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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. And the pressure just keeps on coming to Trump & Friends.


    Republicans with close links to the White House increasingly believe that special counsel Robert Mueller is “going for the kill” in his investigation into links between President Donald Trump and Russia, according to a report from Axios Tuesday.

    Members of the GOP are said to have come to that stark conclusion based on Mueller’s hiring of lawyers experienced in dealing with money laundering crimes and the Mafia, as well as the intensity of his pursuit of both witnesses and evidence.

    The new report comes just days after Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, told CBS’s 60 Minutes that Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, which he called the worst mistake in “modern political history,” led directly to the appointment of Mueller to oversee the investigation.


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  2. I don't know anything about this guy because he is insignificant.   In 40 years of living in the US I never met a Nazi. There just aren't any(OK maybe a couple dozen in the Atlantic video here). Except for the liberal media, excited to poetry Trump and his supporters as Nazis, these guys would have no voice.  


    A vast majority of Americans are pro integration and want no government interference on social, sexual , or any other prejudice.  To say otherwise is obsurd. 


    If the Dems keep on with this nonsense( and the Russian thing)  they will lose even more seats in congress than they have(they are at an all time post-war low now i believe) 


    You should be doing research on your leaders affinity for figures on the extreme right.


    "Adam Jentleson, a spokesman for then Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, said: “It is easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion when Trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of white supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide.”




    No, this isn't Bannon. But he's still there.







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  3. Well if you google Hilary and lesbian there are many accusations of abnormal sexual behavior. Don't think it's all from the right either






    Never been interested but had to check it out. Support for the theory Hillary is a lesbian is weak. Other than conservatives, lesbians would most want her to be gay, and they don't buy it.



    "I’d personally love a lesbian president, but Hillary Clinton won’t be it. In 2008 conservatives leaked story after story about Barack Obama being bisexual and taking drugs. It was as true as the birtherism movement about Obama being born in Kenya."





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    Good article. Worth the read.


    Since sources aren't revealed, it would be interesting to confirm if all four of the pee tape sources were hotel staff.


    "It is also hard to believe that Orbis could have four separate sources reporting on the alleged sexual incident at the Moscow hotel. The reputation of the elite hotel in the center of Moscow depends on the discretion of its staff, and crossing the FSB is not something taken lightly in Russian society. A source that could be so easily identified would be putting themselves at significant risk."


    Without doubt the hotel staff would get to know the FSB agents working the hotel guests very well.


    Particularly the night staff.


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    You still don't get it. The AG can be fired at any time for any reason. I'm sure Trump thought about the Russia thing that your leftist pal Van Jones described as a "nothing burger". The current AG says there's not a "whiff of interference of Russian interference.
    So, I'm afraid I can no longer join you people in your Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy theories- except to laugh at them.

    You don't get it. You obviously aren't keeping up. Do you understand obstruction of justice?

    Trump has in the Washington Post interview admitted to obstructing justice.

    This is also why his original draft for firing Comey is so important. He's stated it's to prevent that Russian thing.

    And why Bannon is deflecting by claiming it was Jared's decision.

    Did President Trump act illegally, obstructing justice? Perhaps. It seems fairly clear (at least if you believe former Director Comey, which I do) that the President did seek to “influence” (a statutory term) the “due administration of justice.” The remaining issue is what his motivations were, and whether those motivations fit the statutory requirement that the obstruction be conducted with a “corrupt” state of mind. Comey’s firing is the best evidence so far (when coupled with the earlier interactions) that Trump was acting corruptly.


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  6. Wow, so much leftist desperation there.  First, you refer to a case that was thrown out of court. You move on to a debunked *dossier*. Then, you transition to a desperate hope of tax fraud despite having even less evidence than the Russian hooker story.
    At least your spreading your desperate hopes around. That way, when one circles the drain, you can still cling to others.
    Good luck!

    Trump claims the pee tape doesn't exist because he's a germaphobe. They never claimed he participated, trump likes to watch. You gotta luv it.

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  7. Thank you!  
    American actually but cherio!
    I would just say AP to me would be Hard Left.
    Alt Right? I mean Alt to what?  
    Also I did a check and Spenser( English name , no?) claims to be a white NATIONALIST not Supremacist. 
    Not sure what that means but perhaps he just prefers days of Mid Somer Murders and Foyel's War to the Wire and West Wing. 
    Tell the truth, me to. 

    American? Hallelujah Jesus. 555.

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    Ummm.... you don't get it, do you? The president can fire the AG any time he wants- Russia thing or not.
    Now, your last statement. Was that an accusation or an admission? I honestly can't tell.
    And would you like to bet a donation to thaivisa.com that Trump will not be indicted for obstruction of justice? Even better, can you provide anything beyond wishful leftist thinking that Trump is guilty of it?
    Thanks, I think I'll go with the opinion of the best-known Harvard Law professor over what some desperate losers, still grieving over Hillary losing, think.

    Yeah, Dershowitz says the president can fire the AJ. So what? Duh.

    Are you disputing that Trump fired Comey over this Russian thing?

    Update, May 12: After we posted our story, NBC News posted the full interview with Trump. The president said that he thought about “this Russia thing with Trump and Russia” when he decided to fire Comey.
    “[Rosenstein] made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it,” Trump said. “And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”


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  9. Well I don't know this chap but I know the Atlantic. Left-wing nut jobs. Let's see, they are for:


    transgender toilets in grade schools


    no boarders let everyone migrate to the West for diversity 


    tax the rich(this means you-if you make over 30k a year)


    government programs are a great solution to all problems ( but can't think of one actually solved)


    there is no God or acts of Grace  - just pedofile priests praying on our youth


    sooo, maybe he's a Nazi. But pretty sure they would put many of us in that camp(pardon the pun)


    How a about these "chappies" ol'boy?


    The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and did so according to the Associated Press to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[5]




    You're an embarrassment to every Brit.



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  10. Steve Bannon reportedly wants Reince Priebus to testify that Jared Kushner was behind the FBI director's firing. According to Vanity Fair, Priebus believes Trump was persuaded to fire Comey by Kushner and his wife, Ivanka


    Maybe the rare time that Priebus and Bannon were on the same side.


    Nah, trump fired Comey because of that Russian thing. Others obviously agreed, but his bad decision. Own it.


    "Update, May 12: After we posted our story, NBC News posted the full interview with Trump. The president said that he thought about “this Russia thing with Trump and Russia” when he decided to fire Comey.

    “[Rosenstein] made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it,” Trump said. “And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”





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  11. Alt right is as far as I can see Newspeak for 'Far right'.

    A little on the white supremacist who coined the term alt-right.


    But after the Christmas party, my indifference slowly gave way to a surreal curiosity, on its way to loathing. I monitored his activities, distantly. Spencer’s writing kept appearing, advancing ever more extreme opinions in ever more obscure journals. In 2008, he began popularizing the term alt-right. On Facebook, he posted images of himself with John Derbyshire—a polymathic, often charming writer who was fired from National Review in 2012 for racism—and Richard Lynn, an English psychologist who has argued that East Asians are slightly smarter than whites, who are in turn much smarter than blacks. Spencer hosted Ron Paul, then not yet widely known to have published antiblack screeds in the 1980s and ’90s, at his discussion club.


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  12. 15 hours ago, iReason said:
    Personal bodyguard quits after 18 years at Donald Trump’s side
    "During the election campaign he was privy to almost every conversation Mr Trump had."
    "Mr Schiller’s closeness to Mr Trump and his role in Mr Comey’s firing mean he is likely to be sucked into special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion with Russia and could incur legal costs."
    “Schiller knows where the bodies are buried and how the President ticks.”
    Time to lawyer up Mr Schiller. The writing is on the wall.


    Better link.


    555. Yeah, couldn't take the pay cut and is leaving for more money.


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    There will be no obstruction of justice charge because there none. So you're stuck with that, no matter how long it takes you to find out.
    What more is there to say about his tax returns? You're not going to see them, no petition does anything to change any outcome and most importantly of all- many if not most Americans are educated enough to understand them anyway.

    No, but Mueller is going through them ( and others) as we speak.




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  14. I meant he may die. Duh! 

    Based on history, that's the most common way a sitting president leaves the scene. 

    That happens to lots of men like him over 70 that eat poorly and don't exercise very often. 

    If he's just very incapacitated and hospitalized, then yes, the vice president does take over at least until he recovers, or IF. 

    Trump is a demented old fool. All he needs is a pulse and his supporters will stay with him.



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  15. The case for Trump-Russia collusion: We’re getting very, very close
    "In backing Donald Trump, Russia’s oligarchical class sought not only to disrupt U.S. politics but also to reverse sanctions, both those applied in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and those connected to the Magnitsky Act, which targeted officials involved in human rights violations."
    "In seeking Russian support, Trump sought not only to become president but also to make money: Even as he launched his presidential campaign, he hoped to receive a major influx of money from a proposed Trump Tower in Moscow."
    "Certainly the Trump campaign had this kind of information — recently, one of Trump’s online campaign managers bragged to the BBC about their ability to “target” on Facebook and elsewhere."

    My money is on Jared Kushner. The one wanting a secret communications channel with the Kremlin.

    "The candidate, in turn, asked his son-in-law to take over his Facebook initiatives."



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