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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Then don’t call me a zealot. Unless you can prove it.
  2. I thought it was about Greta Thurnberg being arrested at protest in Germany.
  3. You did not answer the question? You stated you know my thoughts.
  4. Can this be quantified? So she change the minds of an entire generation all over the world? Even in China?
  5. Really, then who did I vote for in the last POTUS election? Do I own a Red Hat? Do I belong to the NRA? Do I deny that CO emissions negative impact global climate? A small sample of comments does not define a person.
  6. So now you are equivocating? So no accomplishments or being famous for being famous is “bashing”? Great then in your paradigm I am a Greta Thurnberg “brasher”. Not disagreeing with you because this is your opinion.
  7. I did the SIN border bounce last month. I did the CNX-SIN and back with two night in SIN. No problems getting into SIN and no problems getting back into CNX. In my case I just had to show a new health insurance policy.
  8. Well said. Doesn’t take much to name call anyone who disagrees with your paradigm. This happens too often.
  9. Name one quantifiable thing she has done to reduce the effects of climate change? Do not say she has the raised the awareness of the effects of climate change because many have done this for a long time.
  10. So you know me? You know my beliefs? You must be all knowing. I never said anything about Climate Change or Climate Change Deniers. Also, you know for a fact that I am a “:religious zealot”? Wow, You are impressive. I comment without the need to call people names.
  11. Also, she is cuter than Al Gore or John Kerry(AKA-The Climate Czar? Allegedly.). I thought she would be invited to Davis? Of course on a private jet and a luxury hotel paid by someone else. But I guess not.
  12. It was a staged event. She was smiling while the Polizei was carrying her to the bus. They then stopped to pose for the cameras and she then did a thumbs up while in the bus. She looks more and more like someone who is interested in the “Kardashian” syndrome: Being famous for being famous without any accomplishment(s).
  13. “Illegal” prostitute. Then legal prostitutes are are approved? Never attempt to understand the why of LOS. Just accept it and carry on. In the last 7 years my ability to think analytically and logically has been diminished. This is because I have been living in CNX almost on a full time basis.
  14. Switzerland has a program that is excellent. It is completely legal and one's choice is documented on video. A nurse oversees the process. I saw a documentary on this several years ago and as i recall the program is called "Dignitas". An American with ALS went to Switzerland and ended his life there. It was as the name implies done with dignity. If I was in a similar position then I would want the same.
  15. Several years ago I saw this transpire at CNX immigration: 1. Family of four were renting a house but the landlord was out of the country. 2. The family wanted to extend their visas. 3. A TM-30 had not been filed. 4. The family could not extend their visas until the TM-30 was filed. 5. The landlord would not respond when the renters tried to contact him. The solution was for the the family to pay a 6400 Baht fine and get the the extension. Why 6400 Baht? 1600 per passport holder X 4 = 6400. Welcome to LOS, where someone must pay the fine.
  16. I thought about it but just in case I might actually need the coverage I stayed with Pacific Cross. Of course there is no guarantee any insurance company will actually pay on a claim. This is the nature of insurance.
  17. True but the OA still has one advantage: No need to put a lot of money into a Thai Bank Account. Also, getting almost two years out it is attractive. If the OA Visa Health Insurance creeps to 100K then my days in the LOS will be over.
  18. Depends on age and health history but I am under 60 and for Non OA Visa Health Insurance with Pacific Cross it was for 62,000 Baht for 2023. I expect it will be much more next year.
  19. Let’s say an OA Visa is issued on Jan 2 2023 with an enter by Date of Jan 1 2024. So if one exits the country on Dec 30, 2023 and returns on Dec 31, 2023 then one should get stamped in until the end of the Health Insurance expiry date. If one’s insurance expires on Jan 2, 2024 then the new stamp should indicated Dec 30, 2023. This is the general concept and the I could be off by a day or two. The new wrinkle is the actual dates of the OA Visa Health Insurance. I recently went to Singapore a few weeks before the end of my first year on a new OA and got stamped in for 364 days later. . In essence I got a second year on the OA. I could have taken my Border Bounce closer to my Enter By Date but did not want to take a chance on flight cancellations or delay.
  20. I have had two at Chiang Mai Ram Health Check Up Center. Last summer I paid 3600 Baht for the basic package(Blood work, urine analysis, Chest X-Ray and EKG). I do not know what the current prices are. No appointment needed just need to fast the night before and they are open at 0700.
  21. So in the end this is an accident. Therefore, no criminal prosecution but TIT? Would payment to the deceased family suffice? As a foreigner in LOS I would not want to be in her position.
  22. I have an OA. The 400/40 is old. It is now 3.Million Baht or $100,000 USD of coverage. I have had Pacific Cross for the last four years. So far no complaints. The annual premium for under 60 is 62,000 Baht. Always shop around and ask as many people you can talk to about Health Insurance in Thailand. I have never filed an insurance claim in Thailand so I do not know the value of this insurance. Really do not know if they will pay if I end up in a hospital.
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