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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. They aren’t being poisoned by Russian oligarchs. This is revenge by the Russian secret services, pure and simple, either directly ordered by Putin or with his tacit approval. 

    Putin is supported by a mafia state of oligarchs. They either support him, or die, or are imprisoned. 



    • Like 2
  2. According to the girl friend the school was going to be give her a prize as “top student” to shut her up. 

    She wouldn’t accept the prize from her prof ( no doubt told to shut her up) and wouldn’t “bow to his toe”. The prof lost it and then struck her. The gf says their all part of the gang. 

    Actually their “all part of the gang” explains how she was put in the position ( her assignment from the school) to discover their corruption. 


    • Like 2
  3. On 3/3/2018 at 8:45 PM, wotsdermatter said:

    Can somebody please explain why so many people from the USA wrote comments when the person posting asked about a CANADIAN issue?  In Canada, we have different laws, etc. and thus the answers from the USA do not necessarily apply.


    Rob and Catoni, I am from Canada and know the requirements to obtain a Non-Immigrant O-A Visa from the Royal Thai Embassy but nothing about what is required by Thai Immigration while in Thailand.  The reason for writing this screed is because of your statement.  First, and this I do know about, be careful because the Canadian Government only allows a person out of the country for 6 months and they can receive OAS and CPP during that time.  If the government find you are out of the country even one day over that time, they stop all payments until you return to Canada and reapply for both.  When reinstated, the payments will not be retroactive but start from the date the OAS and CPP payments are re-instated.  Also, if from Ontario, OHIP is only usable for seven months of a year.  Just before I left Canada in December, the Canadian Government announced that they propose to link all persons who are leaving the country and are receiving OAS and/or CPP, with immigration at ALL departure/entry points, i.e., airports, ports, land border exits/entrances, and railway locations, in order to have records of those people in an attempt to prevent us from continuing to receive payment when out of the country for more than the allotted time limit.  It is supposed to be introduced in the near future but no date fixed as yet.

    I also just applied for and am receiving OAS. 


    Cheers and God bless Canada.







  4. On 3/3/2018 at 8:45 PM, wotsdermatter said:

    Can somebody please explain why so many people from the USA wrote comments when the person posting asked about a CANADIAN issue?  In Canada, we have different laws, etc. and thus the answers from the USA do not necessarily apply.


    Rob and Catoni, I am from Canada and know the requirements to obtain a Non-Immigrant O-A Visa from the Royal Thai Embassy but nothing about what is required by Thai Immigration while in Thailand.  The reason for writing this screed is because of your statement.  First, and this I do know about, be careful because the Canadian Government only allows a person out of the country for 6 months and they can receive OAS and CPP during that time.  If the government find you are out of the country even one day over that time, they stop all payments until you return to Canada and reapply for both.  When reinstated, the payments will not be retroactive but start from the date the OAS and CPP payments are re-instated.  Also, if from Ontario, OHIP is only usable for seven months of a year.  Just before I left Canada in December, the Canadian Government announced that they propose to link all persons who are leaving the country and are receiving OAS and/or CPP, with immigration at ALL departure/entry points, i.e., airports, ports, land border exits/entrances, and railway locations, in order to have records of those people in an attempt to prevent us from continuing to receive payment when out of the country for more than the allotted time limit.  It is supposed to be introduced in the near future but no date fixed as yet.

    Please provide a link.


    In the mean time for your review.




  5. 23 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    It always aggravates some people that their government assumes that they're liars until proven otherwise


    Yes, the whole innocent/honest until proven otherwise thing seems to upset some other nationalities. Seems their governments have a pretty dim view of their own citizens. I wonder if they allow their citizens to testify in court with a simple oath or possibly they use water-boarding to get to the truth.



    Brilliant, more little white lies. I’m sure your embassy rolls it’s eyes when you declare your income. I’ve never met so many economic refugees on starvation pensions.


    Did you ever think they’d rather have you here, than littering the streets back there?

  6. Three years ago a friend of mine, at his insistence, attempted to courier my lap top to me in Chiang Mai from Canada using FedEx.

    Long story short, I never received the lap top and it was returned to my home address, (after over 25 email exchanges with FedEx in Canada, and my friends dogged pursuit) three months later with FedEx reversing all charges. 

    It started with an email from FedEx / Customs? stating I was to pay a undetermined amount of tax and duty and pick the lap top in BKK. It only got worse from there with them telling me to mail my passport to them, and including having me go to Chiang Mai airport were the customs agent said the phone number was not in Thailand and that this was a scam he had seen many times before.

    Do not courier anything into Thailand. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    The Russians have had a great ROI. FB says the Russians spent $46k on false advertising, while a Senate Committee put the figure at around $100k.

    The aim was to disrupt the political landscape of the USA, not to get Trump elected. This can be easily shown because they organised the anti-Trump rally outside Trump Tower AFTER his election (as per FB).

    The Dems and the US media have ensured with their ongoing silliness, that the political scene is in turmoil in the USA. A great Return on a paltry investment.

    Wrong as usual.




    The endeavor, at one point, had a budget of $1.25 million a month, allowing it to pay hundreds of operatives to engage in a surreal campaign meant to interfere in American democracy that appears to have been financed in part through a catering company (one that reportedlytreats workers poorly, at that).

    • Like 2
  8. 32 minutes ago, tokachinter said:

    I would like to know any facts that support this strange statement, which is contrary to Russia's obvious support for the Syrian government and none for any of the invading regimes.

    But in retaliation for the Kurdish shift into the US camp, Moscow reportedly told the Turks that their attack on Afrin would not be opposed by Russian jets and air defence systems.


    Just google it.

  9. According to the GF who has been following this on Thai news he was busted at a previous school for “touching” a ten year old girl, and was then transferred to the other school with a 5% drop in pay for two months (there may have been a lump sum to the parents as well).

    The parents of the 14 year haven’t filed a police report, possibly because they’re looking for a pay out. 

    He has a twenty year old wife he married at 16 who’s just now left him. 

  10. Just a heads up if you have, or are considering these tires.

    With less than 10000 km I noticed the rear slip while cornering under acceleration. I checked the rear tire and found this odd wear pattern. Every second tread was considerably more worn than the first. This wear forms a pattern that can be seen in the attached photos. 

    I took it into the shop where I’d purchased the tires and they said they’d never seen wear like it before. They replaced the tire free under warrant ( fortunately I still had the receipt and warranty card ). The front looks ok.


  11. He provided them all with land and houses and taken care of their every need. What? 120 women and 28 kids? Unless he is a multi dollar millionaire, then sorry but I think this guy is a fantasist.

    More like the myth is born. He likes them young and isn't going to be supporting some old bird without having children.

    The others have long gone and found new "husbands".

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  12. Trump Supporters Hold ‘Mother Of All Rallies’ In DC; You Won’t Believe The Turnout (IMAGES)and (Video)
    Back in 2016, Republicans supported Trump for a reason. But after his stupid behavior since he took the oath, coupled with his light reaction to the Charlottesville incident, Trump lost most of his support.
    A pro-Donald Trump demonstration called “Mother of all Rallies” saw a laughable turnout. And it must be really embarrassing for the amateur president.


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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