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Posts posted by steve187

  1. Long Overstay.... Fly to Phuket and head to Ao Chalong. Ask about the bars along the waterfront and up the side street, Capt Hooks is a good bet. You are looking for a ride to Malaysia. they'll take you for some money. Now get into Malayland no problem. Go to KL and begin the process of replacing a lost/stolden passport. A couple days and you can fly back to LOS cheapo on Air Asia... I'm not a boat runner or cruiser as they are called but I've been approached a number of times There is one bar the faces the sea wall, Tamarand Bar which is famous for crusers to hang out. I don't know if there is a business in doing the underground thing but it's done. I know a few people who have done and and a number of cruisers who have take people knowingly to evade the Immi Plod. The Immi issue is up to the Master of the boat and if you look into the wondow of the office you see understaffed and very nice looking girls. I'm sure people run drugs but I know that booze is a nice item!

    In answer to the question, that is what they do.

    I don;t approve but know lots of people whom are on looong overstays...

    Me, I'm a totally above the boards guy, Thai DL and everything......

    A bit drastic, just to avoid a maximum 20,000baht fine

  2. £140 per week in five years time is not a bad deal, but given that existing pensions will increase by at least 2.5% per year, it means that the pension would be worth £112 in five years anyway, even if the government did nothing new - basically, the average non ex-pat pensioner will be £28 per week better off although I suspect that for many the increase will simply push them into paying tax sooner.

    As for the new pension only being payable to new pensioners, it may benefit anyone who has not started to take their state pension to delay until after 2015, in my case I become eligible in 2015 so it's borderline.

    Don't forget that at age 65 your personal allowance increases by about £3,000

  3. i did a pension forecast on the 8/11/2008, the basic pension with 30 years contributions at todays rates is £90.70, and again on the 4/8/2009 and the figure had gone up to £95.25 an increase of £4.55 or a 5% increase, my actual pension forecast, with additional pension and graduated pension had gone up by £5.08 in a one year period. so using those figures when i retire in 10 years (or when Cameron thinks the country can afford for me to retire) the basic pension should be about £150.00 per week

  4. Just left click and highlight the web address at the top of the page, then right click and select copy.

    now go to your e-mail program , start a message to your friend and then in the text, right click and select paste, the link will then be visible in the text as a web link.

    Not sure if there is any shortcut, but that way will work

    Sorry bangkockney beat me to the punch

  5. Motherboards are normally as much to buy as a new computer, and with a new computer it will be a lot more up todate than the one you have, in 2 years CPU's have moved on a lot.

    The harddrive could be put into a 2.5 " external case and used as an external harddrive,via USB, and all the information you need off it, could be retrieved.

    I have just bought a new samsung laptop with a 'i5' CPU for 20.000baht, lessor spec laptops can be bought for 15.000baht +.

  6. Many thanks for all your replies, he does hold two passports Thai and Australian, he will be 26 next month, I think he is looking at a undergraduate course, something that would help him secure a better paid job than the thai degree.His english is quite good.

    Would he have to register for tax etc. prior to going to Australia or would he have to sort that out there.?

    I have family there, so was hoping to find some work through them, if not he will have to find some local work.

  7. My step son is 25 years old and has an Australian passport, he has never been to Australia.

    He graduated from Bangkok University with GPA 3.34 second class honors, Hospitality and Tourism Management.

    He would like to get a degree from a western university, and as he has a passport for Australia, would like to see it it would be possible to study there.

    I have looked on line, by as a brit find the information hard to digest, so is there someone out there with some knowledge of the system in place in Australia, to enable my stepson to attend uni, there?

  8. Insurance companies used to ask, do you have hiv?, and have you been tested for hiv? ( do they still ask those questions?)My view is this, once you say you have been tested for hiv, that must surely make the insurance company think, Why has this guy/girl been tested? they must think that they may have hiv.

    I am not saying the company that asks you to have the test,will think that, but some other company that you may choose to go to, to obtain cover, may ask the questions and not ask for the test, so could this prejudice you?

    Just my thoughts on the matter

  9. when my wife applied, we did it in person, and the staff had a form with the 2 years split into rows of periods of time, i can not remember how many months each row covered, it was also divided into his and hers columns, as the staff member checked each document, he ticked a column and row for that part of the two year period.

    Things in individual or joint name that might help to show you have been living together for the 2 years, spread over the whole 2 year period.

    letters from doctor/hospital

    letters from bank/building soc

    council tax

    utility bills

    any letters sent from family/friends

    mobile phone bills

    delivery slips for goods bought tesco home delivery, furniture etc.

    good luck

  10. bkk_mike

    You will be entitled to a pension of 13/30 of a full pension, which at the moment is about £100.00 per week. you may be able to buy back some years to increase this amount. At one time if you were living abroad you had to buy voluntary 'stamps', but the rules were changed so you could buy self employed 'stamps', which are cheaper.

    I am not sure of your age, but as well as maybe buying back some years, you may be able to start paying N.I 'stamps' now up until your retiring age. there is a pension age calculator here - http://www.pensionsadvisoryservice.org.uk/state-pensions/state-pension-age-calculator

    Any pension you get will be frozen, at the rate applicable to the day you start to collect.

    prior to April this year 44 years of contributions were required, but this is now 30 years.

  11. It obviously is not one of the great train journeys of the world . A rather pointless exercise that the full significance does not hit you untill after the experience. However I will do it one day for sure.

    I was curious because somebody must use the train and this train line wouldn't be the only reason Thai Rail runs at a loss. Perhaps as U - Tappo becomes more important for international flights and freight, then the line thru to U -Tappo and beyond to Ranong will be re-opened or extended .

    I hope it doesn't get busier on the line from Pattaya to U- Tapao , one train in each direction is enough, as the line is only a matter of metres from my front door.

  12. To the OP- unfortunately you only get a state /govt pension IF you have paid national security every month (for about 30 years i think it is). I left UK 15 years ago and looked into this question my self, neither of us basically will get any pension which is fair enough as i have never paid tax back in the UK since i never have had a job there.

    Could you not pay voluntary contributions or self employed 'stamps' see here - http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/cnr/osc.htm

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