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  1. Taurine tablets are available from Holland and Barrett shops in the UK. I think they cost about £7 for 30. In the Body Builder section of the shop if I remember from last year. I started taking them and then chucked the remainder after a painful side effect. Maybe it was not mixing too well with the rest of my meds. Anyway, stopped them and the side pain receded.
  2. It's great that there are so many expert business advisors on this thread, particularly the ones who almost ran a whelk stall in their previous existence.
  3. Some places it's like a scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
  4. The dark side interstellar black hole.
  5. Loaded up at the pharmacy on throat spray.
  6. The UK including Northern Ireland presumably?
  7. One thing that is not forgotten is the passport, so buy some large sticky labels to write a reminder message and stick one on the passport in the days before travel. To avoid forgetting that you might put reminders on your Google Calendar immediately after making the flight booking. Good luck.
  8. Has the OP tested using AIS Smart in the Central shopping malls?
  9. Lots of experts here on this thread.
  10. Everybody has an opinion, but not everybody has a position worth listening to.
  11. Paracetamol. Number 1 top up to take back.
  12. Success!
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