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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. That's because he didn't have sole custody which means both parents must sign. OP started he has full custody so only his signature is needed for all official business conducted on behalf of the child ie issue a passport, id card, enrolment to school etc.
  2. No, I'm saying one should look at local and world stats and not just buy into the panic spread by the media and some governments around the world. I'm not denying there's a Corona virus, not saying it doesn't kill in some extrime conditions (many if not most of the deaths reported as covid related are not actually caused by covid, but by other preexisting conditions). In about 2 years of the pandemic less than 4% of the world population got infected and only about 2% of those died. The panic around covid has caused much more damage and harm than the virus itself
  3. Read my reply above re numbers and % and then try to explain your panic. We already know the vaccine protection doesn't last long (some counties started planning a 4th jab only 3-4 months after the 3rd (which was rolled 6 months after the 2nd...) and due to the fast changes in the virus (mutations and variants) no one even knows how effective the original vaccines are. With the infection rate over the last 2 years and the number of serverly sick people (Currently 0.07% of the population of Thailand is "infected" with covid 19 [active cases/ population] and 0.0019% of the population considered seriously ill) it's wrong to look at every person around you as a disease spreading machine. It is pretty much as the fear of aids was in the 80's-90's when aids was considered a gay's disease and all know gays were looked upon as pure danger.
  4. Can you use a single e-wallet to buy and sell in different countries or must use seperate wallet for each exchange?
  5. Tell that to the people of Tonga who managed to stay with 0 covid cases until a fully vaxed New Zealander came for a visit and managed to bring the delta variant with him
  6. Yes, from the 0.29% (total active cases around the world) to what? 0.27% (at 95% protection as claimed by some vaccine manufacturers)? As someone already mentioned above - wrap yourself in cotton and plastic bag and house under the bed. That'll give 100% protection from everything (sickness, accidents, bad marriage, crimes against you - you name it)
  7. Enough with the stupid panic!!! Currently 0.07% of the population of Thailand is "infected" with covid 19 (active cases/ population). If you happen to be next to a really infected person (not just pcr positive that we should all know by now means nothing) AND get infected AND get seriously sick (0.0019% of the population) you should run out and buy a lottery ticket. Below is the stats from worldmeter.info today, 12 Dec 2021.
  8. Here's what I don't understand about the world reaction and behaviour in regards to Covid: According to worldmeter. Info there are currently 21.8 million active covid cases in the whole world. That's about 2.1% of the total population. In Thailand according to the same source there are about 53,500 active cases, about 0.07% of the Thai population. It is well known already that the pcr tests are way too sensitive and recognise a shadow of a virus as if it is a virus. So 99.7% of the world population is healthy yet we are ALL looked at and treated as dangerous health hazard or ticking time bombs. Don't you think enough is enough? Yes, it is a terrible disease in the severe and extreme cases, but for some reason the world has gone mad with this one.
  9. I think you mean "dreamed of owning girls "...
  10. Umm... I thought the idea was to get discharged....
  11. Funny how everyone knows by now that vaxed people can get infected and infect others but only unvaxed people must present a negative test. Not Thailand specific, all over the world...
  12. Well, you should be a good husband and find a 20 years old girl for her!!!
  13. Well obviously the first 2 don't really work so maybe the 3rd will...
  14. Actually blue book is a document in which residents of the house/ condo unit are registered and has nothing to do with the property or ownership of it. You can own a plot of land (well, a Thai citizen can) with no house on it and therefore no blue book. The PEA needs a blue book in order to install residential electricity meter. The chanot has nothing to do with that.
  15. No, you don't. You can take a copy of the chanot to the land office and they'll tell you if the property is mortgaged or has any court proceedings hanging on it. You can ask at the condo office re foreign quota (if the quota is nearly full and you're still weeks from transfer of ownership - it might be a problem, as the quota will be updated everyone there'sa change of ownership of any of the units) and also if all fees were paid by current owner or if he owes money to the building.
  16. Yes, a great example for another useless vaccine. The reason you "need" a yearly influenza vaccine is because every year it's a different variant.
  17. You realized that vaccines are not vitamins, right? The idea of vaccination was to get it once and be done with it (like all childhood vaccinations you got). As it turned out, the covid vaccine doesn't hold very long, meaning antibodies dwindling and supposedly the body won't be able to fight the virus IF you get infected (recent world meter stats indicate about 3-4% of the world's population as of 25 November, and that's over 2 years... and only 2% of those didn't recover which is about 0.007% of the world population). So the idea of a booster shot is to increase Antibody count when it is getting too low.
  18. So you saw 5 foreigners - white males not wearing masks. You presume they just arrived in Thailand and speculate they were very pleased with themselves for not wearing masks. You ask what people think they should do in such a case and all you did was post here... If you ask me what would I do, the answer is nothing. I do wear a mask when I'm public but not because I think it helps anything and I don't care what others do. The % of infected people around the world is negligent. The chances you'll encounter one are slim. If you're so worried just keep your distance and be happy you're healthy
  19. Sometimes a letter of intentions would convince the other party to comply with the contract. The OP said he used a lawyer for the contract...
  20. I never understand why so many people like to complicate simple things. In Thailand there's no need for a lawyer to complete property deals. If you want to know exact figures simply take a copy of the chanot to the land office and they'll calculate for you the numbers on the spot. The responsibility for paying both transfer fees and taxes is the seller's. However, the land office doesn't care who pays what, so it's basically according to the agreement between buyer and seller. If you sign a contract which states you share these costs and one side decides not to honour the contract - that person is in breach of the contract so you wouldn't have lost your deposit if you were to walk away from the desk back then, but you would have probably had to take the seller to court which might have been a long and costly process.
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