 30) Thai woman who does not seek monetary compensation, a younger guy will have the older guy at a disadvantage.

    Now I fully expect you and your sad cohorts to roll out the old "what Thai woman doesn't want money??" chestnut because that's the only way old men over here have ever been able to level the playing field, but you can't get away from the truth. Any attempt to do so will attract as many laughs as your previous endeavours.

    You're wrong, I'm right . . .that's it.

    Now go drink your cocoa

    under 30 yes, agree 100%

    women have that clock ticking and feel it at 30, and fear 40,

    whereas we, are just happy to still be alive and able to compete in the game

  17. As a fellow American (now 58), I appreciate your post. Sounds like you offered to sponsor your tirak to the US. That would be a BIG mistake. Fortunately she said no. Just in case she changes her mind, don't do it! Once she arrives in the US, she will realize how popular she is with all the other American guys - young, rich, white, latin and black! Each time you say NO or she gets bored or angry, she will be at the bar picking up another dude. Your heart will be broken.

    Anyway, I don't think you will be able to date American women again. And Asian girls in the US will look right past you as if you are invisible. Therefore, I predict you will be back to the LOS. Chok dee kap...

    But all the fossils keep telling me that age doesn't matter and that girls don't prefer younger guys who are closer to their age???

    How can this possibly be????????

    Girls, maybe, but not "women"

    Women, who have been thru the proverbial mill, want security and bettter treatment,

    they will not get that from guys their age

    just my opinion, and, word for word from the girl i am with,

    people seem to object to my calling her a girlfriend,

    but that is what she has been,

    all the way

  18. I love the way these fossils try and convince themselves that it is normal to financially support someone in exchange for sex and/or a relationship.

    "cmon guys! everyone pays eventually! its no different than im 60 and paying a third world hooker half my age a monthly wage to stay with me. its normal bro"

    got to keep the 'dream' alive.

    I got your back,

    I am 54,

    she is 32

    there is no doubt what brought us together

    It's a life to live, and at 54, not to play any games, for "love"

  19. "Paying with love"? You imply that you and I are in the same league and we're SO not.

    I don't deal with bar girls like you do.

    I haven't boasted about my prowess with paid company through my 20s, 40s and 60s like you have elsewhere in this thread.

    I've had a lifetime of great relationships with normal, attractive women back home and here in Thailand.

    I've never been hosed for money, duped, tricked, fooled or otherwise by women.

    I don't have to show coin to sweeten the deal for the women I choose to associate with.

    Does any of that make me special?

    Of course it doesn't - it makes me one of millions of men all over the world with a normal, healthy attitude to the beauty and mystique of the fairer sex.

    Maybe you've been unable to find a place for yourself within the normal, effortless convention of male/female relationships that most people around the world enjoy every single day - I really don't know - but insisting that every man pays for it one way or the other is the lament of the loser.

    Sorry but that's the reality of your situation

    Everything you say is true, except for one thing:

    Some of us don't have the time to "invest" in "regular" girls, and in many cases, don't want them.

    Surely, you don't condemn us for that?

    Although, not everyone is honest about their intentions, or themselves

  20. As a fellow American (now 58), I appreciate your post. Sounds like you offered to sponsor your tirak to the US. That would be a BIG mistake. Fortunately she said no. Just in case she changes her mind, don't do it! Once she arrives in the US, she will realize how popular she is with all the other American guys - young, rich, white, latin and black! Each time you say NO or she gets bored or angry, she will be at the bar picking up another dude. Your heart will be broken.

    Anyway, I don't think you will be able to date American women again. And Asian girls in the US will look right past you as if you are invisible. Therefore, I predict you will be back to the LOS. Chok dee kap...

    I know about this risk, and, in many ways, am glad she said no, for now.

    my good friend who brought me here made it clear,

    here we are the candy, and they are dime a dozen

    there, she is the candy, and we are just the old guy again.

    I am in full awake mode

  21. What I find most remarkable,

    is the consistency with which posters are sure of another stab at life for me in thailand,

    no matter how many times I profess otherwise,

    I would rather the girl come with me,

    that is a better outcome, although I know too, that is wrought with known danger

    although, I believe I can count on a fierce loyalty from her,

    last words spoken, I am sure of the dead

  22. Time to hug it out now boys..good reading though.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Beachfront wasnt being necessarily offensive,

    just not fully grasping my situation

    writing style intersecting with subjective reasoning with a dash of different experience

    that said,

    I have ignored the fact the the girl I have been with since Nov. was a sex worker for the past 7 years, on and off

    and have instead focussed on the present,

    what happened before is insignificant, but did serve to teach me several lessons which apparently, I needed to learn and have taken those lessons,

    she also taught me to respect more genuinely, those less fortunate than myself, or others, and to be more understanding of people, both male and female, who are "working"

    in the past, I will admit freely, I wouldnt have ever taken a girl like this seriously, and I even question what seriously means,

    but there was something about her which cajoled me further, into the depths of her being, and once there, I found what I didnt expect, a wholesome girl on the inside, who is living a life, anything but, on the outside, mostly chasing a dream of happiness while shacked to the demands of her mother....it is still a riddle, and one I know, is not my place to solve......

    If she were to tell me tommorow, a day before I leave, that she wants to come to stay with me in the states for a time, she couldnt as she trapped herself into a mortgage,

    that said, I know she has talked to brokers to see about selling her house and has been told she is up about 15% on it, and who knows,

    I didnt even know she did that at the time, and this was in December while we stayed in Chaing Mai.

    I dont know the future, for either of us,

    But I do know, my future is not here,

    I told her I dont believe she has a future here,

    and I most certainly do not believe a child has a future here.

    like I said, nobody knows:

  23. Why do you sign off as '&lt;deleted&gt;' ??

    Should learn not to put yourself down so much in public.

    I was replying directly to beachfront property, who, cannot help but argue with the ether.

    apparently, no one else wants to talk to him in real life, so he comes here to attempt to justify the patheticness of his existence, by putting down the thoughts of others; rather than just hit NEXT

    AND if you read responses correctly....you's realize that you referred to YOURSELF as a "&lt;deleted&gt;" .....which I accepted.

    And If you really were responding "directly" to my posts you would have indicated why you make less than $2000 month and initially were looking for a guesthouse in Chiang Mai (although you think me "foolish" for building 5 units on the beach).

    I have NOT attacked you personally other than to point out what you have posted and how I find it inconsistent ....for example....in the beginning you posted your observations of being 6 months in Thailand ...OK ...I only pointed out that your OP indicated a frustration with getting visa ...my response ...get a retirement visa....your response ....I don't make $2000 a month ...OK fine but don't go on about gold and how much money you make and so on ...BS.....And then in you OP you thought it was unusual and not right that the children here should take care of their parents....I just pointed out this is Thailand and the system of family taking care of family is better than in the US where the old are discarded to Retirement Homes....you don't think so....OK so what...your entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

    THEN your post denigrated into a self sponsorship of how great you are, how your a sensitive artist (who by the way apparently you stole ideas from your wife..your words not mine), a financial wizard for 30 years (although you refer to yourself as a "cab driver" and "hells angel") AND doing some rich prostitute a favor by educating her and showing her the "light"

    COME ON....get real! But I have to admit I find your writing style amusing and your delusions funny .....

    So as always......SEE YAH...BYE!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Your interpretations of simple english, are similar to my last wife who was brazilian, but raised in english school with an english father and french mother; you hear what you want to hear, rather than listen,

    at 54, it is too hard to imagine the same person at 19 driving a cab?

    it also is bewildering to you, that I would be interested in buying an already built structure with an existing clientele, albeit in distress due to loans, ort any number of reasons as to why properties become "distressed" like yours perhaps, in a few years?

    that others can be more intelligent than you, or close to your intelligence, or may I hazard a stab, slightly below your infinite wisom level,

    is something you cannot comprehend?

    frankly, I find more sense coming from the lips of a drunken chaing mai bar girl, than I do your "logic"

    As they say in Long Island (NOT NYC)....you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

    As for building NEW as opposed to distressed....you haven't been in Thailand long so you can be excused.

    I have built (or should say....had built for me by a close Thai friend) 3 homes prior to this ....Made money on all ...and good money as the build out to western standards cost about $20 a square foot ......I realize you know NOTHING about building so buying a distressed building sounds good but its a problem .... there are TOO many unknowns (most importantly the foundation!)

    As for building things in Thailand ....well ...yes I'm bored so designing the building and supervising the construction keeps me busy ....I enjoy it ...kinda of a hobby.

    This latest project will provide work and income for my family when I'm gone (ie die).....so excuse my if I not only educate (of which I have post doctoral degrees) my family but provide for them (apparently something your proud you did not do for your girlfriend)

    See you still haven't responded to your lack of income.....guess that says it ALL

    Warren Buffet doesnt have income either

    Capital gains are taxed at 20%,

    why would I want income, which is taxed at 45%, plus??

    Its a numbers game, and I play the game,

    it is not considered income, and I wont bank here,

    that should be simple,

    I have done the same as you with real estate in the states for my children,

    that I do not do the same for a girl I met in thailand, who will be back in her chosen profession within weeks of my departure from her life,

    cannot possibly considered fool hardy,

    I did buy a larger fridge a hot water heater and a dinette set to eat outside though, and a few small furniture pieces for her bedroom and cabinets for her kitchen to help complete her house, but this is her house, not mine, her life, not mine, and I am not Thai, which means I will never be fully incorporated into her life here, and as of now, she doesnt want to travel to the States, so, this is the proverbial "end of the line"

    she is going back to her thai life (mostly of misery and loneliness, screwing guys she mostly disdains ansd crying herself to sleep)

    and I am going back to mine, which was fine.

    I only came here for a 10 day visit, with two pair of jeans, three tee shirts, a guitar and 2 pair of shoes and a leather jacket.

    I didnt expect to stay here, and would have left had we not met, and yes, to the poster who doesnt know this, we met "in session"

    my friend whom I came to visit thought that I shouldnt return the states without going for at least one soapy, so I did, and that was 5 months ago

    all is fair,

    she doesnt feel cheated and neither do I

    she has benefitted in many ways other than financial and furnishings, and so have I, greatly in fact.

    these girls know far more about love, than many I had met before,

    I am grateful

    so is she

    what more can anyone ask?

  24. Bringing the Hells Angels into this is completely irrelevant and I actually felt for the OP until he mentioned this.

    Reason I say is just because you're an associate of a biker/bikie gang doesn't mean shit. You know someone in a gang? So what? You're not a patched member. The people who are into it don't talk. Nor do they have money issues. And I'm not saying how I know this.

    OP I actually have nothing against you and I really do hope things work out for you back home. Even better if you ever come back to Thailand, pm me and we'll catch up for a beer, my shout.

    Not an actual reference, but an "inference" so that beachfront will consider some of his stupidity, every time he hears a bike pull up.

    I can't say that I will return here,

    I think I put in an honest journeymans wage, and don't feel it is worthwhile to return,

    I may have mentioned, I live in florida, for half of what it is costing me here, because I want to live a certain way,.

    my life is better there, and I have band mates who want me back already,

    I also have my entire family there, kids parents as well as business interests

    this was a good break from all that, but to continue it?

    I didnt enjoy it enough to want more, other than the girl,

    and, the timing is right.

    I am retired a long time, but in order to continue that, in the fashion I am accustomed, it requires "maintenance"

    I may return for a months visit,

    and then go back to florida again,

    this way, the girlfriend can continue her life, and if I return, she can have another extended holiday with someone she trusts,

    this girl trusts almost no one,

    so, I am happy I am one

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