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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Why are you withholding some important info? Apartment number? In which room of the apartment has it happened?
  2. So it's a 2 doors. They don't count the 2 small doors that open backwards, and there's no seat at the back but just a bench added after the vehicle left the factory. It's what they call smart cab, space cab or something like that. The models with 4 doors sedan style are double cab. Look on the vehicle registration book - it says what the maximum number of people allowed in the car is.
  3. As you don't want to inherit any of your possessions in Thailand, lack of your wife's will shouldn't bother you. According to Thai law it all goes to her natural heirs (parents, children, siblings, spouse). If you never registered your marriage in Thailand and you don't contest the distribution of her assets, all will go to her family, but without a will the niece won't get any of it. She can instruct her relatives to give whatever she wants to the niece, but without a will it will be up to them.
  4. If you have a 4 doors vehicle with black plates then it should have seatbelts at the back seat as well
  5. If you own a 2 doors truck with green plates you're not supposed to have a bench not passengers in the back. These vehicles are registered for only a driver and 1-2 passengers in the front, depending on if you have 2 separate seats or 1 long bench. Those vehicles leave the factory with no bench, which is later added by the dealers.
  6. Where's the pic\vdo?I also want to be offended!!!!
  7. Last time I couldn't remember the PIN and was locked out of the account all they could do is reset the count and let me try the PIN again. After several attempts, when it became obvious I won't get it right they said they can only issue a new card to solve the problem
  8. Probably not. I'm not even sure if the can cancel a passport remotely. I think all they can do is put an alert in their own system that this person is not allowed to leave the country but as he could travel overland to so many countries there is probably a way for him to leave Europe anyway.
  9. Or simply say you forgot the PIN and need a new card...
  10. Would you join me? I'll bring the coffee and you can bring the biscuit
  11. Right, so humiliating the kid in front of everybody in school is a much better option... Damb A**hole
  12. Happy to read this. I now know who I'm going to vote for in the next elections!!
  13. I'll consider ev's when the traveling distance matches my ice's traveling distance (700-850 km depending on how I drive), when the "refilling" time is about the same (10-15 minutes), and the price is about the same.
  14. I prefer living in a place that penis shrinkage is the biggest concern rather than a place where all those other problems are
  15. Hence the law permitting usage for people over 20
  16. I really hope you're right, but don't forget it was legal before it became illegal...
  17. Let's just hope it stays out. Don't forget it used to be legal before it became illegal...
  18. What is there to think about? Most those who use it now openly used it when it was illegal secretly. Sure, there some new users trying it out now that it's legal, and most those new ones won't become regular users - but even if they do, what's the problem? It's better, safer and healthier than alcohol and tobacco. And the concern of underaged users - same thing. They probably used it before and also consume alcohol and tobacco illegally.
  19. What's wrong with bringing happiness to the people?
  20. So why don't you volunteer to protect them?
  21. You came to the right place. All the world experts in all areas and issues are here to give professional advice.
  22. Looks different then mine. Maybe better built.
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