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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. The delegation is set to hold discussions in Hua Hin, Just when you thought Hua Hin couldn't get any worse
  2. too late . she already spewed her true feelings nice try to walk it back after putting her foot in her mouth at least 1 Dem had to guts to call it right .. Fetterman criticized those praising Mangione in comments to NBC News’s Sahil Kapur. “He’s the a--hole that’s going to die in prison. Congratulations if you want to celebrate that. A sewer is going to sewer. That’s what social media is about this. And I don’t know why the media wants to turn that into a story, just with these trolls saying these kinds of things anonymously like that,” Fetterman said, according to Kapur. “I don’t know why that’s news. Remember, he has two children that are going to grow up without their father… It’s vile," he added.
  3. lefty link .. probably matches cerebrum size
  4. aside from all the usual B/S lies the left spews ... she actually said this https://www.politico.com/news/2024/12/11/unitedhealthcare-ceo-killing-00193776 https://nypost.com/2024/12/11/us-news/elizabeth-warren-rationalizes-visceral-response-to-unitedhealthcare-ceo-murder-should-be-a-warning/ https://www.msn.com/en-in/lifestyle/whats-hot/sen-elizabeth-warren-sympathises-with-luigi-mangione-says-people-can-only-be-pushed-so-far/ar-AA1vHzUv
  5. ask him ....
  6. maybe he had his origional with him .. just in case
  7. start with ... Sen. Elizabeth Warren sympathises with Luigi Mangione, says ‘people can only be pushed so far
  8. looks like another case of .. my truck is bigger than your school van.. so I'll make a u turn into oncoming traffic so I can get to the noodle shop first . oh wait ! you're not paying attention ? can't anticipate what's gonna happen when something when something 2 tons hits something 6 tons !
  9. remember this headline ? Vietnam already beat them to it Police confiscate 345,000 recycled condoms in Vietnam
  10. give her 12 hours ............... in General population ! with the guys .. (equal rights... right ? ) then you can call it even
  11. ..... especially .. if he's in prison . and his best buddy is named Bubba !
  12. ????? they are at your home .....................you drive....1km and they follow ...now feed them there sounds like you're off to a good start for good measure ,, drive across some busy roads !
  13. what was that old saying ??? book smart and street st*** ! Disadvantages of Book Smarts: You might not be able to find a job if your only qualifications are book smarts. Your ability to think on your feet might be limited. You might have difficulty dealing with unexpected situations. You might struggle with common sense tasks
  14. good news.. you still have some time left to recover
  15. US family paln insurance policy was over $1300 a month .. and you still had a deductable .... total freakin rip off
  16. I see a new color lapel pin (red ) coming soon .. only a matter of time before he jumps ship and regains his sanity
  17. guess the never watched Animal House https://www.google.com/search?q=animal+house+drunk+and+stupid&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS914US914&oq=animal+house+drunk+and+stupid&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDk5MDFqMGo3qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3621b4c0,vid:mkoPq5AOCOA,st:0
  18. was later apprehended at his father's house now there's a switch .. usually mommy's house
  19. probably more like .. it's to short .. try another angle
  20. better yet .. they should have random surprise COMPETENCY testing wait.. that might result in a government shutdown !
  21. you get 12 months to sell/transfer the property to Thai hopefully . she can in her will leave it to a "trusted" relative the usufruct . worded correctly is attached to the Chanote and you are entitled to stay for life key word here is "trusted" luckily . my wife's sister lives in Texas with her American husband and is a really good egg !
  22. 17 years ago . I sent my wife to a language scool to learn english .. in Bangkok there were only Filipino and or British teachers had to wait until we got to the States to send her to English ESL classes so she could speak proper english without some bad accent
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