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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. I understand where you are coming from, and i know everyone has said you stand no chance, frankly i am not sure BUT i would find this woman and talk to her, maybe she just panicked and drove off.Try and sort it out between you, if she tells you to get lost, then well i know what i would do, but my wife has always told me i have a hot head :o

    You are right it is careless driving and in any other country this woman would be prosectuted for that and for leaving the scene of an accident, and maybe you can play on this and tell her that you will press charges unless she pays up for the damage.

  2. You might be....if your sister ended up with some old, fat, ruddy, beer-guzzling, ill-mannered, half-educated farang who takes every opportunity to disparage thailand and thai people, whine about things he doesn't understand, mangle the language, and pretend to be living happily in a state of imagined superiority.

    does that count?

    I would like to use this post as my 1000 th ! Sorry I did not have a speech ready ( something like , I would like to thank all the little people and trolls that got me here . Without you , all of these totally useless posts of mine ...bla bla bla :D ) Ahh , so where to put such an important landmark ?

    The visa forum ? Nah , I went through all that to the point where I do not want to even recall the tourture . So this seems like the perfect place .

    Thank you Puwa for putting things in perspective .

    Congratulations :o

    Thanks Doc. , Nice to see somebody cares :D

    Awwwwww we all care really, congrats matey :D

  3. It is indeed so, but who do you have in Thailand that you can trust to lease the land from?

    I have to say most situations involve a Thai and farang marriage, so normally the Thai will buy the land and the farang will own the house and lease the wife off of their spouse. What you are proposing to do is lease the land off someone you dont know and then spend your hard earned money on eiter buying or building a house.

    I dont mean to put a damper on things, and i am sure there are others out there that have gone throught hte smae experience, but persoanlly i wouldnt trust someone i didnt know to lease a plot of land and then build a house on it or indeed to buy a house on land owned by soemone else.

    I know the lease will offer some protection BUT this is Thailand and it could be made difficult for you if the owner of the land decideds they want you out.

    Also what sort of visa will you be applying for?

    I am sorry to sound so negative about things but there are a lot of questions that you need to get answered. I do hope it works out for you, CM is a beautiful place to be :o


    I am sure that their are enough foreigners who have bought the house and leased the land who do not have any problems. I would have thought that if you get professional advice when doing this then it would be ok. I cannot see that if you bought a house on say an estate that the owner would want you out, it seems that quite a few posts that I have read on different forums make it sound that they are queing up to rip you off. I found the following information which sounds reasonable to me:

    Most foreigners who 'own' land and houses (as opposed to condos, which can be owned outright) go for a leasehold agreement of typically 30 years, with two prepaid 30-year renewals. The lease will include clauses that automatically allow freehold ownership if the laws of foreign ownership change in future, and the right to sell and/ or transfer the property. This gives you 90 years with strong backup, making it effectively ownership.

    Just to complicate things a little, while you can only lease land, all the buildings (either on the land when it was purchased, or improved or built by you after purchasing the land) are your freehold. Technically this means that once the lease expires, the owner of the land must purchase the building(s) at an independently and legally valued price, or negotiate another lease period.

    The structure of a lease agreement needs to be watertight. But because this has become the preferred way of holding land in Thailand for foreigners, this type of lease agreement has become more or less a template, with add-ons to suit individual buyer's needs.

    As for sounding negative, I'm getting used to it as quite a few people on these forums are negative about everything. I will be applying for a Non Immigration Visa type O 'Retirement'. I am sure that everything will work out a I am determined that it will. :D

    Well it is nice to see that you are well informed. :D

    I am glad that you are not just going into this blind, my mistake prejudging from your first post :D

    It is just i have had a couple of friends that have had less than favourable experiences by rushing into things, and i hate to see anyone do that. It certainly sounds that you have everything sorted, i wish you all the best with your life in Thailand. :D

  4. eithad have just released flight schedules and prices. As an example ex Manchester 28th April returning 21st May = £353.00 incl taxes. Usual 2 hour stop over in Abu Dhabi

    Price undercuts Qatar by £50 and Emirates by £180.00

    Where did you get the quote from? The booking facility on their site doesn't list Manchester

    as yet.

    Try this site http://www.airfaresbasement.com/ some good quotes coming out.

    And check quotes for Man to Phuket very good (along with Bangkok Airways)

    Many thanks for that. (Note to self 'wait next time before you book'!) Could've saved myself

    100 quid :o

    Just checked that site, and i am happy to see i couldnt get a cheaper direct fligt for the wife and i. Thai air was the same price bar £2 as British airways, with their sale they had :D

  5. This is a forum every bit as useful as the information appearing on the boards displayed elsewhere on Thaivisa.com chiefly because of the contributions made by notable posters who offer practical advice based upon a sound interpretation of the respective immigration rules. It is a voluntary service provided free of charge and in the spirit of the tradition of public service unfettered by material gain or the need for personal recognition. Hundreds have benefited safe in the knowledge that the information supplied is untainted by considerations other than the altruistic. A distinguishing strength of this service is the impartiality of the advice given and its sincerity. Quite simply, there is nothing quite like it and for many it has proven to be a lifeline.

    It is obvious therefore that it is not a venue for the mischievous to make their mark nor is it a suitable place for the mentally deficient, the profoundly stupid, the plain psychotic or simply the disaffected whose self perceived worth is as diminished as their impoverished intellect.

    I'm not sure in which category Amrin fits and quite frankly I do not care since that persona is every bit as spurious as the others preceding it over the past few days.

    Thai3, Amrin( gosh, that rhetoric and ...... echo someone else's rhythmn) at al. whither now?

    Best post i have read in here for days :o

  6. I have to say most situations involve a Thai and farang marriage, so normally the Thai will buy the land and the farang will own the house and lease the wife off of their spouse. What you are proposing to do is lease the land off someone you dont know and then spend your hard earned money on eiter buying or building a house.

    Apologies, i meant land not wife :o as much as i would like to lease my wife and then change her every 3 years, i dont think she would like the idea of that. :D

  7. i nearly wish i was scottish today!!

    come on boys give the paddies a whacking!

    Just like i was really Irish today, and there is still 30 minutes to go :D

    The story of how the loss of one man, playing at his best - Stephen Jones - and his replacement by a duffer - Gavin Henson - can influence both teams' performances!

    Well done, the Irish.

    Well for England,Scotland,France and Ireland it is going to now be a very interesting tournament as for the Welsh and Italians back to your favourite places in the table :o

    Well dont worry sheep lovers and least you MIGHT not get the wooden spoon. :D

  8. Daleyboy is just bargaining for fun.

    He's never lived in LOS, just taking a cheap shot, i.e. "the local paupers can do much more with 40 bt than you", let him have it, Neeranam...

    What are you on about? How could you possibly know if i have never lived in Thailand? Just because i am not currently residing in Thailand doesnt mean i havent in the past, and the fact my wife and i decided to come back to the U.K and earn better money before coming back to reside permanently, is neither here nor there.

    And i am not taking a cheap shot at anyone, i was simply making comment to neeranams post, which as it was directed at me i think i am entitleted to.

    If neeranam thinks i am taking a cheap shot, then i apologise, but as far as i know he is perfectly capable of sticking up for himself, and i am sure he doesnt need you to fight his corner, in what is a simple debate.

    So in the future zzap if neeranam needs you to stick up for him i am sure he will ask you.

    Btw Neeranam cant afford to drink!!!!!!! :o

    Edit// Just noticed a couple of your posts in Pattaya forum Zzap, are you on a wind up tonight, or perhaps the little the worse for wear?

  9. It is indeed so, but who do you have in Thailand that you can trust to lease the land from?

    I have to say most situations involve a Thai and farang marriage, so normally the Thai will buy the land and the farang will own the house and lease the wife off of their spouse. What you are proposing to do is lease the land off someone you dont know and then spend your hard earned money on eiter buying or building a house.

    I dont mean to put a damper on things, and i am sure there are others out there that have gone throught hte smae experience, but persoanlly i wouldnt trust someone i didnt know to lease a plot of land and then build a house on it or indeed to buy a house on land owned by soemone else.

    I know the lease will offer some protection BUT this is Thailand and it could be made difficult for you if the owner of the land decideds they want you out.

    Also what sort of visa will you be applying for?

    I am sorry to sound so negative about things but there are a lot of questions that you need to get answered. I do hope it works out for you, CM is a beautiful place to be :o

  10. QUOTE(Grant @ 2006-02-25 17:16:51) *

    QUOTE(daleyboy @ 2006-02-24 21:34:46) *

    I will always have a haggle with the traders, as far as i am concerned it is all part of the buying proccess. I will pay what i think is fair to both myself and to them. If i feel i have got it for less than they really wanted to sell it for, i will give them what i think is a fair price. The wife doesnt like me doing this reckons i am too generous, but at the end of the day 40baht to me is <deleted> all but in the right hands 40baht is a meal for someones family.

    Also a bit off topic, but i always leave a 20baht tip on the pillow for the maids cleaning the room, in 6 years i have never had anything go missing from my room, even in the cheapest places, just remember we might not be rich but we are probably better off than the average Thai person you are haggleing with over 20 or 30 baht. smile.gif

    Go to the Night Bazaar in CM, when they are closing up and check out the cars they have - then decide if you are better off...

    It doesnt actually matter what car they drive. It is all about paying a fair price, and i am pretty sure not every market trader drives around in a flash car, especially where i do most of my market shopping, which isnt in CM night bazzar or Sukhumvit or patpong markets, but rather the local Thai markets. out Ratchada way. smile.gif

    You not caring about 40 baht makes it lot harder for us that do.

    Do you know how much those stall owners get on Sukhumvit road? 200,000 a month easy.

    As i said in my post, i am not talking about Sukhumvit! i am talking about the smaller non tourist orientated markets. Please read the post fully before replying, and stop drinking so many changs :o

    And are you really trying to tell me that 40 baht means more to you than it does to a family of 5 or 6 Thais? Do you really earn less than these people? After reading your post in the mortor forum about which NEW truck you were going to buy ,then i really do believe that 40 baht is more useful in the hands of a local :D

  11. But you could simply move weather and have it as a sub forum, therefore generating the same keywords, and all the while making room for a family forum, which i am sure more expats are interested in than the weather which is easily found anywhere on the web.

    If you put Thailand weather in a google search it doesnt even make it until half way down page 4, now tell me who is going to goto page four of google to see the weather when you can just click the first link you come to? :o

  12. so we were going to rent house untill we spotted a house for sale we really liked.

    Got to ask the question, how are you going to buy a house? Are one of you Thai? If not are you going to set up some sort of business? If your answer to these 2 questions is no then i am afraid you wont be able to buy a house :o

  13. Just wondering if there was any progress on the family forum yet? I know it was talked about awhile ago, and i have seen a fair few topics about families and children that would fit in nicely into a family forum. :o

    I agree with you, trouble is finding a place for it. The front page is starting to strain the dialups.


    I'm for Family Forum too.

    Independent on that, how did the Travel forum sink down and rests with Budhism, Ladies in Thailand, Gay People in Thailand?

    That page should be at the bottom, IMO.

    Travel? Personaly I think it should go back higher.


    Today, February 26th, "Thailand Weather" forum has weather forecast for Monday, January 30th. Except 1 general comment on 12th of February, no use of the forum for 26 days.

    Scrap it, stick Travel instead and create Family Forum where travel is now.

    Good point.

    If we want to know what the weather is like we can always look out the window.

    And for us less fortunate souls who dont have the joy of looking out the window and seeing warm sunny Thai weather, we can always look on any weather site. You could always pin the weather at the top of the travel forum. :D

  14. I will always have a haggle with the traders, as far as i am concerned it is all part of the buying proccess. I will pay what i think is fair to both myself and to them. If i feel i have got it for less than they really wanted to sell it for, i will give them what i think is a fair price. The wife doesnt like me doing this reckons i am too generous, but at the end of the day 40baht to me is <deleted> all but in the right hands 40baht is a meal for someones family.

    Also a bit off topic, but i always leave a 20baht tip on the pillow for the maids cleaning the room, in 6 years i have never had anything go missing from my room, even in the cheapest places, just remember we might not be rich but we are probably better off than the average Thai person you are haggleing with over 20 or 30 baht. :o

    Go to the Night Bazaar in CM, when they are closing up and check out the cars they have - then decide if you are better off...

    It doesnt actually matter what car they drive. It is all about paying a fair price, and i am pretty sure not every market trader drives around in a flash car, especially where i do most of my market shopping, which isnt in CM night bazzar or Sukhumvit or patpong markets, but rather the local Thai markets. out Ratchada way. :D

  15. Results this weekend -

    France - 30ish / Italy - 20ish

    England - 50 / Scotland - 6

    Ireland - 40 / Wales 26

    France - 25/Italy - 20

    England - 30/Scotland - 15

    Ireland - 20/Wales - 27

    I think Scotland will struggle but they always raise their game against England.

    Italy should have the beating of France up front, but will get cut to pieces in the backs.

    Wales are still smarting and Ireland still don't know where they are.

    I'm picking that the jocks will step up and give you a right rogering.

    taffs will just pip the micks and the froggies to wip the wops. :D

    Couldn't have put it better myself. An erudite assessment.

    In fact, I think I'll put a bob* or two on it.

    *for the youngsters: a bob is a shilling is a 10p is 7baht or the price of a cigarette and a book of matches, which is what those pockets on rugby shorts used to be for - used in those prolonged injury breaks when a three-quarter broke her fingernail.

    Well, I got the first one right! Well done Scotland!! bad luck you pommies. :D

    <deleted> disgraceful mate, England didnt deserve to win, i have seen 12 year olds play better rugby than we did today. Cohen shouldnt be allowed within 50 yards of the field let alone on it.

    Very dissapointed, we have the players to be the best team in the world but unfortunately they just didnt play as a team.

    No excuses ENGLAND WERE CRAP and didnt deserve to win. :o

  16. Silomfan,

    Look, I know you won't believe this, but I closed the previous thread neither because of a perceived infallibility of your argument, nor through a sense of being unable to address your points. It was closed, purely and simply, becuase it was turning into a slagging-fest. Your self-absorption, and this is an observation not an insult, is really something to behold.

    To be honest, I have not entered into the discussion, not because I am in awe of your mental faculties, but because it bores me and, frankly, I don't really give a toss whether the system changes or not. I have read your views and remain unconvinced, but it is pointless me addressing your points because, as you are so wrapped up in your own self-righteous belief, it is a redundant exercise.

    I shall, however, answer your query on what makes people become ECOs. Most are Foreign Office personnel who may be required to fulfil a multitude of tasks: they can be, for example, an accounting officer in one post and an ECO in the next. They are not, therefore, career ECOs; the corollary being that you can't deduce that it takes a certain type of person to be one. There are also some who are seconded from the Home Office/Immigration Service, and I fell into this category. However, to the best of my knowledge, no such secondees are currently in Bangkok.

    By all means continue discussing this to your heart's content but keep it civil and don't spit the dummy if someone disagrees with you.



    Interesting to see that the subject of if the system is fair or not bores you and you "don't give a toss" if its changed or not . Doesn't reflect well on you does it?? However i understand your reluctance to reply to my points , because you would have trouble wouldn't you ? I see no-one has rushed to try and address them because they are good points that are tough to reply to . I expect the only person who MAY try is GU22 when he's back to full strength again.

    Take one point , 19 weeks they had to send the appeal papers to the UK. Thats 133 days and they took 132. 5 days to do it . Thats pure spite in trying to drag out the appeal as long as they can . Or can anyone suggest another motive ?? Is that acceptable behaviour?

    Come on scouser, even tho you can't give a toss about injustice , why not give a reply to this one point Go on..it'll take just a minute or two of your time . Or maybe you would prefer to be like the British Embassy when confronted with something they got wrong ... just silence.

    I really dont understand why you feel the need to continuously have a pop at the only person on here that actually knows the inner workings of the U.K visa system.

    I had many problems with getting my wife a visa to the U.K and I also agree that the visa system is unfair, but i dont hold Scouser responsible for that, he wasnt the one who refused my wife entry to the U.K so i feel no malice towards him. He is a wealth of knowledge on this board and in particular to the visa section, and he really doesnt need to listen to grief from posters who dont want to listen to anything other than their own voices, or in this case their own written words.

    Get over it and move on, we have all had dissapoinments in the past, but that doesnt warrant unnecessary outbursts aimed at the only person in the visa section that actually knows what they are talking about.

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