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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. We will be around on the 15th sort of time, not sure about the bar thing though. Nothing personal Dave just with a baby, probably not the best place for him, but will be up for meeting beforehand maybe in a quiet location, where we can kick back and chill without any loud music :D Or dodgy Canadians!!!!!!! :o Only joking Kerry, looking forward to meeting you and a few other reprobates :D

  2. Well i am hoping i dont have too much messing around setting up a second account, the first account i had to goto the branch with all my id, trouble is my local branch is a <deleted> pain in the arse to get to, so hopefully as i already have one account they will do it over the phone for me :o

    They also told me that they do their exchange rates on whatever Visa set them at, and currently today visa has them set at 70.82 :D which beats the <deleted> out of the post office which is around 62

  3. My pleasure :D

    Just spoken to them,ohhh so nice to talk to somone in the U.K that actually speaks English rather than been put to somewhere in Bangledesh :o she is getting someone to call me tommorrw between 9 and 11 to help set me up another flex account. Just registered for online banking, so hopefully this should be sorted in the next week or so :D

  4. I called them about the possibility of losing my card while abroad and they suggested that I open another Flexaccount and set them both up to online banking so if I lost one I could just log on and transfer the dosh to the other account. You can also set up an 'esaving' account online associated with each of your Flexaccounts. At the moment esavngs is paying 4.abit percent and transfer between accounts is instantaneous.

    Thats not a bad idea, you would think they would make it easier though, and just give you a spare card to carry just in case, will give them a ring now and see whats involved in opening a second account. Thanks Endure :o

  5. OK i know this has been covered before, nationwide flex account is the way to go for taking cash out in Thailand which is why i have now opened said account. But what i want to know is what exchange rate is applied? In the UK at the moment you are getting anywhere between 60 and 65 to the pound where Bangkok bank are offering 70 to the pound, which with the amount of cash i am bringing makes quite a difference. The difference is my car hire for 2 weeks. :D

    So anyone know which is which? I spoke to nationwide and they don't seem to know <deleted> all :o also anyone got any bad stories about nationwide? Lost cards? How long they take to replace?

    If this isn't the way to go then it will be travellers cheques again, but if i want sterling they want 40 quid charge in the UK then 33 baht a cheque in Thailand, if i order U.S or euro then there is no charge but still the 33 baht for each cheque.

    What would you guys and girls recommend? :D

  6. the sound you just heard was totser's ears popping out of ... so he could write a GREAT POST

    Yeah it was good, so good i actually took a screenshot and saved it to disk just in case we never get any more great posts from the man. :o:D

    Ohh dear sorry my post may of contained smileys, humour, wit and fun and nothing really intelligent so something that maybe isn't allowed in this thread :D:D

  7. Well me and Rio are currently in disscussion about minibuses from the west country, he reckons he can get 8 together i reckon on 5 of my lot and will see if we can squeeze tots in as well :o

    So with a bit of luck 14 of the west country crew will descend of the party :D

    so what about you northeners? Redrus? Bojangles? Scouse? Get yourselves a minibus and come and join the party, we could make this the offical uk thai visa pissup. :D

    Maybe we could have a word with Geroge,doc and Huski and maybe offer to wear Thai visa tshirts for a small fee, good bit of free advertising, maybe hand out flyers :D

  8. ok drive!

    from the 666 camp there could be up to 8 adults, 2 kids

    reckon you should take us up in a 40ft trailer or a waggon-and-drag from your work mate... not sure a minibus will be big enough :o

    No worries mate i will get a roof rack and strap the Thais to the top, they wont mind, will make them feel like home :D

    That will be ok mate, you can get 16 seater mini buses, so there is 8 of you 4 of us and totty if we can drag his ass down from chelt, so 3 spare seats :D

  9. gonna mark it in the diary now...

    me n the mrs missed out last year but will try to get there this time


    Maybe we can get a few of us, we can all chip in for a minibus, i dont mind driving being a non drinker :D Me and the wife, you and your missus, i have a friend and his thai missus would probably be up for it. Get that monkey from cheltenham with us :D

  10. You might struggle for a holiday visa - the spouse visa is actually easier to get. Have you thought about going to an agency and getting their advice. It's only a few thousand baht and can save a heap of hassle - a refusal now will make applications much harder in the future.

    But you can also save your few thousand baht and ask the experts here, i have had experience of agencies and wouldnt trust them as far as i can throw them.

  11. Next time Im in BKK I will ask as no one here seems to know. As for tutsiwarriors reply,well we dont have that many schwarmas in England and there are kebab shops everywhere. Makes me wonder why I post in here sometime

    I think tutsi was just pointing out about preperation of the meat. These kebab shops in the uk buy their meat from a main supplier who probably has schwarma cooks preparing the meat.

    I mean there is no need to get all sensitive about it, he is merely pointing out the way the meat should be prepared.

    Sorry if we couldnt help you out, but it is quite an unusal request, and like i said before maybe the best person to ask where to get one of these grills is the person you saw using it in Bangkok.

  12. Does anyone know where I could get one of the kebab grills that they have down on Sukhumvit Soi 3 outside the Grace Hotel ?

    One of those would go great in my garden if I could find one. ......

    Have you tried asking the owner of said grill, where he got his from? Is it one of the tall ones your after?


  13. So anybody flying with Ba to Thailand on the 25th June i apologise now if you are stuck with a crying baby.

    Can't you ship the wee one in one of those little cages they use for cats and dogs ?

    I'm sure the rest of the passengers would appreciate it ! :D

    Already asked mate, they said no though and i shouldnt be so mean to my baby. Its not just the other passengers that would appreciate it :o:D

    Seriously though, to be fair he is a good little lad who only cries when he is hungry or needs changing so it shouldnt be that bad :D

    Still sunny in Bristol :D

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