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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. In five states with republican governors, republican attorney generals, and republican legislatures full blown investigations were conducted into voter fraud. They all found virtually nothing. And clearly, these were people with a high motivation to find evidence of fraud.
    In addition, voting is a right not a privilege. Licenses are for privileges, like being allowed to drive a car.
    What's more, there is even discrimination there. These republican states purposely make it difficult to get a license. DMV offices are far and few in Southern Texas for example Texas refuses to have evening hours for registration which means poorer people have to miss work to register. Also, they discriminate even in regard to state licenses. Again, in Texas, a hunting license is okay, a driver's license works, but an ID card from the Texas University system doesn't. I wonder why that is?
    In Georgia a lawsuit was brought against the governemt because lots of poor rural blacks didn't have cars to get to far away DMV offices. So Georgia came up with a remedy. A van to register voters. That's right, one van for the whole state of Georgia. And the Feds approved it. And you know who was in charge of the office that signed off on it. Hans Van Spakovsky - one of the right wing zealots leading the charge on voter id.
    Voter ID checks are a solution in search of a problem.

    Nice. You're with ireason for smackdown of the year.



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  2. So what I thought the answer is they can't vote. 

    It very rare.

    We all know where the Ahab is coming from.

    Non-citizen voting is very rare.
    Multiple nationwide studies have uncovered only a handful of incidents of non-citizens voting. Based on state prosecution records, votes by non-citizens account for between 0.0003 percent and 0.001 percent of all votes cast. Election officials agree that there is no serious problem of non-citizen voting in our elections. The National Association of Secretaries of State, whose Republican-majority membership includes the chief elections officers of 40 states, said they “are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump.”



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  3. And amazingly they are still number 1  




    guess the others really suck!



    Yes, but they're a dying breed, and starting to smell.


    The median age of a primetime Fox News viewer is 68, according to Nielsen. That means half of the channel’s viewers are older than 68. CNN’s median primetime viewer, meanwhile, is 59.






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  4. Texting dick pics.


    Eric Bolling, a longtime Fox News host, sent an unsolicited photo of male genitalia via text message to at least two colleagues at Fox Business and one colleague at Fox News, a dozen sources told HuffPost.






    He'd threatened the reporter who originally exposed him (no pun intended) with a 50 million dollar lawsuit.





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  5. The US needs to get the Trump crime syndicate fitted for orange jump suits right now. Junior has admitted that he was colluding with a foreign adversary to over throw an election.  Isn't that treason?  What if you were to collude with Iran, North Korea or Cuba to throw the US election?  You and I would at least  serve multiple life sentences for the crime, if we didn't receive the death penalty.  These grifters need to be held accountable once and for all, if there is any respect for the rule of law.

    Fun read if you're interested.

    What Is Collusion? Is It Even a Crime?
    The president’s son met with a Russian lawyer offering damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Does that mean the campaign colluded with the Kremlin? We asked legal experts to size up the evidence.


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  6. I am sure that all departments of US intel vet applicants to the US presidency. So we may take that as a given.  So far, no agency has stated that the incumbent is not suited for the job.  They have had ample time and I am sure have scrutinized  any evidence.  They have kept "mum" to quote a pommy saying.  Do you not think that they would have made public, anything to protect US.
     Or do you think this may be part of the issue.  Personally I don't think the POTUS has a good moral character. But many presidents prime ministers and so on also do not qualify.And my opinion and tours does not count.   Democracy counts, and that happens at the voting booth. Politics 101.

    Just so you know, this is how candidates are vetted.

    It was Jeb Bush who commissioned the Steele dossier "pee tapes" on trump. This dossier floated around Washington for months prior to being leaked ( no pun intended ) to the press.


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  7. I am sure that all departments of US intel vet applicants to the US presidency. So we may take that as a given.  So far, no agency has stated that the incumbent is not suited for the job.  They have had ample time and I am sure have scrutinized  any evidence.  They have kept "mum" to quote a pommy saying.  Do you not think that they would have made public, anything to protect US.

     Or do you think this may be part of the issue.  Personally I don't think the POTUS has a good moral character. But many presidents prime ministers and so on also do not qualify.And my opinion and tours does not count.   Democracy counts, and that happens at the voting booth. Politics 101.



    You're sure, but as usual, you're wrong. Political parties and the press may vet candidates, but not the intelligence community, unless you live in Russia, or China, or etc etc etc. If you get my meaning.


    Found this humorous article from 2010 on Americans vetting their leaders.


    Then reform-minded Clinton came along and the five or six corporations that owned the media got to work again. We learned that in 1964 he had ordered a ham sandwich and then we went through literally every second of his existence from that point on. We even hired a full-time prosecutor to investigate him 24 hours a day. Now that’s vetting. And while this was happening Clinton raised minimum wage and capital gains taxes and a slew of other things that made the four conglomerates that owned the media and most of Congress really mad. But finally the diligence of the American press and people paid off and we learned he had received a blow job. Once again America had vetted its leaders.






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    Except you only read the first paragraph.  I just got my wife her green card and went through the system.  Those qualifying for DACA gave them a delayed deportation of 2 years.  So it served no purpose for them to not apply for a green card.  This is not Citizenship!  The two are totally separate from each other. All they needed to do was to file for a Green Card (Legal residency).  Then after a prescribed time (5 years) you can apply for citizenship. All this takes money and money Congress refused to fund.  Immigration is self funded via fees.  Most failed to do this or lacked the funds to do it.  But it was available to them. Per the article you just quoted:
    Form I-131 Application Type D*, with a fee of $575 needs to be submitted to USCIS.[50]
    (It should be noted Form I-131 must also be submitted by anyone that applies for a "Green Card" or other residency option regardless of how they arrived upon US soil).

    The two most common ways to receive a green card include sponsorship by family members or employers - yet many DACA recipients may not have immediate family members who are US citizens or lawful permanent residents. Furthermore, many employers may be reluctant to sponsor immigrant employees due to the cost, time, effort, or logistical challenges.


    Congratulations to your Misses.


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  9. Facebook says likely Russian-based operation funded U.S. ads with political message
    "SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc said on Wednesday it had found that an operation likely based in Russia spent $100,000 on thousands of U.S. ads promoting divisive social and political messages in a two-year-period through May."
    "Facebook, the dominant social media network, said 3,000 ads and 470 “inauthentic” accounts and pages spread polarizing views on topics including immigration, race and gay rights."
    "Facebook briefed members of both the Senate and House of Representatives intelligence committees on Wednesday about the suspected Russia advertising, according to a congressional source familiar with the matter."


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  10. Has nothing to do with Christianity. It means either you have a country that abides by the law and its borders or you don't. If you don't, then it means you don't give a crap about your country, the laws, or the people in it. You think your citizenship is everyone's citizenship. You are saying your citizenship is second class or doesn't mean anything. Don't give a crap about the borders either.  These kids came with their parents. It's the parents they should be angry at.  And we should not be enabling them.  Feeling sorry for their problem is one thing but it's time Congress got off their ass and actually do something. Trump just gave them 6 months or else. Isn't it strange no one has even offered any solutions to the problem just bitch about it?  Some of these DACA kids have had plenty of time to file for legal status now,  just why haven't they?

    Interesting reading on the situation they find themselves in.

    USCIS has made it clear that DACA beneficiaries do not possess legal status, but does not state that DACA beneficiaries are unlawfully present; in fact, it states that DACA beneficiaries will not accrue unlawful presence time here while they are in this deferred action status.


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  11. In many states in the USA an ID card is not required to register or cast a vote. It is considered "racist" by some on the left to ask people to provide a valid ID card to cast a vote.


    Yes, and don't forget Republican gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is an a::hole too.


    Republican victories and the subsequent Congressional districts established by Republicans in 2010 gave the party momentum to propose legislation regarding alterations to the electoral college. Their goal is to set up a congressional district system in their respective states, which would ultimately determine the outcome of the Presidential election through dividing electors amongst state districts.


    Similar to gerrymandering, voter suppression laws are a way for political parties to gain an advantage through manipulation. The 2014 midterms witnessed minority populations in the South, and other parts of the country being targeted by such legislation. A major issue at hand were voter ID laws. Many states introduced newly established ones this cycle. 11 states had new voter ID laws, which excludes states where these laws will be implemented in future elections-such as NC.imrsimrs





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  12. Really? I admire your cherry picking views. 
    Back in the '80s it was the UK who revealed that cattle were infected with 'Mad cow disease'. Every country in the EU denied that their cattle were infected - including the USA, even though everyone knew that all these countries already had the infection and were hiding it. 
    So, what did they do? They let the UK wallow in the shit. UK beef was taken off the shelves in all EU countries and in the USA.  They spurned and isolated the UK despite having the disease themselves.
    These chicken-shit countries didn't have the balls to admit it. 
    Please don't tell me that the EU is an open entity. It is not!
    Who are you anyway? Which of these countries do YOU come from?
    I trust my country. I have never trusted any European country, nor the USA.

    Nothing in every time line I've found supports your supposition that "every country in the EU denied their country were infected".

    Why are you spreading lies?




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    I've read about him. He's clearly nuts.

    Which makes it all the more interesting.


    "Why would trumps security allow him into the building?"


    I say, because Donnie likes him.

    The fervent token black "supporter".


    How else does one account for his primo, camera friendly seating everytime?



    So he's black and shows up with the right sign they allow him in?


    The dumpster better watch his back because security isn't doing anything for him. Much as I loath the bastard and could care less if he has a jammer on the golf course, the last thing the US needs is .......


    Let Mueller do his job.



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    "allow this guy in"?
    It's too coincidental that he is at the inept one's rallies, while being perfectly situated for the camera. Behind the speaker.
    The token "Black Man".
    Some pick though... :laugh:

    He isn't the token black man. Read up on him, he's totally nuts. I wouldn't want to be in the same country as him, much less have him behind my back. Why would trumps security allow him into the building?

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  15. There is no doubt they double check all darker shade people for weapons. As there are so few at the Mussolini style rallies, that's very easy to do. 

    Yeah, but "Michael the black man" is easily as insane as the rest of the deplorables. I can't understand why they would allow him through the front doors.

    The presence of Michael — variously known as Michael Symonette, Maurice Woodside and Mikael Israel — has inspired not only trending Twitter hashtags but a great deal of curiosity and Google searches. Internet sleuths find the man’s bizarre URL, an easily accessible gateway to his strange and checkered past.


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  16. It's a fair question considering how horribly DIVISIVE 45 is. But the reality is of course he has great security (as should any potus) and he takes great pains (unusually) to avoid any kind of crowd situation where there will be dissenters. For example, he refused to attend a baseball opener and a Kennedy Center awards ceremony. He knew he was going to get booed there as he should be booed. He attends well managed gatherings at the white house and the ideologically controlled Mussolini style "campaign" rallies in his national regions where he has good support. So he's low risk for being shot.
    On the other hand, he's high risk for a health crisis, etc. 

    And yet they allow this guy in.


    Watch your back trump.

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  17. Wow. You actually saw an American in Thailand wearing trump merch? That's fascinating. I've never seen that and don't really expect to. I did see a Thai boy wearing a funny Thai t-shirt -- "trump ... finally a president with balls" but that doesn't count. Clearly a "gift" from an American with enough sense not to out himself in that way outside his home territory. 

    In four years I've never met a trump supporter in Thailand. Turns out my two most likely suspects think he's batsh*t crazy.

    I think most of Trumpsters here in Thailand are closeted, or on Soi Six bar stools.

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