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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. look in the mirror .. then read what you said ,,,,, especially the "illegal immigrants" part guess you are,,, part of the problem
  2. can't get sh** done as it is now,, mass amt of funds diverted to illegal invaders, tons of fraud , start with big pharma and all the special agenda agencies..... won't mention the overpayment on merchandise bought by the gov. ( yes I know,because I worked for vendors that sold to the gov and I know how easy it is to facilitate ) The US gov is a cesspool of corruption and anybody that claims otherwise is has either been dead for the last 100 years or living in a constant thorzine shuffle.
  3. .. thought that only happens in the US !
  4. I hope all the liberal left cities ship as many illegals back to Texas as soon as possible ! That will make the round up and deportation that much easier !
  5. possible fake news .. "not " a foreigner ?
  6. and ......... all the anti Trump. braindead still get to reap all the benefits so, who are they kidding ?
  7. i'll bet 70% of the gov workers are nothing more than pencil pushers .. a dime a dozen
  8. slash and burn .. the sooner the better .... after a week of shock .. everyone will get over it the Gov is too big and has their nose in everyone's biz,, that is not what we want and don't forget to cut all those useless grants ... like does wearing seatbelts in Venezuela help
  9. .. and move offices out of DC .. into nice "flyover" cities where good honest hard working people can work .. in office
  10. aside from the on the phone or sleeping ... drunk,stoned or stupid comes to mind ( don't forget brake failure )
  11. Today at language class, the words for sidewalk taang tao and fut baat came up ( excuse the spelling/punctucation ) I quickly added ,, don't they call that a motocy lane in Bangkok ? teacher almost pee'd his pants
  12. Crisco consists of a blend of soybean oil, fully hydrogenated palm oil, and palm oil. ,,,,aka, very bad for your health
  13. Bravo ! ... my Grandmother could have "fixed that for them" a good schmack in the head !
  14. When my son turned 14 he asked for a new/upgraded computor system for A.. school work, research and also pleasure use. He was already accessing info using a mobil phone.. So the solution .. "If you want it, you have to research the info and build it yourself." and that he did .. every component hand selected and installed in the chasis of his choice.. plus 2 stock monitors, by himself. ( with me watching ) Today at 20 he is running and supervising the audio and lighting ( all computor controlled ) for his college campus theatre productions. He's also has a natural talent for painting and sketching, with several of his works receiving awards and display. We still video chat at least 5 days a week .. and there are always 1 or 2 "live" guitar sessions so I keep him on his toes. ... and he really digs Hendrix ! There was never a lack of hands on life info .. using tools, doing manual work indoor,outdoor, carpentry, electrical,plumbing and plenty of exercise , and I taught him how to use and respect firearms. But most of all.. using your brain to find solutions. So bottom line.... kids have it in them .... you just need to be involved and help nurture their development
  15. I like the Dems newest plan ,,,, bus 'em all back to Texas ! That will make the round up a lot easier and the cost of the exit flights cheaper !
  16. if you really have to eat this stuff . why not go back to basics ?
  17. Quick .. How do you piss off a group of idiots ? We won !
  18. 100 % correct human bodies do not need fiber to evacuate
  19. Sounds like you might be lacking in proper nutrition you need more animal fat in your diet not "sawdust" drinks and chemicals Eat animal-based foods. This means no: Fruits Vegetables Legumes grains Sugars Nuts Seeds And anything else that isn’t meat
  20. Seinfeld episode with " The Bro or the Manzier"
  21. overweight men in pattaya on the beach so... these dudes are "ok" ???
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