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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. i find that these "handymen" A.. usually don't arrive with any of the necessary tools to do a job correctly B.. they usually bring their wives , who do most of the work and usually better
  2. The importance of maintaining public hygiene, especially in tourist areas. ha ha quick.. rattle off the first 37 public hygene failures that come to mind
  3. and she verbally confirmed it ! on The View Harris Says 'Not a Thing Comes to Mind' That She'd Do Differently Than Biden before coming back to the question and adding that she plans to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if she is elected in November. who would that be .. Liz Cheney ? you can't fix stupid
  4. so..... someone breaks into your home brandishing a machete, what do you do ? offer him tea and biscuits ? me, I'd fit him for a new suit like the nice black outfit below by any means possible, and absolutely no questions asked and done real fast
  5. .. another view point .. you and I will definetly not be alive to see the end point of this change .. "but" ..... if you and others want to place it on mankind's abuse of mother earth, start with total / dead stop / don't buy it / use it / aquire anything from China and India.. the 2 biggest polluters of the enviroment ... how's that for putting a dent in the process ? !
  6. in the real world, it's called STUPID !
  7. yeah climate changes. something that never happened to the earth before ( at least the lefties will try and convince you ) oh wait .... blame the ice ages on dinosaur farts Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 800,000 years, there have been eight cycles of ice ages and warmer periods, with the end of the last ice age about 11,700 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era
  8. eating plants is useless and dangerous void of essential nutrients and full of useless fiber that the body DOES NOT NEED What are the natural toxins in vegetables? Common examples of natural toxins in food plants include lectins in beans such as green beans, red kidney beans and white kidney beans; cyanogenic glycosides in bitter apricot seed, bamboo shoots, cassava, and flaxseeds; glycoalkaloids in potatoes; 4'-methoxypyridoxine in ginkgo seeds; colchicine in fresh lily flowers not to mention the pesticides You do realize that any bean or seed is technically the "offspring" of a plant and like all good parents we want to protext our offspring.. and since they can't run, or bite , or fight, hence the poisonous chemicals
  9. Nattaphon admitted to assaulting the girl multiple times but claimed it was due to drunkenness ok. here's the drill guys .. everybody gets 2 bottles of Lao Khao . except Nattaphon then do what ever you comes to mind
  10. don't forget the recent new accent start at 2:14 on the video with Stephan Colbert
  11. If you love something/Set it free/If it loves you/It will come back to you Is this the Thai version ? “If you love something/Set it free/If it loves you/It will come back to you/ If it doesn't--hunt it down and kill it.” ― Harry Crews, Body
  12. grew up in a "VERY" Italian household .. we made our own wine.. been drinking wine since 3 years old .. I carrien on the tradition of making my own wine(s) until about 8 years ago I do not consume much anymore ( and I have a nice stash in my wine cooler ) but I do enjoy the taste and pairing of a good wine with certain food
  13. Roll yourself a nice fatty . and then it will be worth every second
  14. damn . that's a whole lotta **** sounds like you deserve a miracle or two... in the mean time other than a prayer .. try and get some safe excitement watch this, if nothing else. at least get a good laugh https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1258304352202285
  15. wow. it's been almost 1 month since the last ,, car falls off a an elevated roadway how ? is this recuuring event even possible ?
  16. it must really suck being a lefty liar,cheat.marxist,anti American (DEM) Harris pledges $157 million to Lebanon as Americans suffer from Hurricane aftermath sooooo? KH is complaining they have to wait for congress to approve funds for Fema.. but it's ok to just wave the magic wand and send off US taxpayer dollars to Lebanon ? Take that money and send it to our people in the US that need help.. period. what about the 12billion in escrow from Sandy. sitting there 12 years.. re-allocate,,, such a horrible person
  17. ... and. why is it your job to try and fix her... ? sounds like you need fixin.. take care of yourself.. no need to run, but you better start walking real quick!
  18. Crashes Into Roadside Som TamShop, ...obviously....no power poles in the vicinity
  19. Time to re-evaluate your reason for having to take BP meds ..ever try not eating carbs,sugar and not drinking alcohol ?
  20. Has"nothing" to do with every Tom,dik,and Somchai burning their trash and fields
  21. She should borrow a pre-programmed teleprompter from Kamala. Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck haaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa
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