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Posts posted by steve187

  1. - manual gives you the decision as to when to change gear

    Why would people need that extra bother? Why not just push gas and let the car decide. Cooks don't ask you when to put salt in your dish either - you just order and they deliver.

    Driving fast, i really need to decide which gear I want. Lets say I m entering a sharp curve at high speed in 3rd gear/5500rpm. Entering the curve I step off the accelerator for a brief moment to create a oversteer (slight rearwheel drift). With auto it would shift to 5 th gear. Exiting the curve I need all the accelerating power available, still in 3 rd gear/5000rpm.

    Tiptronic used to do it acceptably, now its paddleshift.

    Why did you go into the bend with higher revs than when you exited, you accelerate out of a bend not into it.

  2. That's depresing news because Carrefour will soon become more Big Crap locations selling low quality junk with limited varieties of non Thai food products. My guess is that business will drop because Big C doesn't have much of a clue what the farang customers want. It will be a downward spiral from here for the Carrefour locations.

    I agree, this will reduce the choice of good quality foods aimed at the western customer

  3. I get my pension at the end of this month, just the basic as my company 'contracted out'. My wife will be sixty in five years, however I haven't found anywhere saying that she will be entitled to anything. She has lived in the UK and gained British Citizenship, has a UK Passport, but has never had an NI number.

    I am now Non-Resident and Not Ordinary Resident. Anyone know anything different please about her entitlement to anything?

    Your wife will have to be 65+ to receive any pension, see the boxed text in the opening post

  4. khman

    There is a one year multi entry non immigrant 'o' visa (£100.00), this will give you 15 months of 90 day visits, the last entry should be done prior to the visas one year expiry date.

    I am not sure if this visa can be obtained via post for a french passport holder, living in France.

    I am not sure if this visa is available in France, rather than travel to the UK

    If not, when next in France why not nip over to hull, nearest airport is Humberside and get one.

    Tourist visas are free until the end of march, non immigrant visas are not free.

  5. There are two entries into the arrivals hall, turning right will take you to the meeting point, and if you came out of the first one( further-est from the meeting point) you will pass the second entry point before coming to the meeting point.

    So yes you could turn left out of either entry into the arrivals hall, but if you came out the second entry you would be going against the flow of people coming out of the first entry.

    If you wanted to meet someone waiting on the left hand side public area of the arrivals hall, it would be best to make sure you used the first entry point customs area.

  6. phone number is 038052430, I have just checked and Friday rib night is 295 baht, I have been thinking of going for a while, but haven't got around to it, maybe this Friday.

    My previous post should have read 459 and not 495 baht

  7. What you need to do is to stop being on overstay,it is costing you 500 baht every day, as well as risks associated with overstay. you can do a border run to poipet with an e-visa, that way the only space needed would be a small space for a total of 4 entry/exit stamps. You may need a ticket out within the 14 days that the visa exempt entry would give you, a refundable air ticket could be a solution to this problem

  8. RIP my thoughts are with the wife and family.

    I don't think that wife's knowing what to do in the case of a medical emergency, is the only thing that should be explained to them. I think it should also be explained and written down what to do should we die, ie insurance, pensions etc.

  9. Hows this for a pie

    Top Tier: 1lb Pork Pie 4" Diameter

    Next Tier: 3lb Pie 7" Diameter

    Next Tier: 4.5lb Pie 8.5" Diameter

    Bottom Tier: 6lb Pie 9" Diameter

    This will feed approximately 75 people.

    Each Tier can be made with one or a combination of the following fillings:

    * Traditional Pork Pie

    * Chicken & Ham with Orange Stuffing

    * Ploughmans (Pork with cheese & pickle mixed in)

    * Assorted Game

    The Pies will be provided with the boards and stands to display but not the decoration (to allow you to tailor to your individual colour scheme).

  10. here is some information looks like allowances frozen for 2010/11 at 2009/10 rates

    Personal Allowance amounts

    tax year 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

    Age under 65 £4,745 £4,895 £5,035 £5,225 £6,035 £6,475 £6,475

    Age 65-74 £6,830 £7,090 £7,280 £7,550 £9,030 £9,490 £9,490

    Age 75 and over £6,950 £7,220 £7,420 £7,690 £9,180 £9,640 £9,640

    Income limit

    for personal


    65-74 and

    75 and over £18,900 £19,500 £20,100 £20,900 £21,800 £22,900 £22,900

    Income limit for personal allowances

    under 65 No limit No limit No limit No limit No limit No limit £100,000

    If your income is over the income limit, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will reduce the age-related allowance by half of the amount, £1 for every £2, you have over that limit, until the basic rate allowance is reached. You'll always get the basic allowance, whatever the level of your income, unless, from 6 April 2010, your income is more than £100,000 in the tax year.

    For example, if you're 66 and have an income of £23,400, £500 over the limit of £22,900, HMRC would reduce your age-related allowance by £250 from £9,490 to £9,240.

  11. No you get a free 2 entry visa from Lao, then when you enter thailand they give you a 60day stamp, just prior to this expire date, you go to any immigration and extended by 30 days for 1,900 baht, when this extension ends do a border run and then re-start the process, 60 days and then 30 days (1,900 baht). when the second 30 days nears the end, do another visa run and obtain another 2 entry tourist visa

    Lopburi3 said it all

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