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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. seen this moviehttps://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMWZkMnB6eXptcGhteGlkM2NjcG1nMGo0NHoyYnMybDVzeGRqYnJhZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/toNLdRECnQRImoLYdk/giphy.gif
  2. Did you make an appointment with a chiropractor ? Do that before you go self medicating and do nothing to correct the issue I'll put $10 on the S.I. joint
  3. https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/03c3a36907506a2dd37f312085ecf0d7208597a5/0_282_5760_3455/master/5760.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=623e9dc23aedf3bc1b70ede911bb356a Is that your house ? we have a "package" to deliver to you
  4. stray dog .... hydraulic tools to cut fence .... .. so now it will have the potential to father a few dozen more soi dogs a quick flip of a pocket knife could have saved the dog.. but "cut" the further potential for more soi dogs !
  5. The weather is great all year ! The beach is always open ! No such thing as too hot !
  6. Plenty of Thai women do not shave their legs young , older .. not a fan .. kind of like snuggling with a spider but.... ( there's always a but ) the French women are the absolute worst
  7. He was absolutely the worst .. BUT... dethroned as the worst by Biden !
  8. ...caused by ,,,,, ??? nodding off ? bending down to pick up a phone that should have never been in the equation ? ya-ba wore off ? remember this line .... "Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You fxcked up."
  9. and the best part of it is,, Kamala will have to certify ........ from cackling to "Eating Crow ! then the cameras flip to groups of lefties in tears ... I hope the airlines are offering groups one way ticket (out) discounts !
  10. I got my loss from a pair of Marshall 100w stacks plus side.... If the wife complains .. I just say I can't hear you
  11. Hopefully it will be at the Captiol and will go something like "I Donald John Trump ........(fast foward)..... will protect and defend the Constitution of the Untied States ! Now hand me a dozen or so pens !
  12. no vaccines.. no masks .. and I don't go to dinners and eat out of the same community bowl that everyone else dips their spoon in and NO COVID !!!
  13. I'll be 70 next week .... considoring I'm in better shape now than when I was 50 .. 100 is my goal and i'll be dam pissed off if I get cut short !
  14. My original post read. DAY 1 there by negating any extra long term B/S and cost. Package Complete!
  15. o' ye of little knowledge .. you can't call anyone a felon if they have not been sentenced.
  16. Spending per prisoner varies more than tenfold across states, from just under $23,000 per person in Arkansas to $307,468 in Massachusetts. Spending in Massachusetts was more than double any other state; the median state spent $64,865 per prisoner for the year.A Not even close ..... https://cdn-secure.luckygunner.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/130x/9ff7779cd26ff4f903eca552d115eb0f/1/a/1a98b68f43a3df0931da3adb3053349b_7.jpg38¢ per round Cremation costs can vary widely depending on the funeral home, services and products purchased, and where you live. The most affordable option is direct cremation, which costs between $750 and $1,100
  17. https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c4/c8/c2/c4c8c2d42aaa8a25ddf98c9b078afd3e.jpg
  18. agree. at max my 2 dogs get 1/2 cup of dog "cereal" the bulk is pork,chicken/beef/eggs dogs / canines do not eat cereal,rice corn or other grains ( just like humans should not ! )
  19. think you might have him confused with this fine specimen https://i.redd.it/n7uph9hzj8ia1.jpg
  20. because we are paying thousands of $$$ each year to provide and an existance for the scum Day 1 for about $1
  21. must be a lot od "Petroleum" usage inEngland as well https://cdn-content-oz1.storbie.com/images/vaseline-petroleum-jelly-original-100-g-500-r112x.jpg?i=oQGJjB0pa_QKxG9mQEat_UUKRPytH51PPa9QoQNtF4s5ma5lHzD-3zos7JJk9ly7zF3-v6X5thk2n4M2bIcXxl8ENXKlj90VRJlGC4wjcMsQYP4wyXIbDac-Q5oFtv2DWO0WFuQR9D711qfL-WO48yRCtCC84BaGhONnDVuv6Y9pWslhOLm7jBBkV8sLL5blJTx3TJd_S5fhyOJZL8gPKlLujjKAreeI6VLjZhy2Eg0XW5KMqBaExLseIJ3E_s4LLHV5lYB3q8ZKLvn6zzKsrQ~~
  22. wow ! that skinny cross dressing dude shoud have taken flying ( and landing ) lessons ...
  23. must admit .. when the Boss gets her "Thai-Talian" ( Thai/Italian) thing going in the kitchen ...... even I give in
  24. We bought this one ( MEX ) from Home Pro hot and cold .. plus a seperate function to attach to the water filter for your drinking water total 3 connections ... covers all the bases https://cdn.nocnoc.com/assets-static/assets/portal-assets/624618/product/images/21789/nnmextap-015_1__1200x1200.jpg
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