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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. On 12/3/2019 at 6:53 PM, pgrahmm said:

    Tall claims considering consistent accurate record keeping world wide with reliable instruments might, possibly, maybe, have been employed for possibly as many as 150 years during the millions of years of the earth's existence... 

    One of the funniest posts I’ve read on this crappy anonymous forum in a very long time. Google is your friend. 

    Educate yourself.



  2. 2 hours ago, buffallobill said:

    I  have lived in Pattaya,  in the same house for 4 years, I  am on a extension of stay based on retirement,  I have been out of Thailand many times,  and have never got or been asked for a TM30,  I don't even know if my landlord filled one in when I became a Tennant. I  just use my Thai  driving licence as proof of address, and never had a problem at Jomtien immigration,  I  suppose ignorance is bliss ?

    I live in Chiang Mai under the exact same circumstances. 


    Three 90 day reports ago I was asked for a TM 30 by the woman checking papers. Didn’t have one and she gave me a frowning face but processed the report. Went home and downloaded a copy and had the landlord fill it out for the next report. Next 90 day another woman said “you only need this if you change address”. Following 90 day report was processed without TM 30. 


    Went in in to renew my retirement Visa and a TM 30 was required. Was sent upstairs where I was given a Receipt of Notification (I believe she reviewed the records online and I’ve had the same address for over 3 years). 


    After the Visa was approved I asked the fellow when a TM 30 is required. He said every time you enter the country. 


    Got there at 6:00 am and was out by 6:00 pm along with 2 young Chinese students.


    Just to be safe you should have a landing card, 90 day report and TM 30 stapled in your passport. I know a couple who exit the country more than six times a year who do. Mind you, they have an agent doing it all.


    This may be the crux of the problem.Creating business for the agents and kick backs.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Topdoc said:

    Bellingcat is a group of people who make use of internet and social media to support their theories. 
    They are funded by George Soros who has warned that Russia's expansionism poses an existential threat to the EU and called for greater material support for Ukraine.
    So don't expect anything impartial from them!

    Here’s a link to the Wikipedia page regarding Bellingcat. 


    Totally  cool. 


    Bellingcat (also rendered bell¿ngcat) is a website founded by the British citizen journalist Eliot Higgins. Bellingcat publishes the findings of citizen journalist investigations into war and the criminal underground. The site's contributors also publish guides to their techniques, as well as case studies.[1]





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  4. 7 hours ago, The Renegade said:

    There is a very big difference between identifying  the missile used and who actually fired it.


    There will be more than 1 Russian unit carrying  or using Russian made missiles, and of course none will have disappeared to be sold on the black market.

    Don’t worry, they know who the crew is and those boys are in deep trouble. Take your pick, criminal procedures in a Dutch court, or a bullet to the head. 


    We provide partially anonymized information regarding 14 officers of the 2nd Battalion of the 53rd Brigade, including the commanders of the Buk unit vehicles within the battalion.




    The investigation is confirming what Bellingcat has already found.

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  5. 6 hours ago, riclag said:

    His involvement with the Campaign was perfectly legal.The crimes that he was indicted for are all process crimes which occurred before the Campaign . He's innocent until proven guilty . He was a good staffer. He was brought in to take care of the delegate selection during the GOP Primaries. I believe without his help it would of been very difficult to get those GOP delegates to commit to DT .I'm confident he will get what's coming to him


    555. And he was one of all the best people.

  6. 1 hour ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I think I can explain this one.

    Thai culture is different to western culture, one of the ladies once explained to me, once they had given a guy access, after they had broken up they would still allow access. As she said to me, "If I liked you enough to have sex with you once, why would I change my mind later?"

    It makes sense to me anyway.

    Or, she may be a slut but she’s alright with me.

    -Todd Rungren

    From the song Slut.

  7. 1 hour ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    A good cause but Piracy endangering life on the high seas has been a Death Penalty crime since ancient times. Whenever there dupes hassle me on the street with clipboards I give them the same as BKK “questionaire “ scammers. Pffft!!


    I don’t need any more whale sashimi but who are they to demand the Japanese change their culture? (There are plenty of Minke whales by the way, and as there are “influential people” involved in the mineral extraction game here there stay is sure to be brief)




    Mostly they’re putting thier own  lives in danger.


    Japanese whaling exists to support a culture of government bureaucracy, and is not a part of Japanese culture. 



    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, puchooay said:

    Funny. There're 2 old blokes in a restaurant somewhere in Issan. They have motorbikes and are wearing som jackets with some kind of colours on them. 


    They were probably in that restaurant to collect their protection money. Maybey they were dropping off a stash of class A. Of course they were. That is why they were wearing their jackets with  " I'm a big shot criminal get me out of here" colours on the back. 


    So funny I think I  pi@@ed myself. 


    Yeah. I remember a flea bag hotel / strip joint I would occasion that was bought out by the Hells Angels. 


    Come 11:00 pm the pub manager would drop the loud Hawaii shirt and put on his colours. 


    What swagger. So funny I think I pi@@sed myself.


    Latter they bought out another flea bag hotel / strip joint that had got in trouble for illegal gambling. Poured a fortune into renovations. He was the front for the owner.


    They also owned two stripper booking agencies and a Safeway’s grocery market the peelers would work at as cashiers once they retired. They make a lot of money and don’t f$ck with thier investments.


    Ah, the circle of life. 

  9. Scum now have a chapter club house in Chiang Mai as well. 


    Knew a a guy in his early seventies who described himself as a mortgage banker. 

    He and a moneyed partner who liked to deal on the shady side would put together real estate deals laundering money. 


    Had a couple of interesting stories regarding Hells Angels and associates, including one where he and his partner were blindfolded and driven to a warehouse. Described it as like being in Home Depot. I think he was referring to the racking which had boxes filled with money. 


    They had to decline. To much money and and they never made promises they couldn’t keep and would get them killed.


    So much money and no way to spend it. I wonder why they’re in Thailand. 

  10. 1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

    The baht is not tied to USD or to any other currency.

    The baht is tied to a basket of currencies dominated by the US dollar, and to the value of it’s foreign reserves ( do an online search ).

    What do you think would happen to the baht if Thailand burnt through all its US$ and could no longer trade using that currency? Obviously it would tank.

    The stability of the Thai baht is based upon its ( largely US ) foreign reserves, and when the the value of those reserves depreciate so does the value of the baht. 

    I experienced it directly during the 2008 crisis when the baht and US$ devalued against the Canadian dollar. 



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