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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Blazing Saddles,

    Any Monty Python,

    I'm sick I know.

    It's about 25 years ago now, but there was a cinema in Dublin that showed a double bill every Saurday night of...

    Blazing Saddles and The Holy Grail.

    I went nearly every week for years! I know it's sad, I can reel off the script to either of them...

    Wow , they did the same in Bristol when I was about 15 , was it really that long ago?

    "Anyone moves and the Nigga gets it!............"


    Which cinema in Bristol? Now be careful with you answer because this could really show your age :o

  2. daleyboy and redrus in a pissing contest

    post-566-1139911502.gif post-566-1139911527.gif

    Oh yes, welcome new members to the fun and games. :o

    :D :D No contest really mate as i am 2 feet taller than rus, i would without a doubt be able to piss further than him :D

    I can see his avatar when you cut it like that.

  3. I will talk and hang out with anyone, regardless of class, as long as i get along with them it shouldnt matter. :o I am sure there are hi-so and lo-so people on this board, and most of us get along just fine.

  4. Daleyboy has many closets though, and seems to pop out of one on every thread these days.... Too many fat kids crying, laughing, dancing, singing....

    What are you two on about? I have told you before, a closet is an American word.So me being from the U.K I prefer the term cupboard, or under stair storage area.

    Thank you :o

  5. Er, ya sick <deleted>**er.....!

    Do you think anyone has ever dreamed him..... :D


    :D Rusty Lee is a woman, although she may be a man in drag who is to know?

    See Mark it isnt quiet in here, we just party when you aint about :D See your missing this very interesting converation about Rusty Lee.

    I bet when you started this topic you didnt think it would head off in this direction? :D

    I can see that now - thank god i went to bed!!!

    You keep on partying with your choice of women!


  6. I'm all for more bank holidays in England but why St Georges day? Most people in England are not that religious and St George was a turkish saint anyway! What do you want Morris Dancers and a celebration of poor food? Surely we should pick another day - sometime in June when the weather is better and school is not yet on holiday! Why do we have to follow the Irish and their mass patriotism! One of the best things about being English is that we dont shove it down other peoples throats like Scots, welsh, Irish, Oz's, Kiwi's, Yanks and paticularly Canadians! We dont need it!

    More holidays yes!

    Flag waving for no reason - no thanks!

    We have the world cup and thrashing the ozzies at cricket for that already!!

    55555, and you talk of not pushing things down throats..... :o

    I'll stick with patriotism and ol Georgie boy.....


    What does 555555 mean? and I cant see your picture thingy either!

    55555= haha, something to do with the Thai alphabet,....

    Thats your set up thats stopping you from seeing it, its a moving avatar, maybe you can't see anybody elses that moves either...?


    I get the hahahaha thing now! very good. I can see all the other moving pix just not yours. Oh well!

    I think its his tin can connection hes got up north. :D

  7. Who the <deleted> looks cool in a bar the size of a matchbox sipping 200 baht small bottled beer anyways.

    The owner?

    Now that is a valid point! Maybe I should buy a bar and a set of black clothes and get on with it! If you cant beat em join em.... :o

    As for going to the bars, its hard really not to since they are everywhere and yes I do put my fingers in fans.... :D

    Do you put your tongue on those little square batteries, just to see if you get a shock? I do, and its good fun :D

    The stinging sensation just feels so gooooood! lol :D

    :D :D

  8. Most humble greetings and :D to all new additions on :o .

    I might just pass on "chatting you up" though Whizz Kid. You could speak to Daleyboy though, he's answered himself a few question already this week..... :D:D:D


    Cheeky git, only just seen this, and i can assure you its not me you have to worry about, its that internet stalker redrus :D

  9. Er, ya sick <deleted>**er.....!

    Do you think anyone has ever dreamed him..... :D


    :D Rusty Lee is a woman, although she may be a man in drag who is to know?

    See Mark it isnt quiet in here, we just party when you aint about :D See your missing this very interesting converation about Rusty Lee.

    I bet when you started this topic you didnt think it would head off in this direction? :D

    I know that you nugget, I'm not that young. Mind you if I get Rusty Lee surely that means you get Wincy Willis..... :D

    Anythings possible when you're in a thread Dale.


    mmmmmmmmmmm Many a boys dream about Wincy Willis


    Lets not forget the other boys dream Good old Lizzie

    lizzie20webb5qz.jpg :o

  10. Everyones gone underground.


    Now everyone sing..........................

    Underground, Overground, Wombling Free,

    The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we.

    Making good use of the things that we find,

    Things that the everyday folks leave behind.

    Uncle Bulgaria,

    He can remember the days when he wasn't behind The Times,

    With his map of the World.

    Pick up the papers and take them to Tobermory!

    Wombles are organized, work as a team.

    Wombles are tidy and Wombles are clean.

    Underground, Overground, wombling free,

    The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we!

    People don't notice us, they never see,

    Under their noses a Womble may be.

    We womble by night and we womble by day,

    Looking for litter to trundle away.

    We're so incredibly, utterly devious

    Making the most of everything.

    Even bottles and tins.

    Pick up the pieces and make them into something new,

    Is what we do!


  11. This proud rooster has just rooted all the hens in shed and is boasting to all the other roosters in the area.

    If this is the case then you could always just cut his nuts off. Problem solved :D

    Nope. Problem not solved. This horny rooster performs cunningless too. :o

    In which case, cut its <deleted> tongue out, problem solved, he gets his oates and you dont have to listen to him go on about it. :D

  12. Er, ya sick <deleted>**er.....!

    Do you think anyone has ever dreamed him..... :D


    :o Rusty Lee is a woman, although she may be a man in drag who is to know?

    See Mark it isnt quiet in here, we just party when you aint about :D See your missing this very interesting converation about Rusty Lee.

    I bet when you started this topic you didnt think it would head off in this direction? :D

  13. Who the <deleted> looks cool in a bar the size of a matchbox sipping 200 baht small bottled beer anyways.

    The owner?

    Now that is a valid point! Maybe I should buy a bar and a set of black clothes and get on with it! If you cant beat em join em.... :o

    As for going to the bars, its hard really not to since they are everywhere and yes I do put my fingers in fans.... :D

    Do you put your tongue on those little square batteries, just to see if you get a shock? I do, and its good fun :D

  14. I think its been quiet here for the last few days - everyone gone on holiday??

    No mate, we just see you come online then we all sign in as anonymous :D

    Wahey, who's on form today then eh..... :burp::D


    :D <deleted> 'ell are you following me round? You internet stalker :D



    Just one question what is Rus short for? Is it Rusty Lee by any chance? You know the famously funny female chef.

    rustie55qg.gif :D

    Errrrr, Russell..... :o


    But i bet you dream of being Rusty Lee :D

  15. I think its been quiet here for the last few days - everyone gone on holiday??

    No mate, we just see you come online then we all sign in as anonymous :D

    Wahey, who's on form today then eh..... :D:D


    :o <deleted> 'ell are you following me round? You internet stalker :D



    Just one question what is Rus short for? Is it Rusty Lee by any chance? You know the famously funny female chef.

    rustie55qg.gif :D

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