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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. Or .. you could change your diet and reverse type 2 diabetes. and put an end to the harm your medicine is actually doing. NO CARBS actually quite simple
  2. they should have a pole with a snare on it and drag him to the ground by his neck 1-2-3 done ! stop with all the soy boy hands off approach
  3. not true.. he will long be remembered as a lying money grabbing traitor .. and that's his good qualities
  4. so a few weeks ago Trump stuck a zinger in Trudeau ..making a crack that Canada should become the US 51st state ( yes it was a joke ) seeing as how Britain’s local governments are at ‘serious’ risk of ‘widespread collapse’ ( actual headline) go for a double.... make them the 52nd state and Farage could become the governor. hear that ...??? it's the sound of 68.35 million sphincters going into spasm.
  5. Just an FYI ... if you're used to traditional type coil mattress' and go to a memory foam .. word of warning ! Do not try and do a running / dive bounce test . the standard coil goes something like pitter patter pitter patter ... swish.... boing ..bounce bounce the memory foam is more like .. pitter patter pitter patter swish ... thud,,,,sink aaahhhhhhhhh ! it will definitely catch you off guard for me.. the perfect type mattress to sleep on
  6. another one falls for the LDL cholesterol hoax
  7. or are they calling you oop bpa ? makes more sense oop bpa supporter; sponsor; giver;contributor
  8. Las Vegas odds 99/1 you're correct
  9. Nice choice of word.. "Entitled" Anyone see Uncle Tu lately ? get the boys together for a "reunion" !
  10. To get a little more specific Yes,, great marriage to a wonderful Thai woman ( almost 17 years ) being retired .. a beautiful house and land all paid for no debt "NO taxes" ( ( includes Thailand ) oh except for land tax.. 34 baht the US government sends me a nice check every month .... and without a doubt.. healthier now than I was 20 years ago
  11. Add to that list ......... Drug dealers ( hard drugs .. like Meth-Ya. Pills and crystals/Heroin/Cocaine ) Murderers especially cop killers, (includes running them down in your fancy car ) Rapists
  12. In a developing political situation, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra has been advised by members of the Senate to attend their meetings regularly, as continued absences could lead to a censure debate. The senators have expressed frustration over the PM’s tendency to bypass inquiries by not appearing in person hmmmmmmmm, only two days ago Thaksin Shinawatra, the de facto leader of the Pheu Thai Party, has strongly criticized members of the coalition government in the administration led by his daughter, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra, for their failure to attend a recent cabinet meeting. He specifically pointed to the absence of certain cabinet members during a session focused on reviewing international tax measures, calling on them to resign.
  13. Is there anything good about getting old? I'm 3 weeks from turning 70 .. so far mid life has been wonderful .. and everyday is a new gift. I'll answer and let you know in about 25 years .. when I start to get old.
  14. She has been living with her "brother" who is divorced and has a young boy and he is going to let us stay in the house until ours is finished. and then ......................
  15. Back in the U.S. .. I would attend corporate meetings with people fron U.S.G., National Gyp., Lafarge, Georgia Pacific, Armstromg World Ind. amazingly, when everyone rolled up their shirt sleeves there was plenty of ink to display .. and a good portion of them rode bikes as well .... same hold true for people I know from Wall St. / financial
  16. say what Willis ? no such thing
  17. roaming the streets "early am" 3-am 4 am? really afraid ? probably just kicked out of some Indian guy's condo pay the bar (fine ) 5000 baht we visited her parents .. Mae.. Look I found a pigeon ! 200,000 USD small house... at that price it better come with a Porsche 911
  18. want to start with the Russians and Chinese ?
  19. start with ..... zero dollar tours Human waste is used as an agricultural fertilizer in China knock offs .. such as unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material, trademark infringement, trade secret theft, and patent infringement. . which covers just about everything they make
  20. it's everywhere .. even back in the US .. cashiers are fundamentally null and void of basic math the look of panic when you hand them $10.10 for a $9.10 purchase is sickening .. and they rely on the register to tell them what to do oh. and let's not limit this to cashiers .. it's as others have pointed out a generational lack of basic training
  21. as a point of reference,,, Jimmy Page suxxxxxxxxxx
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