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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. As bad as I believe Trump is for America,  I tend to be even more worried what a potential Pence administration would be like and the long lasting damage to progressive accomplishments that it might be able to achieve by cooperation with the extreme right wing factions in Congress.
    At least with Trump there is very good chance that after 4 painful years nothing will actually get done, though the federal judiciary is already no  matter what happens.


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  2. 21st Century Fox's James Murdoch slams Trump: 'There are no good Nazis'
    "These events remind us all why vigilance against hate and bigotry is an eternal obligation —
    a necessary discipline for the preservation of our way of life and our ideals," Murdoch continues. "
    "The presence of hate in our society was appallingly laid bare as we watched swastikas brandished on the streets of Charlottesville
    and acts of brutal terrorism and violence perpetrated by a racist mob." 
    "He also writes, "I can't even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists, Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so."

    Yeah, but they created the monster. Fox is sliding in the ratings and it's time to make a change is more like it.

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  3. Sean Connery for me. He had it all. Tough, funny and always got the girl. Without him it never would have become a franchise. The only reason he quit was Broccoli paid peanuts. Craig is a close second though. I'd seen him in Layer Cake and knew he'd make a great 007. Craig does have the acting chops.

    The others were too much like male models. Good article on Craig.


    "Bond’s producers regularly say they are returning to basics, or bringing out a darker edge, but Craig really supplied it: the opening sequence where he batters Darwin Shaw in a toilet was by far the nastiest scene Bond had ever committed to celluloid. The other guys, it was immediately clear, just wore the suit; this one was scarily real."





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  4.  From the OP :

    But Thompson said the move was "not adequate or appropriate" to address his request for a hearing on threats from white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups.

    "The September 12 hearing to cover worldwide threats is an annual hearing that was already scheduled prior to the domestic attacks this weekend," Thompson said. "It will not allow us to go into the depth necessary to address the far-ranging and multifaceted aspects of the threat posed by domestic terrorist threats from white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups."

    What a bunch of pantywaists. Do they self-censor themselves or are they under pressure from the troika in the Oval Office (Bannon, Trump and Gorka) to not discuss the domestic violence perpetrated by rednecks?


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  5. a handful of them (perfect definition of a circle jerk btw) gather on these threads to share links from the internet that back up their erroneous theories. of course, we all know that the media is upset with trump for thrashing their chosen candidate and making them look like novices…so there are no shortage of media links….but thats all they have. Zero independent thought or personal assessment of a situation. Be gentle to them…they're in their golden years and easily upset. lol.

    Well it's official Holmes, you're ok, you can have a circle jerk of two.



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  6. GoDaddy and Google expel Daily Stormer over victim smear


    A notorious US neo-Nazi website is being forced to switch domain name providers for a second time in a day after it disparaged a woman who died during protests in Virginia. On Monday morning, the Daily Stormer was given 24 hours to move by GoDaddy. The site was then briefly registered via Google before it acted likewise.


    Heather Heyer was killed on Saturday after a car rammed into a crowd protesting a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.


    "The domain is no longer at GoDaddy and we don't host the site," the Arizona-based company tweeted at 17:51 BST.

    Just over an hour later Google issued its own statement: "We are canceling Daily Stormer's registration with Google Domains for violating our terms of service."




    This site can’t be reached

    www.dailystormer.com’s server DNS address could not be found.


    Checking the connection

    Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS configuration

    Running Windows Network Diagnostics




    Wow, some nasty headlines there...One with the title "Jewish Problem" is probably not about finding decent bagels in your neighborhood.




    Meanwhile, the inept one shrinks back into his Ivory Tower looking for his silver spoons...


    Puhlease, all gold baby.





    And others. Hopefully enough is finally becoming enough.


    It's not just domain registrars and game chat services that are cracking down on neo-Nazis in the wake of the racism-fuelled violence in Charlottesville. Facebook and Reddit have both confirmed that they've shut down numerous hate groups in the wake of the attacks. Reddit tells CNET that it shut down the /r/Physical_Removal subreddit for content that "incites violence" and thus violates its content policy. Users in the group hoped that people in anti-hate subreddits and at CNN would be killed, supported concentration camps and even wrote poems about killing.





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  7. You are deliberately not seeing the difference. 
    Antifa have one kind of enemy: sexists and racists. These types should be all our enemies. 
    White supremacists have the following enemies: Jews, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, browns, communists and liberals. Anyone who is not white and opposes white supremacy, which is pretty much most of the world.
    While one group espouses violence against hate mongers, the other group espouses violence against anyone who opposes white supremacy. Allied troops fighting the Axis powers did not make the Allied troops the same as the Axis powers.
    Recruiting methods: Trump uses the alphabet to write words. That doesn't not make him Charles Manson or Jack the Ripper who also used the alphabet to write words.
    Don't try and create an equivalence where none exists.

    Meljames concluding opinion drips with sincerity.


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  8. mtls2005, 

    I would be interested to know, if you could provide it, the context of that first picture. Thanks.


    This is the one that gets me.






    Prior to Pearl Harbour and three days later Hitler declaring war on the US, the Nazis were filling Madison Square Gardens.



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  9. I think everyone should be allowed to post. If they are trolling, we can ignore them. If they are lying, we can call out the lies, if they are putting up spurious arguments, we can counter with credible ones.
    To paraphrase The Don: The internet aren't sending their best, they are liars, trolls, sh!t stirrers, And some, I assume, are good people. [emoji16]

    Tony Clifton was barely coherent towards the end. He's rumored to be in Pattaya with this guy.


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  10. I really do not have the time or the patience.

    Actually, conveniently the screen shot of the video on the  page below shows it. Slap bang in the middle under the play button.

    You can also forward to 0.13.






    You're delusional James. I watched the clip from RT. The vehicle is attacked AFTER it started plowing into the crowd. You're only seeing what you want to believe.


    RT clearly states that the vehicle was attacked after impact.


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