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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. Perfect timing.. ...here they are planning a remake of the Beverly Hill Billies
  2. He got the Senate back and kept the House, A clean sweep is what we used to call it, plus the popular vote for sports fans.. That's a Hat Trick !
  3. duuuhhhhhhhh ! it's a lot easier for people that can actually play guitar to understand this ( Ive been playing for 58 years ) Hendrix was innovative,daring,raw,exciting,sexy, and mystical. he opened the door to the future and led the charge and fact . he couldn't or didn't play the same song the same way two times in a row and technically was not a book trained or theory knowledged musician. It all came from his soul. To see and hear live what passed thru his fingers and Strat's can not be put into words. Calling him a God, is well, just and understatement!
  4. .. and Matt Gates just got tapped for the Attorney General role ...... Priceless !
  5. Trump and Biden are meeting at the White House tomorrow bet ya $10 there will be a lot of "High Five"-ing going on See Donald ... I did get the last laugh on her !
  6. too late for this tourist season ... how about putting the money and efforts to good use .... especially in northern regions recovering from recent floods.
  7. we were doing just fine without the "20+ million illegals" Joe and Kamala let them in and the whole system went to crap oh wait. when did all the ptices of food go up ? hmmmmmmm let's see, oh ask Joe and Kamala
  8. must run in the "family" the Kamala 32 teleprompter fail https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=36e605349ca0773c&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS914US914&q=kamala+32+days+teleprompter+broke&tbm=vid&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0BKxFXqFZETuC92mLOmXO9xTuwl7LTqpjEikSHB2sNnAo_Nt6_jBoO5j_EG4ZXs8aQCufxT5WhqKxk_t3EFVMM67rI6i01ADbZ-a5wYaAsalDcO6S1GH-LO2-BpNO0GjKLJtZvaXL-Gbm83nbM1Onu3h4VelXiQNxWr1jTYhYDM2npiHIqg_ONcaOuMZMTYPAOQ4PXKxaYx9WmfDvLVpMnXqxI5iw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOspCTvdOJAxWIXWwGHdpwG2wQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=1997&bih=972&dpr=0.96#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ce8b8e91,vid:iYAx_UZ_tcA,st:0
  9. as in all the illeagal migrants ?
  10. wow.. low IQ right wingers are still smart enough to beat the lefties !
  11. it's a bread and butter issue they know where their bread is buttered
  12. Real patriotic Americans are not .. that's part of why Trump won .. Big Time !
  13. short version .... Look who's singing .. Loud and Clear
  14. they are already screaming for social media control ( Joe Rogan ) Dems don't belive in the 1st amendment .. or 2nd,3rd,4th,5th .....10th
  15. the latest migrant caravan has been reduced by 50% mayor Adams of NY cut the free food debit cards..... all coming into place
  16. East NY -- Brooklyn and I took the A train for many years
  17. hey,, why are you dissin' rocks ? dumber than stepped in dog sh** would have fit better
  18. hard to imagine .. election results showed she under performed in every county vs Biden's record that's the true definition of Loser !
  19. I find that really hard to believe,,,, as in false Unless you're sticking your nose in someone's armpit after an hour on a game court .. I have always noticed that people of color in the US took great pride in being clean and really used cologne and perfumes as a daily regimen and living in the US for 65 years kind of qualifies and justifies my observation.
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