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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. The title says it all really, i am looking for a 2 bed apartment in Bangkok for 1 month, preferably with a swimming pool and a kitchen. Looking to rent from the 25th June to 25th July

    Not fussed what area as long as i have walking access to the skytrain or the underground :o

  2. TV Pissup in Pattaya (15 July)



    ScoopyBoobies (arai wah! :D )






    Jai Dee

    Sunny Valentine

    Game4Shame ?????



    Seems to be a few names missing from the local TV contingent. :D

    Hope it doesn't end up like some of the other meets, where people sat around in small groups, and hardly anyone talked to anyone else (unless they already knew them).

    I need to get a t-shirt made up with my avatar and knick on it. Then everyone will know who to stay away from ! :D:D

    We already know mate, your the old one drooling over all the ladies, so dont worry you wont be in our small group :o:D

  3. Ha ha ha ... I'm beating DB... :o

    totster tcwozereeng.gif

    Well i suppose you have to be better than me at something, thankfully its only a football competition. :D:D Still away to go anyway, so dont expect to still be on top by the end :D

    I would ask Chon what he reckons my chances are, but he isnt very good at this either, i better ask the croc :D:D

  4. We're ( u me & tots ) still only second division quality....but

    a 3-0 for England tonite,,,,yabba dabba doooo

    Second division is ok with me mate, as i expect tots is quite happy there also, we both know nothing whatsoever about football, because we live in the west country where they play a mans game called rugby :o:D

  5. Wll my beginners luck seems to have run out, dropped down to level peg with totty btw the only time you will ever be as good as me :o , but at least i am still ahead of redrus, haha you northern monkey :D

    Chon me old mate, how much scrumpy do i have to supply you with to move me up the table? I would say you were doing a great job, but you keep moving me down, which i tell ya i aint happy about :D:D

  6. Daleyboy, usually Lennie's gets busy after 10 pm .....

    The bar is fairly big (about 120 square meters) with two seperated rooms.

    Will provide some snacks for the boys, and a Lolly for the baby!


    that sounds good, except i want a lolly as well :o I was just abit concerend it might be a bit loud and smokey, but if you say its cool then its cool with me :D

    Me and the wife will be home tuicked up in bed by 10pm :D

  7. Good idea to meet somewhere else first and then head to BF. BF is fine but a bit loud when trying to meet folks.

    Or if you have a baby in tow :o . Maybe we could meet up for some food somewhere rather than in a bar, i really dont like the idea of having my baby in a bar :D

    Whats your bar like sunny? Is it full of drunken louts? Or will it be fairly quiet in the early evening?

    To Tuky//

    I was looking forward to the bbq mate and a bit of piss taking, but i guess i will just have to wait till next time :D If your ever in the uk and its sunny :D your welcome round mine for a bbq :D

  8. Just spotted this thread, i opened an almost identical thread in general topics. :o

    I spoke to nationwide yesterday and they told me after i open my second account, to let them know when i will be away, so they know it is me taking money out in Thailand. They said if they saw unusal spending on the account i.e lots of cash withdrawls in Thailand they would freeze the account if i hadnt warned them. :D

  9. I often eat on my own, purely because the wife isnt a great fan of farang food. If i want English food i cook it myself, if i want anything else the wife cooks it for me. She is a trianed chef so i am spoilt, not only does she cook some of the best Thai food i have ever eaten, but she is trained in Italian cooking so she cooks great Italian food, which is one of my favourite types of food :o

  10. I dont think Kurgen will be interested in slanging, when he sees my ass all he will be thinking about is how he can try and tickle it :D:D Well sorry Kurgen but i aint like that, you will have to stick with Kerry :o

    Don't be dragging me into your twisted fantasies.

    I'm quite comfortable with being straight and chasing all the girls you others are ignoring :D

    I aint ignoring the ladies mate, i am married i am not allowed to look :D:D

    See you in a few weeks mate, the first drink is on me :D

  11. Mate... it's hard enought trying to get George to fork out a few beers for us mods... :o

    Last time I had a beer with him... it was all my beer! :D

    Unfortunately, tuky flew out this morning and won't be back for a while. :D

    Actually... seeing you go up against Kurgen in a slanging match would be quite entertaining I reckon... :D

    George told me its just cause he doesnt like you, thats why you were buying the beers :D

    Shame Tuky aint going to be around, i guess the bbq he was promising is off now :D:D

    I dont think Kurgen will be interested in slanging, when he sees my ass all he will be thinking about is how he can try and tickle it :D:D Well sorry Kurgen but i aint like that, you will have to stick with Kerry :D

  12. TV Pissup in Pattaya (15 July)








    Jai Dee

    I'm in Brit.


    So being a mod, you reckon you can get a kitty off George to put behind the bar? :o Wheres Tuky? Is he going ot drag his arse out? I need someone to take the piss out of, as a second choice Kurgen would have to do i guess :D

  13. TV Pissup in Pattaya (15 July)







    Daleyboy (Not Blues Factory, but at Jenny's) :D

    I am only going to Jennys if Kurgen promisies to show me round his favourite *cough* ladies :o:D

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