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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. You miss the point. That's how things work here. You're trying to follow your own logic. That doesn't work here. Adapt or get upset every time. Up to you.
  2. So you come to live in a foreign country by your own choice, you don't like how things are done here, and instead of going back home or looking for another place that suits you better you try to swim against the current and change things to suit you? I'm pretty sure that if everything here was like "back home" most members of this forum would not be here to begin with...
  3. You're talking about departure taxes, not entry taxes. Those go to the airport, and AFAIK there's not a single country in the world that doesn't collect departure tax.
  4. Did you read the article all the way through? It's been 700 baht for well over 15 years now. In that article it says that no need to keep 700 baht cash for departure any longer as since February 2007 (15 years ago!!) The tax is collected through the ticket.
  5. Sounds like you suffer from insomnia. It is very well treated by cannabis oil in Thailand. Legal, not expensive, and not addictive. Look for a cannabis clinic in your area. Few drops under your tongue can improve your sleep greatly. Wake up in the morning good and fresh with no hangovers. And no, you don't get high from it.
  6. I don't know any Thai who calls the city Bangkok. They will usually just say krungthep and younger generations will refer to it as k.t.m (in Thai, of course). As for korat: Nakhon Ratchasima is one of the four major cities of Isan, Thailand, known as the "big four of Isan". The city is commonly known as Korat, a shortened form of its name.
  7. So tell them you're going to visit Susie or Sonia or whatever her name is
  8. I didn't say anything about the flu. I only asked what did he mean about the worst ever infection in his village. The 3 cases you mentioned are all at high risk positions. If they were exposed to many COVID patients they probably got a very high load of the virus, unlike most people that get a very low load and their body can manage it (at least healthy people). And the 4th case you mentioned beings up a hard question about the vaccines. I can tell you about many cases I know of that vaccinated people got mildly to moderately sick and unvaxed people who were exposed to the same infecting person in the same room at the same time and although tested positive, had no symptoms at all, thus not sick.
  9. Actually you don't buy it, only pay a deposit that you can get back (minus service fee if you got it from a shop). Once your cylinder nears it's end of life date you can replace it at the filing stations - mind you, it might not be a shiny new one, but a recently serviced/inspected cylinder, at no extra cost
  10. 1. I'm no longer a teenager, but I also prefer unprotected sex. Not only on valentine's Day, though... 2. Population of Thailand is around 70 million. If say around 20 million teenagers in Thailand is a fair estimate. Surveying 1000 out of 20 million is a bad joke, like most surveys quoted in this forum. 3. Legal age of consent in Thailand is 18. That would make all those surveyed potential criminals (if they go through with alcohol drinking under 20 years of age and then sex)
  11. Worst ever infection how? How many people have severe symptoms? How many have to be hospitalised (due to severe condition, not as a government policy isolation)?
  12. Are you sure his story is true? It's kinda he said/they said type of story. I don't know if conditions have changed for sandbox/test & go, but when I last entered Thailand with full quarantine Thai people were not required to show a PCR test at all. OP being Thai he should know there's no such thing as government hotels. And $8000/person/week sounds a bit overboard to me.
  13. I'm pretty sure they're talking about Thai nationals so the number of foreign retirees has nothing to do with it...
  14. Hotels always had different rates for different nationalities - not only Thai/non Thai, but different rates for us, European, Japanese, middle Eastern and so on.
  15. Your wife is Thai so I assume she speaks the local language. Your question is about an official Thai procedure. Doesn't it make more sense that you're wife would ask this question at the passport office than to ask this question on this forum?
  16. You're absolutely correct. How do people dare try living normal life during a pandemic. We should all stop everything and meditate for world peace and no more Corona!!!
  17. I think they didn't have electricity, lighting, plumbing, drainage, ventilation in the 17th - 18th century...
  18. Yes. There are agents from all branches of the Thai government including police and immigration monitoring this forum, so be careful what you post here.... Umm... No, I don't really think so
  19. No. You pay per the weight of the dog plus cage at the rate of overweight. Same if it's in the cargo hold. You could arrange all by yourself, but have to check with your airline. In Thailand some airlines demand you do it through animal transport agencies, other airlines allow the passenger or even travel agent take care of it. IDK how it's done in Australia.
  20. It would have been an honest and accurate report if it was showing some numbers, statistics: how many people entered Thailand? How many were hospitalised? How many quarantined?
  21. My unvaxed son was near a vaxed yet infected person and got infected. He was asymptomatic. His vaxed gf wasn't infected by him. Many other vaxed classmates got infected (by the same vaxed student that infected my son), and they all had COVID-19 symptoms, some very mild, others not so mild.
  22. Seems you enjoy your anger over nothing... It is very simple. All replies so far have suggested solutions for you, yet you refuse to accept that you're wrong. If you have a multi entry visa -feel free to go somewhere out of Thailand and return for 3 more months. Closed borders? That's a fact you have to accept. Thailand pass, test and go, sandbox, quarantine - facts we all have to live with. No one is making you illegal, no one is forcing you to leave your son and go away. And here's another option for you: go back to your country and take your family with you.
  23. So please explain what do you mean by "once in a lifetime thing*
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