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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Care to explain this statement? Do you mean if you're vaxed you can't get infected/get sick/die from it or to if you got it once you're immune for life? Because both those arguments were proven wrong It do you mean there has never been not there will even be another such devostating deadly and dangerous virus? Because that is also not correct.
  2. Well, if you check a bit of statistic numbers and try to think about it a little, you might find that this virus MIGHT be a little deadlier than the common flu, but not much. Most those who died "from" COVID actually died WITH COVID. Most those hospitalised in severe conditions are there for other reasons but were also confirmed positive AFTER already being hospitalised (some were actually infected at the hospitals). But it's ok if you want to panic.
  3. Maybe that's why they're holding back on legalising same sex marriage... If you ask me - I prefer they legalise cannabis first...
  4. Because the US is built on immigration and Thailand is the land of the Thais. Nothing more, nothing less. And if you look at countries that have been overwhelmed by new immigrants and the way local culture and way of life has changed (and mostly not for better) I think you should be able to appreciate why Thailand prefers to stay the land of the Thais.
  5. I think this topic would go well with: 1. Am I allowed to wash my car? 2. Am I allowed to paint my house? 3. Am I allowed to teach my children? 4. ... 5. ... 6. ...
  6. I just find it strange that people with no relation to Thailand spend so much time on a Thailand issue forum. I travelled to many countries around the world, in some countries more than in other, I have friends in many countries, yet I'm not a member of any forum if any of those countries. You're entitled to your opinions, if course, they're just irrelevant here. That's my opinion.
  7. Yet you all chose to live in Thailand rather than in your respective western countries...
  8. Why do I always find out about these groups and places AFTER they've been shut by the police??
  9. The first part is a bit wrong. That has actually been the case from day 1, but only now it is being kind of admitted by some governments and media. As for the 2nd part - I hope this day will come soon...
  10. A few years back I attached a dash cam using the plate and glue supplied. The cam is still attached, never came off. The problem was that the cam got baked in the hot sun and after a while just stopped operating...
  11. Also great with meatless meat and fishless fish..........
  12. That's a misunderstanding or misconception of the regulation. The need for an onward or return ticket is simply in case you're refused entry for any reason. In such a case, if the passenger doesn't hold a ticket, the airline is responsible for his departure and also for a fine. Back in the good old days an open dated ticket with a 1 year validity was good enough. Since the introduction of e- tickets there's no such thing is an open ticket and most cheap tickets cary a fee for date changing (now with covid most airlines don't charge for changing flight dates). If the check in staff try to stop you from boarding with a return ticket showing more than 30 days of stay, simply ask to speak to a supervisor/ Station manager and ask them to show you the printed rules where is states the return date must be within 30 days. They won't find it. The rules state a return/ onwards ticket is needed. That's all.
  13. Yap, I know some serial married guys. They keep doing it after every failed marriage....
  14. Not always (real info) but sometimes. Like when recently the head of the US CDC admitted that most those counted as dead FROM Covid-19 actually died from some other preexisting condition, but as they also had covid (some actually got infected at the hospital after being admitted for other reasons) they were in the covid death statistics.
  15. You're absolutely right: 1. All those childhood vaccine are given in a series of jabs. But once you had them, that's pretty much it. You don't get boosters every couple of months, do you. 2. The annual flu vaccination. It's annual. Not monthly. And in most cases doesn't work either with official excused of vaccinating against the wrong variant... BTW, from the beginning of the year (as in within 20 days) over 26k died from the common winter flu World wide (those were retorted, I assume more died but not reported as died from the flu 3. You can't teach (or cure) stupid
  16. I'd love seeing it sold at 7-11 and big C. I'd like to be allowed to grow my own too. You don't have to smoke it. You can cook/ bake it or use oil extracts
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