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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. On 2018-05-07 at 7:28 PM, BuriramSam said:

    I peeked at the NY Times piece- pretty long. Logic would dictate that since you are accusing Cohen of fraud, your example of chicanery posted would be that of fraud. How is flipping properties fraud?


    “I peeked at the NY Times piece-pretty long.”

    And no doubt it was too long to hold your attention.


    Its called money laundering for organized crime. Duh. 

    Had to edit to add: you obviously don’t understand he doesn’t get to keep the money. The majority goes back to the mob that paid 3 times market value for the property. 

    Cohen just takes his cut.

  2. 2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    She was also at pains to explain that the foreign reserves were still in the form of foreign currency, which was something that did not deteriorate


    Really? My foreign currency reserves, in British pounds, have dropped alarmingly over the last couple of years. 


    Once Brexit is complete you will be welcome to the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand basket of currencies.


    How to survive as a small fish in a big pond? Keep the value of your currency down. 

  3. 7 hours ago, riclag said:

    PT was DT, Celebrity Billionaire ,womanizer, turn POTUS. Everyone knew that before.The left can't get over it. Maybe they don't want Americans enjoying the lowest unemployment in decades,3.9%.It's obvious they don't want to denuke NK or IRan, at least not by him .Also, no mention of destroying the ISis Caliphate .He dodged the access hollywood tape he'll get out of this  non presidential event.

    So Cohen is a mobster laundering money. I’m sure Trump is going to put this putz to shame.


    “His companies would buy a building, often in cash. Soon after, they would flip the building in another all-cash deal for four or five times the previous purchase price. The buyer was generally another limited liability company.”


    Cohen is looking at serious time for numerous fraud activities.


    Read it and weep.




    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, CharlesSwann said:

    Such immoderate language. That proves your reason is swayed by your emotions and therefore your opinion may be comprehensively ignored.


    It wasn't rape. They were adults. They knew each other. They voluntarily got themselves into an intimate situation. They weren't locked in. They knowingly took the quaaludes (or whatever it was) and adults should know what that's about.


    It's only years later when they learned that it happened to others that they decide they regretted it and to salve their own consciences claim they were 'assaulted'. It's to bolster their own self-esteem and garner the quota of sympathy and attention that society (especially the media) is now too keen to dole out. That much sympathy and attention is irresistible - especially, it seems, to women.


    No, I wouldn't want to live in a society where there is no risk-taking, no edge, no personal responsibility for your own actions. Sexual situations involve highly subtle, fluid dynamics. There is some risk, possibly even of some 'depravity'. Good. Where would sex be without a touch of depravity? (to quote Seinfeld).


    One simply has to know the routines and act responsibly. If these women were upset at what happened, the judge should tell them to act more responsibly in future. At worst, a moderate compensation might be appropriate - certainly not a destroyed life (not to mention those of Cosby's family too, over whom this will be a punishment forever). That's way out of proportion, and only snowflakes, puritans, and members of the Faith Militant would think it appropriate.

    555. I wonder how much he was paid for these endorsements.


  5. This is why she’s important. Well worth the full read.


    “Now, however, the Southern District can investigate potential Trump crimes in any area connected to Cohen, a fixer who is known to have arranged payoffs to an adult film star who says she had an affair with Trump. These prosecutors can go back  as far as they want before the election, not to mention during and after it.” 






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  6. 29 minutes ago, Mansell said:

    Funnily the Liar in Chief tends to send off more lies when his back is against the wall. Supposedly his handlers/advisers told him to stop Twittering about Stormy as he was only adding more grist to the mill. Laughingly he he cannot control his little Twitter fingers, they seem to have a life of their own. Down the road this will all make a great movie, especially all the behind the scenes dramas.....a bit like the last days of Hitler in the bunker movie. 555


    Or Death of Stalin.

  7. 3 hours ago, Trouble said:

    I'm going to remain suspect of this chemical weapons thing.  I can't see what's in it for Assad to use chemical weapons for the little military benefit versus the known reaction from the western governments.  It's like waving a red flag in front of a bull.


    They hide underground where the bombs can’t reach them, but the gas will.


    “Activists on the ground in Syria say the attack killed more than 40 people and injured hundreds more sheltering from bombing in basements beneath the city. Video footage and witness testimony suggests that gas seeped down into the basements, suffocating the victims.”


    Two bombs filled with chemicals were reportedly dropped several hours apart on the town, allegedly targeting civilians hiding underground from regular bombs. Gas, heavier than air, seeps down into basements.





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