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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Just wondering if there was any progress on the family forum yet? I know it was talked about awhile ago, and i have seen a fair few topics about families and children that would fit in nicely into a family forum. :o

    I agree with you, trouble is finding a place for it. The front page is starting to strain the dialups.


    Maybe we could lose one or two of the other forums, like expat gold card, that could be merged with the business forum, we could lose the weather forum, nothing has been posted there since the end of January. Could lose the announcements and intergrate that by pinning announcements at the top of general topics. Just a few ideas :D

  2. A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

    And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

    I was thinking in a similar way Daleyboy. How dangerous is Great Britain for British women? How many Btitish people are killed in Great Britain? The same line of thinking can be applied anywhere.

    WHile it's a tragedy that 9 Brits were killed, it sounds like the BBC was focused on a single issue and added a bit of sensationalism for good measure making Thailand sound worse than it is. Same sort of thing happens when television programs focus on AIDS in Thailand. Viewers are left with the idea that all Thais have AIDS. It's not to slight such problems, but when a single issue is focused on, it can create a misleading impression.

    Indeed so, i also wonder what % that is of the total number of British tourists visting Thailand.

    It seems a shame that such a great institution as the BBC feels the need to sensationalize(spelling) stories in order to win ratings wars. It appears as though the integrity of the BBC has gone by the way side to keep up with the competion i.e CNN

  3. The wifes thoughts 4 years ago when she got here, cold, wet, miserable

    Enough of what she thought about you, did she like the country? :o

    She still moans everytime she steps foot outside the door, just how cold it is and this on our one day of summer we get a year. :D

    Ah, moaning about the weather, shes truly settled in to our English ways. :D

    Ya cheeky git :D

    Trained her well mate, it seems as though whenever anyone comes to England, the most interesting thing to talk about is the weather, because foreign people REALLY cant believe that it is this wet and miserable 364 days of the year. :D

  4. The wifes thoughts 4 years ago when she got here, cold, wet, miserable, expensive. Now she thinks the U.K is cold,wet,miserable and even more expensive thaqtn 4 years ago.

    She still moans everytime she steps foot outside the door, just how cold it is and this on our one day of summer we get a year. :o

  5. A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

    And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

  6. In recent years I've found there are more and more Farangs coming and moving to Thailand. What is the most important reason making you like to stay here between...

    1 the cheap cost of living

    2 the kind hospitality of Thai people

    3 the Thai's favour to Farangs

    4 other reasons

    and what is the thing that you don't really like staying here?

    Why do English farangs choose to live in Thailand?

    Have you ever lived in England? I rest my case :o

  7. This happened to a mate of mine the first time he went, and they refused o let him through without paying, so he had to run around begging off farang for the 500 baht.

    Mmmmmmm that could be a good scam!!! go round asking departing farang for a spare couple of hundred baht, i reckon you could make a few thou everyday. I wonder if you would need a work permit? I reckon bit of tea money in the right hands and you could coin it in :o:D

  8. Just wondering if there was any progress on the family forum yet? I know it was talked about awhile ago, and i have seen a fair few topics about families and children that would fit in nicely into a family forum. :o

  9. So can any one tell me how much one air con unit, big enough to cool a room that is about 15 feet by 15 feet, would cost to buy? Going to visit the family in June and we were thinking of putting in a aircon unit in our room. Were not too fussed but we will have our newborn with us and i would like to know that he will have somewhere nice and cool to be if it gets too hot.

  10. :o

    What song is that your singing? Maybe "are you lonesome tonight"

    Or maybe you are talking about trolls.

    (a Troll's language)

    ARRAT-NORR is an ancient language spoken by Trolls in the northern mountains of Franconia. Because of the great influences of humans on the trollisch culture, human languages replaced Arrat-Norr in most Troll communities. Nowadays, Arrat-Norr is rarly spoken, except during traditional rituals or in a state of rage. The only exception to this are the Gutachrr k' Donochrr, who often use this ancient language while communicating among each other.

    For humans who wish to talk to Trolls in their ancient tounge, or just want to understand a Troll's swearing, the following table lists the most common words, still used today, in arrat-norr and their meaning in human language.

    Taken from http://www.students.uni-mainz.de/bernp007/arratnorr.html

  11. haha: In your own way yes! thanks for contributing something positive.

    chuchok: Britain's drive sapping "welfare state" is known about and decried the world over! I wouldn't give 60% of MY income to ANY government. And hey I live and work in Pattaya hard liquor sodden Brits from 'up north" are notorious to all.

    You are a complete moron :o

    If you are going to insult another culture at least get your facts straight before doing so, idiots like you arent tolerated on this board, all you will get from any of your posts is ridicule and abuse.

    All you have managed to do is get peoples back up with your self centred,self important, pompous drivel. From your posts i think you may be lacking in other departments, to feel the need to tell all of us just how rich and successful you are, when really from what i have read you are a dirty old man that sold everything he owns in America and moved to Pattaya, because your so called success in America didnt leave you enough money to live there.

    You then try to Westernize your wifes children, who believe me really will resent you for that. I can see it now your wife sitting with her friends talking about you and how you force your beliefs on her children, all the while you are sat there smiling because you havent got a clue that your wife only married you because you are old and in a few years she will have a nice settlement from yor life insurance, and then she can go back to her husband in the country.

    I suggest you crawl back under your rock and play with your other troll mates. :D

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