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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. 100% works every time ..
  2. and how do you back that up ??? or did he make reference to the Generals ... we are waiting ...
  3. Increased gas (flatulence) is a common side effect of high-fiber diets. The gas occurs because bacteria within the colon produce gas as a by-product of their digestion of fiber. just another reason to avoid all fiber !
  4. Hua Hin has plenty of locals taking the kids Trick or Treating and the moms do a great job of dressing up .. and don't forget all the bars that have Halloween bashes ...
  5. . and you thought he liked her .. HA !
  6. anyone ever watch what goes on ,,, I watch the villagers do this all the time let's start in the middle ... take a field growing melons/tomatoes, whatever .. it gets picked and the remaining vegetation gets sprayed to death with some devastating vegetation killers .. when that finally poops out. it get plowed into piles and lit with diesel soaked rags then left unattended until it burns everything including roadside trees .. eventually the land gets plowed and ready for planting with tons of pesticides sprayed as the plants grow,, repeat ...repeat ... repeat .
  7. “Who doesn’t love a yellow school bus, right? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? Oh ... she left out the part,, she was on the "SHORT" bus for the non U.S. readers What does it mean by short yellow bus? Traditionally, a short yellow bus picked up mentally challenged children.
  8. you're right ... birdbrain is a diservice to the avian community after careful inspection .. should be
  9. really stupid people should just stay home and eat bologna and white bread
  10. keeping score this week power poles 2 food stalls 1
  11. it was "NEVER" a matchup .. birdbrain vs proven business man/leader
  12. another scammer from California . obviously the elevator does not go to the top floor
  13. fantastic folding glasses.. and depending where you order them $12-$20 and yes they fold flat to fit in that case
  14. coloured ? no American uses that term ...I think you meant Idiot ! or phony,
  15. 16-18 hour fast .. ditch the protein shakes .. seriously get on a proven program and stop pussy footing 1st meal .. eat until satiated .... " if " you must a second meal .. within 6 hours of 1st ... not 3 or 4 meals you need to reset your body to use fat as the main fuel source . no sugar/carbs or fiber .. period ! eat beef(fatty) bacon eggs..especially the yolks and butter. only drink water .. 30 days and watch the wieght drop ...
  16. always do my report on line ,, and get a reminder email from immigration it's due.... except for last month .. and by the time I realized I missed it, it was 2 weeks past due . Instead of going to the big office in Hua Hin I went to the satellite office in Bluport Mall not as busy but I got a 2000Baht fine and they put a stamp in my passport noting the fine and a case#
  17. don't sweat it .. only 17 more days until the election then you can watch the total <removed> meltdown from the left when they lose big time .... starting at about 10pm Nov 5th
  18. My dog cornered a cobra on Thursday night ( a tiny one..only about 4 feet ) on our front porch. I grabbed it with my 2 meter snake catcher/grabber then walked it down the road about 300 meters and let it go into the bush hopefully , it does not have a homing device!
  19. In advance excuse me Iif I don't quote word for word from the interview .... anybody watch the Bret Baier thrashing ? she tried to avoid answering all the questions by giving the same answer over and over " Donald Trump " this Donald Trump that how about, come on Brett we both know what I'm talking about ... his answer " I actually don't" or the clip what would you do different from Joe Biden.. "Nothing comes to mind " you've been vice president for 3.5 years.. what are you turning the page from ? well turning the page from the last 10 years Donald Trump bla bla bla 79% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track ( follows you and Biden being in charge for the last 3.5 years" why are they saying that ... you been in office for 3.5 years .... answer ( wait for it ) AND DONALD TRUMP IS RUNNING FOR OFFICE For the literate challenged.. a small visual ... added sound effects would be cluck cluck cluck
  20. tsk tsk tsk .... such a load of "CA CA FBI quietly revised 2022 crime data to show violent offenses rose rather than dropped By Ryan King Published Oct. 16, 2024, 1:47 p.m. ET
  21. North Korea Claims 1.4 Million Volunteer for Army as Tensions with South Korea Escalate Future headline .... Land invasion .... 1.4 million rifles dropped at border on South Korea side as soldiers figured out how to get out of North Korea
  22. "Sugary foods and drinks can have large amounts of calories, and so having too much of them can lead to weight gain and obesity. Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes." Sarah Coe, Nutrition Scientist, British Nutrition Foundation They can study all they want .. just stop eating garbage ( sugar ) Oh .. the big $ugar Companies will never let it happen
  23. it's been a close race lately.. Food stalls 6 electricity poles 5
  24. in CAPITAL letters .. of course
  25. I watch direct sources from Russia state media every day. You do realize what you just said . allow me to translate in to English I am a gullible leftist and I believe any and all the propoganda put out by the media ..especially if it comes from Russia .. or China
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