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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. To the op

    They say you can only have a refund if you take reasonable care to protect your cheques, as if they were cash. So i reckon telling them you left them in your hotel room is a no no :o

  2. .

    In the last 2 weeks a 7 year old kid was beaten up in Edinburgh by a 28 year old man, the reason ? He was wearing an England shirt.This type of incident is on the increase.

    I'm going up to see my folks in Fort William in a few weeks, I will wear the England shirt.

    I hope I run into the type of coward that beat that kid.


    Good on ya, Chon; but how does it go? <deleted> um! :D

    Also musnt forget the Englishman who btw is disabled was dragged out his car and beaten. The reason? He had an England flag on his car :o:D

  3. Great Thunder storm in Bangkok at the moment.

    No need to tell me mate, 48 hours and i will be seeing them first hand :D

    Warmish today in Bristol, bit of sunshine, may turn out nice, but i dont really care if it turns out nice cause i am coming to thailand, in fact hopefully it will rain for the next 4 <deleted> weeks :o:D

  4. The following still have not sent in predictions for Sat-Sun games..

    Simmo - no repsonse so far

    SvenIvan - no response

    Game4shame- no response

    Redrus - no response

    Prof Fart- no response

    Greg D-nada

    Tytus - has responded, will send before kick off


    I know Rus is working away, had a text off him this morning, not sure when he is back :o

  5. But at least its warm over there. I dont mind the rain as long as its warm :D BTW cold and miserable in Blighty today :D still, 4 days and counting :D

    OK, the RAIN has stopped, for now. Got to save some downpour for daleyboy's arrival !

    Still haven't heard when yer going to be in Pattaya though ? :o

    We will be in Patters for a few days either side of the get together. We have just rented an apartment in bangers for the month, but we wll make the trip down, probably for 3 or 4 days, so dont worry, you will have plenty of time to buy me loads of fantas :D So sometime round the 13th to 17th July. :D

  6. I'm on 119.. :D

    Me too ! 119 minutes to go until I head out for the evening in Pattaya !! :D:D:D

    Though it looks like it might RAIN any time now (obviously the weather is getting geared up for daleyboy's imminent arrival) :o

    But at least its warm over there. I dont mind the rain as long as its warm :D BTW cold and miserable in Blighty today :D still, 4 days and counting :D

  7. Pissing down in Bristol, and its bloody cold, :D ohh well i guess it is the longest day of the year, so we were never going to get sunshine, still, only 4 days to go :D

    4 days to go eh ? I'm on 119.. :o

    totster :D

    Bummer mate

    You want to know the answer to make the time go quicker?

    Have a baby, :D you dont have time then to think about 119 days all you are thinking about is nappies :D

  8. That kind of thing would not piss me off mate, knowing someone is enjoying what I just did and, will do again soon........... :D

    As long as you and the family are safe and have a top time lad and, as long as those boys whup your cocky ass at pool, we'll all be happy. :D


    Ok mate, we will see when i ring you 6am monday morning your time, hopefully it will be cold and raining :D

    I didnt realise though, just how much <deleted> organising things take with a baby, before it was pack the day before we go, just throw everything into the backpack and off we go, but now its, bottles, sterililisng tablets, baby passports, baby tickets, baby clothes, nappies, dummies etc etc :D:D

    BTW you won recognise the number, becuae we are taking the wifes phone, as no one calls her on that apart from me anyway, it wont cost me a bloody fortune with incoming calls :o

    As for ass whuppings at pool, do you think maybe i should take my own cue with me? :D Tippy aint going to be in Thailand now and to be honest i think he is the only one that might of been able to come close to maybe beating me :D

    We will have to see how the boys get on in the Fc :D

  9. On the changeable side up ere today, not sure weather its gonna burn me or piss down. Its all good anyway......... :D

    How long before you go DB....?


    We fly this sunday evening mate, and believe i have put international roaming on my phone and i AM going to phone you when i am on the beach just so you can hear the water lapping up on the shore, i reckon i will ring you on a monday morning about 8am :o:D and that will teach you for ringing me from the airport just to rub it in :D:D

    Btw not sure what the weather is going to do today maybe sun maybe not

  10. I think this thread needs to be closed. It's pointless and a complete waste of bandwith. :D

    It is when people dont contribute about the weather. :o

    What you should have said is.........

    I think this thread needs to be closed. It's pointless and a complete waste of bandwith. :Dand btw the weather in Rennes Les Chateau, birthplace of the Priory of Sion--AKA as Las Vegas. :D:D

    Then you might be taken a bit more seriously by us regular rain posters :D

  11. You haven't got the time to go. you are never off tV :D

    Fairely soon - won't see me for sometime!!! :o

    Or me for that matter :D

    The wife and i have decided that we will probably bring her sister with us to patters, what a bargain a cheap hotel room for a free babysitter :D so looks like we might be on for the BF as well :D

  12. Ahhh ok thanks for that Chris, guess that counts that out as well then, as we will have the baby with us, so we dont want to be trekking too far. :D

    Hey DB

    Shouldn't you be packing? don't forget the Robinsons squash and the baby wipes :o

    Have a good time!

    TBWG :D

    The wifes doing the packing, robinsons is available at most tops supermarkets and so are the baby wipes. :D All i need now is the apartment and we are sorted, watch out Thailand here we come!!!!!!! :D:D

  13. We have had a couple of showers in Bristol today, but mainly over the last week it has been <deleted> hot :D nice bit of acclimatization before we fly out on Sunday :o You better have me a cold orange fanta waiting when i get there Kerry :D

  14. I've got a studio condo that is in Sukhumvit 53, near skytrain, nice building, pool, intenet, air, furnished, phone, ect. Maybe too small for you though. Let me know by PM if you're interested. One month would be ok with me.

    Thanks for the offer mate, but i will have the wife, baby, step daughter, mil+fil and a nephew, so a studio might be a tad small :o but thanks anyway

    Good location, 2 bedrooms 1 month rental possible and in your price range.




    Thanks poodle thats more what i am looking for, i will get the wife to give them a ring later :D

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