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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Hi

    I'm pretty dark skinned which comes from my fathers side but my mum is Thai. My girlfriend is from Sweden which is pretty close to Switzerland so I suppose that should count. My mate Jack went and got my ball one day.

    Can't say I've spotted very many Chinese lately but I've got this bloody Kiwi who keeps following me around.

    Nice avatar seugha.

    All the best


    Run really fast - Kiwi's can't fly.


    No but they use sheep to move quickly across long distances :o

  2. Dave - wish I was there mate. Can we throw a party in July since I missed it? :D

    Well done and wish BF another 5years of success!!! :D:o

    Yeah congrats Dave, i concur with ole Brit, i will be residing back in Thailand between the 25th June and the 25th July, so a get together mid July would be good. :D I will make the effort to come down from Bangers

  3. More negativity. Pathetic

    I will make this brief

    You come on here and start slating members left right and centre, calling us all a bunch of negative, alcholic, drug abusing pedos then do you really expect any serious response to anything you post? Dont bother answering me here if you have something constructive to say, feel free to pm me.

    Apologies to Bambina for taking this off topic.

    By the way Bambina you are a special lady and you really dont need to worry about being on your own, i am sure there is someone out there for you. :o

  4. Surely if this rating system is to have a little small meaning, the OP should be excluded from voting for his/her own thread.

    There should also be a chance to vote with minus stars (points).

    Ratherr than having minus stars, you could just have brown stars, the shitter the post the more brown stars :D

    No, not stars. Little brown splotches, for impact effect. :D

    We could have skid marks, for even better effect :o

  5. Or the Irish Exchange. Dubliner will show it but it will probably be on the top floor and personally I don't like that part of the pub.

    Irish Exchange show it in the main part of the pub on but you might want to check that they're going to have the commentary on.

    Having one Irish and one Welsh parent I'm not sure who to support...but I think I'll go for Ireland.

    Hmmmm you are confused - always support gods country - ENGLAND.

    Hmmmmm i feel that you are all confused, and there really is only one team to support IF you want to support winners. SWING LOW SWEET CHARIOT, COMING FOR TO CARRY ME HOME!!!!!!!! :D:D

    hmmmmm theres only one thing that swings low in the UK and thats a Welshmans balls. :o

    But thats only because you cant wear pants on your head :D

  6. I am a King size cigarette.

    And now, "Come on baby, light my fire..." :D

    More drug references from the reformed junkie. I can see how you gain so much respect in your village Kam Nan zzap

    Fair play you are a one <deleted> idiot Thai pro :o Something tells me you need to go on an extended holiday.

  7. Surely if this rating system is to have a little small meaning, the OP should be excluded from voting for his/her own thread.

    There should also be a chance to vote with minus stars (points).

    Ratherr than having minus stars, you could just have brown stars, the shitter the post the more brown stars :o

  8. I will always have a haggle with the traders, as far as i am concerned it is all part of the buying proccess. I will pay what i think is fair to both myself and to them. If i feel i have got it for less than they really wanted to sell it for, i will give them what i think is a fair price. The wife doesnt like me doing this reckons i am too generous, but at the end of the day 40baht to me is <deleted> all but in the right hands 40baht is a meal for someones family.

    Also a bit off topic, but i always leave a 20baht tip on the pillow for the maids cleaning the room, in 6 years i have never had anything go missing from my room, even in the cheapest places, just remember we might not be rich but we are probably better off than the average Thai person you are haggleing with over 20 or 30 baht. :o

  9. As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

    All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

    It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :D

    I heard he’s now flying in and out of the country on a regular basis with the seating arrangement in the new Beggar Class Section!


    I wonder if he had to pay for 2 seats for taking up so much room :o And that excess baggage charge must be murder :D

  10. As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

    All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

    It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :o

  11. Or the Irish Exchange. Dubliner will show it but it will probably be on the top floor and personally I don't like that part of the pub.

    Irish Exchange show it in the main part of the pub on but you might want to check that they're going to have the commentary on.

    Having one Irish and one Welsh parent I'm not sure who to support...but I think I'll go for Ireland.

    Hmmmm you are confused - always support gods country - ENGLAND.

    Hmmmmm i feel that you are all confused, and there really is only one team to support IF you want to support winners. SWING LOW SWEET CHARIOT, COMING FOR TO CARRY ME HOME!!!!!!!! :o:D

  12. I'm not really a drunkard, I think. I don't think I'm priest, although you can do anything on-line when you're pished though and, I am certain I'm not as ugly as my alter ego/avatar..... :D


    Leave it Daleyboy..............!

    I am not saying <deleted> all!!!! cant see your picture anyway :o

  13. I am a King size cigarette.

    And now, "Come on baby, light my fire..." :D

    :o Am off to a jazz party now.... be there or be square!!!!

    Well that makes me the fat kid doing the truffle shuffle, which to be fair isnt far of the mark except chunk dances better than me. :D

  14. ok guys wales will not win this year now that we have lost our coach!

    :D awww here come the excuses from the sheep worriers. :D

    Haha!! no excuses its fact!! we were all lined up to come back and win the tournament AGAIN this year but the english RFU must have paid our coach off or something mysterious like that............ :D

    dammit now we have lost our coach and captain - how bad can it get!! i am going to support England from now on :D

    And i thought just being Welsh was bad enough :o:D


  15. I agree about leaving cash in your safe in the room. But i have left cash in the safety boxes in the reception of hotel, but you need 2 keys to open them and then i put my own padlock on the box inside.

    I also had to put a deposit of 2000baht for the key,as i was told that was the only one and if i lose it then they have to get someone in to drill the lock out, which you could see from quite a few of the boxes. :o

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