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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. I've been woken up when she tried to eat my elbow, while she was still asleep. Must have been having a dream about dining out.!!!

    More than a few times i got woken up by a good slap in the face because she dreamed of me having an affair. :o

    I concur with this, i have been woken up,being accused of sleeping with a blonde, even though i never go for blondes :D

  2. OK you folks. Next time I get arrested or charged with an offence I won't bother with a lawyer as they are all a waste of money . I'ill Just defend myself and so can't go wrong.

    Same with civil law. Next time I want to sue my neighbour or he sues me ...I won't waste my money on a good lawyer..I'll .learn the law and practice myself and away I go.

    Next time I want a liquor licence I won't bother with a lawyer. I'll swat up on administrative law and argue my own case.

    Above all, I'll never use the services of a Thai lawyer.....I'll.deal with the Thai authorities myself. I can always get by using my Thai wife as interpretor and who knows perhaps they speak English so I cannot lose out.

    Thanks you guys for your advice. I'll dispense with all professional help in future..who needs it !

    These people aren't professionals, they don't have qualifications in visa laws or immigrations laws, they will take your money, then if you don't get the visa tough shit, i have been there and done that. :o

    The members we have here contributing their services, for free by the way are ex immigration officers and the like, and quite frankly i would rather trust the advice of someone who has done the job, rather than some monkey who is more interested in your money, you know a real professional :D

    You use a lawyer as an example, ok so what you are saying is you would rather speak to some bloke in an office who promises you 100% that you will get not get charged with an offence, rather than speak to someone who actually knows what they are talking about? Somebody who is actually qualified to answer the questions you might have

    :D Really you have shown yourself up really well haven't you? :D

  3. Wow what a day :D bbq with the family tomorrow, went down asda spent £60 on flesh :o

    Got into an argument with a rough council house slag, because she was parked in a mother and baby space, without a baby. And me being me i had to say something, 10 minutes later when i had impressed her with some big words, like ignorant, and obnoxious, she was suitably embarrassed, especially when everyone waiting for a mother and baby space started clapping :D:D

    ahhh how i enjoy my shopping trips, shame the wife doesn't like me causing a scene. I asked her do you think it is right she should park there? she says no, so i say do you think its right i said something? she says yes then says but i wish it was someone else doing the talking :D

  4. I didn't do it, but I found out who did it ...

    Awe, stop it now.... Did what.......... :D:D:o


    need to know, and you dont need to know :D

    <deleted>.ck off then cock breath........ :D:D


    Thats not very nice is it? :D


  5. Most people wont even have a clue what we are talking about :o:D

    could become quite funny :D


    I doubt it mate :D

    I reckon George knows what we are talking about :D

  6. I have the option of bringing a car over from the US, buying one here or not for persnal usage, but unfortunately I will have to drive in BKK. My company will provide me with one to get around during work. I guess I will have to learn to drive the wrong way of the street.

    I cant understand why your company would want to pay at least 200% import duty on a left hand drive car, when one can pe purchased alot cheaper in country, thats just complete madness :o

  7. Dont use one. My wife and i used a agency and when the embassy found out they refused our first application due to the fact the agency had lied when filling out the application form for my wife. I was in the U.K when this happened.

    What happened, there was a question on the application asking if you had any help filling out the forms, not sure if it still there or not, but anyway they had marked no, then when my wife was interviewd they asked if she filled the forms out herself, she says no and that was the end of the interview, they then start saying why are you lying on your application? :D

    Cant be botered to write the whole story out, but basically it took us a long time to prove to the immigaration officer that we didnt intentionally lie on the forms and it was a simple mistake :D

    Seriously do it yourslef, witht he help of te clever bods here, there are a few of em out there and they are always happy to help you out :o And i wish i had found this site when we were applying for our visa

  8. And just for the record the South Americans are far worse than the Brits. :o

    Aye - they murder over footie... remember that Columbian player in WC - scored an own goal against the yanks. Got home and was riddled with bullets. :D

    I also watched a program on South American football, and they seem to like kidnapping relatives of famous footballers for large ransoms...........mmmmmm maybe not a bad idea. Anyone know where Beckhams mum lives? :D

  9. so...then we can say...tats around tits are not a good idea if you have low tolerance to pain...

    (let me look..there must be a smiley around here somewhere)

    DB...where did you have your tat and how big was it if 2 hours were required for the application?

    I have mine of each of my upper arms, i decided to have them here because they were something personal to me, and i didn't really want to show them off. You wouldn't even know i had them unless i actually rolled my sleeves right up so you could see.

    2 hours is quite a short time, for a relatively complicated tattoo, the one that took 2 hours is about 8 inches tall by about 4 inches wide, in a complicated loop design. Mine are both Celtic designs, designed by a friend of mine. And what took the time was the outlining, after that the skin goes numb and you cant feel them colouring in. :o

    At the end of the day, its each to their own, i wouldn't have any more done as i am happy with the 2 i have. They both mean something to me and a particular point in my life, and i still look at them today 12 years after they have been done, and they bring back some great memories of my youth.

    I will never regret having them done, even when i am "old and wrinkly" and if you want one done then go for it. Just make sure its something that means something to you :D

    If you are really not sure, you could always get your design done as a fake tattoo, and "try" it out for a few weeks to see if it suits :D

  10. No worries lil needle pricks don't hurt much mate. (just sore like a sunburn if thats gives you an indication what it feels like)

    Personally, when i had mine done, the pain was more like, someone holding a cigarette really close to my skin for 2 hours. But once the outline was done it was completely numb and i couldnt feel a thing.

    I had to laugh though, there was this other guy waiting to have one done, and he was there acting all flash and cockey with his slicked back hair, fake tan and fake rolex, you know the sort. Then he takes his shirt off and sits down in the seat next to me, tells the bloke he wants a sun put round his nipple. Well the needle only just touched him and he started screaming and the crying, ohhhhh sooo funny everyone laughed their ass off :D needless to say he jumped up put his shirt on and changed his mind :o

  11. Was just looking at the pages and came across this

    In traditional Thai tattooing there are rules that must be followed. It is known as the Law of the Tattoo and Arjan masters are very serious about what is expected of their devotees. They are told to follow the law exactly. Young men sit on the floor of a studio waiting their turn and are told to read the rules and seriously consider how the tattoo will change their lives.

    1. Be obedient and honor your parents.

    2. Be faithful to your wife.

    3. Don’t take drugs.

    4. Don’t eat fruit and food that has fallen from the tree. Only eat fresh food.

    5. Men with tattoos should not perform oral sex with women.

    Oh well no more number 5 for all those lucky ladies out there..... hehe!!

    Yep i was doing well until number 5 as well :o:D better tell the wife, i am sure she will appreciate that one :D

  12. I think your right, most annual policies will only insure you for a maximum of 90 days at a time, this migt be ok until you sort something else out, your only other option, like you said before is backpacker insurance, or maybe take out some other type of private insurance. Try speaking to an insurance company, and explain what you want and see what they can offer :o

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