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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Good point Skylar. Especially if it's a one off trip. Clothes better be clean as new at these prices tho Ski clothes Hire rates Maybe one of our resident Aussies can shed some light on options down unda :D

    Not that expensive matey, 1 week for the superior clothing pants and jacket was only $85 aus dollars, thats only £36, which is pretty cheap for a one off hire :o I would just rent for that price, it will probably cost you a lot more than that to buy the clothes :D

  2. I have made it, to 2000. With only one suspension :o

    So i start this thread for everyone i have taken the mickey out of or had a pop at, please feel free to leave your comments, however hurtful they may be, i will take them all i good spirit. :D

    I forgot to add, please dont close this mods, i am quite happy for people to flame me, i probably deserve it anyway :D

  3. You see signs everywhere saying maximum fine 2000baht. I paid up when caught, i was littering and thats fair enough, everytime after that i made sure i stubbed it out on top of the bin then threw it in the bin.

    Which is all very well until te day someone doesnt quite fully extinguish their smoke and woumph(not a real word) up goes the bin :o

  4. There must be some real action and fireworks when this forum gets together for drinks. I wonder if they go hi-so or lo-so.

    From what i hear it is lo-lo-lo-lo-so :o

    well it will be if you take you shirt off like that.... :D

    :D My man boobs are far bigger than in my avatar :D

  5. daleyboy and redrus in a pissing contest

    post-566-1139911502.gif post-566-1139911527.gif

    Oh yes, welcome new members to the fun and games. :o

    :D :D No contest really mate as i am 2 feet taller than rus, i would without a doubt be able to piss further than him :D

    I can see his avatar when you cut it like that.

    Chuffin hel_l DB, I'm 6'2" you're a ready made extra for a giant in the movies......!!!!!


    :D ok so its only 6 inches bigger, but as all women know those 6 inches can make all the difference :D

  6. Friend of a friend owns a bar in Bangkok called skunk, and we were in their one night when this bloke walked in with a few friends, and my missus was like wow, look who it is. Apparently he was some big shot actor who had done soap operas, and was reall famous, i didnt have a clue who he was. :o

  7. Took one of these for a test drive. They had it up for sale, somewhere near Oxford if i remmeber. Its the Judge dread landrover. Just a landrover really but looked cool from the outside and completely road legal. Too young at the time to buy it, but it would have been cool to own it.


  8. Quite mild in the U.K today, bit of drizzle and about 10c. Still no takers to swap with me then? :D

    From the dull suburban slopes of Fishponds to the working class drabness of Bedminster, the pretentious heights of Clifton with rich ladies parading their poodles to the exotic third world anarchy of St Pauls with its marijuana haze competing with stolen cars' fumes, from the muddy and freezing banks of the river Avon to the wilderness of Knowle West, there's just no comparison.

    I'm sorry Daleyboy, I know Bristol too well and after living in Thailand, well it just seems too much of a toy town, everything running like clockwork; but oh so dull- no vendors, no tuks tuks, skylabs, motorcycle taxis and very few beautiful women.

    On to the topic...... Rain in Issan

    Winter clouds drizzle on the plains,

    Droplets drip, dampen thirsty grass,

    Cows wander, indifferent to the rains,

    Their bells tinker, melodic sounds of brass.

    Iva Khwai, aged 17.

    :D Excellent post mate, but keep it quiet, i reckon i might still get a taker from somewhere. :o

    Ahh tis a lovely day today in Bristol, very warm for the time of year, and i actually had to put my sunglasses on today when i went out :D

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