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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. 33 years old?

    looks more like 53 to me, mind you the chengy can age you quickly, so I am told :D

    Ah well thats the english for you.They shave their heads for some god forsaken reason making them look years older before their time,and then proceed to walk around with their shirts hanging out prompting the girls to suggest that mother forget to dress them !!

    are you sure that its just the english that do this????


  2. not wanting to step on The Coders toes - a quick google revealed this - hope it helps.

    AGP Speeds are required to be backwards compatible. This means that an 8X video card MUST be able to run at 4x, 2x, or 1x speeds. However, this does NOT necessarily mean that your 8X card will run on a 4x slot.

    Signalling Voltage incompatibility

    Because speeds must be backwards compatible, Signalling Voltage is where incompatibilities arise. Basically:

    * All 8x cards are 0.8v AGP 3.0 spec

    * 8x cards will fit in 1.5V slots, and can tolerate the voltage, but will NOT run properly

    * 4x cards can be either 1.5V or 0.8V

    * 2x and 1x cards are either 3.3V or 1.5V

    * Except in the case of the 8X cards, using the wrong voltage card with the wrong motherboard can result in damage in card and board

    * If you install a card of incompatible voltages with the motherboard's specs, the card will NOT run

    The connectors on AGP video cards are keyed in such a way that you can only install equipment that have compatible Voltage keyed connectors. Normally the key of the card determines its signal voltage. AGP 1.0 and AGP 2.0 cards using a 1.5V key will signal at 1.5 volts. However, AGP 3.0 devices can tolerate 1.5V - they won't be destroyed, they just might not work properly.

    The bottomline is that your 8X video card can theoretically be safely TESTED in any 1.5V motherboard for compatibility. But if you know for a fact that your board only runs 1.5V AGP 2.0 spec and your 8X AGP 3.0 card runs only 0.8v spec, then the two should NOT be compatible one another. At the very least it will be unstable, if it runs at all. However, we've had a lot of users tell us that their AGP 8x cards work on 4x only motherboards. This is likely due to the fact that some AGP8X video cards are in fact universal 1.5V capable AGP3.0 cards that can run on either 1.5V or 0.8V (remember, AGP speeds are backwards compatible, only voltage incompatibilies cause problems).

  3. I would think they would trace the MAC addres too, but I have used the same computer with the new account for months and they haven't suspended the account. I did buy some software to switch my MAC address just in case...

    yes thats what im saying - if anyone is going to trace you they will do it firstly by IP Address then by MAC if they need to.

    they may not have suspended your account either cos they dont know its you... i.e. youre now coming from another IP address and they dont know your MAC or whatever suspension has been lifted.

    follow this link - shows you how to change MAC address using regedit32 - as i said before if you change your MAC you probably will not have any net access until you either recieve a new dhcp allocated ip address from your ISP or you register the new MAC with your ISP... so you wont be able to post here for advice - - either way, as before you should take a backup of the registry if youre gonna go poking about in the registry


  4. Actually you don't need to clean the registry for security unless you are total paranoid.  The spy type things are cookies and things planted on your computer from other programs that add aware and those type programs do a good job of removing.  The registry is the control center for everything that happens on your computer, what program uses what, where it is etc.  After a long time there can be enough old wood to make your computer a little faster to clean it out but it is by no means a requirement, especially with modern processor speeds.

    Well actually I got suspended from ebay awhile back for shill bidding. I still dipute it to this day, but they aren't interested. So I did my homework and got back on. But now I read that in addition to cookies and IP address, they can also trace you by your registry if you don't clean it very often. Does this make any sense? I've also been told that they can track your coputer's MAC address, but I have had this new account for months and I have not been suspended again so I don't know if there is anything to it or not.

    Not sure about tracing you back by your registry - i dont see how that would work...

    but yes certainly you will be traced via MAC address. Some ISPs register your account to you by your MAC address - if you change your network card you will be unable to gain network access untill you have registered the new network cards MAC or Physical Address.

    should you need to view the MAC go Start > Run > type "cmd" > ipconfig /all

  5. my reference to samui and backpackers was co-incidental - appologies :o


    Pat i reckon you should face your demons - i suggest you go to gullivers tavern (Kao sarn road - not the suk one) and make your piece with each and every one by buying em a beer. :D

  6. in addition to lopburi3's comments - i wouldnt recommend you do anything to the registry unless you know

    a: what youre doing

    b: why youre doing it

    c: know haw to restore from a registry backup

    have you used adaware or spybot - i think theyre pinned in this forum... download and run them periodically.. youre router will offer some firewall like protection too.

  7. This post is the result of a five year survey.

    Brilliant post Pat!

    a well informed read/rant - and as a former backpacker, Id have to agree with all of it.

    Although i wasnt quite in the same ilk as you mention.... for instance despite being booked into a kao sarn rd guest house for almost a week, i only actually spent 2 nights in it (one of which i was too ill to go out) the rest was spent in those dodgy, red lit, hotels around nana and the like... but hey it was my first time and i was with a few others that had been there and done it all before...

    i never once tried to make a 5bht bottle of water last the length of a film in some kao sarn guest house bar....

    but what can you do - people do what people do - during my times in thailand, i quite often enjoy sitting at one of the plastic tables along kao sarn - knocking back bottle after bottle of chang... surrounded by "travellers" supping a singha water or sharing a pad thai or khao pad gai if they were feeling flush, discussing how bloody skint they are, where they went, where should they go next, and how they just cant wait to see angkor wat..

    Probably thinking look at that idiot ordering beers and food - has he come here just to take the piss...

    hes not stinking up the place, with ink stains coming through his new thin white cotton shirt where his new tattoo (probably something celtic - cos everyones got a tribal) has been uncovered too soon, and is weeping with the heat..

    ..clutching "south east asia - a rough guide", with untidy, unwashed hair, wearing those really baggy thai fishermans trousers and sporting various beads, necklaces, wristbands, anklets and dreads..

    Its an alive place though that kao sarn... sit there for long enough and youll see the lilly white pins of the newbies straight off the plane, looking shocked, still trying to get a decent lung full of air after the relative comfort of the taxi from the airport...

    ..you can also spot the day trippers coming back from the "bridge over river kwai" hot n sticky, red faced and just gagging for a cool shower, aircon room, a good meal with an ice-cold beer... but nope - thats not why we're here... back to the room for some sleep, maybe pickup some bottled water from 7/11 on the way back - ahh bo11ox to it - grab a small singha at the next bar and lets have another read of the LP to plan our move to Koh Tao, Phangnan or Samui.... "but i heard Samui is the same as Phangnan but more expensive.... goes the chit chat!

    i guess they'll always be there doing the same things, going to the same places, and continuing to entertain the expats

    thats enough of my diatribe -

  8. my wife is thai and these companies are still not honest up front so foreigners beware, make sure you do ALL your HOMEWORK before even thinking of buying something or you could get burnt.  Its definately made us think twice now about buying anything in Thailand in the future and next time we will definately get a lawyer or solicitor to investigate first.

    Not sure i understand why you didnt follow your own advice to start with - why didnt you sought legal advice in the first place... I am sure if i were parting with 4m bht, a solicitor would be my first stop.

  9. [  can rubber plants be grown anywhere or does the soil have to be of a special type..???

    Can be grown in most areas - but - climate and soil conditions tend to be better suited in thailands south.

    Issan soil quality and drought areas come into question too. many issan rubber plantations will have a lower yeild than their southern counterparts due to drought - of course this can be overcome by irrigating the trees via a bore hole, pump and drip system.

    I understand that some issan farmers will also plant all sorts of other crops amongst the rubber trees to maximize a return whilst the rubber is slow to produce - whereas ive read that in the south, plantations are being constantly weeded to maximize light, water and soil nutrients to the rubber only....

    I guess if you can find rubber being farmed in surin... then the soil is good enough, and providing youre prepared to invest you could always throw money at the project and add fertilizers etc to the soil to give your trees the best start.

    who said i was farming in surin.....???? :o

    noted - you didnt say anything about surin - but brizol aint warm enough... as confirmed here

    "Climatic factors

    Hevea brasiliensis is a tropical tree. It grows best at temperatures of 20-28°C with a well-distributed annual rainfall of 1,800-2,000 mm. It grows satisfactorily up to 600 metres above sea level (but is capable of growing much higher - to at least 1000 metres near the Equator), and will perform on most soils provided drainage is adequate. Hevea tends to be damaged by high winds. Its required temperature and rainfall define its prime growing area as between the 10° latitudes on either side of the equator, but is cultivated much further north (Guatemala, Mexico and China) and south (Sao Paulo region of Brazil)"

  10. [  can rubber plants be grown anywhere or does the soil have to be of a special type..???

    Can be grown in most areas - but - climate and soil conditions tend to be better suited in thailands south.

    Issan soil quality and drought areas come into question too. many issan rubber plantations will have a lower yeild than their southern counterparts due to drought - of course this can be overcome by irrigating the trees via a bore hole, pump and drip system.

    I understand that some issan farmers will also plant all sorts of other crops amongst the rubber trees to maximize a return whilst the rubber is slow to produce - whereas ive read that in the south, plantations are being constantly weeded to maximize light, water and soil nutrients to the rubber only....

    I guess if you can find rubber being farmed in surin... then the soil is good enough, and providing youre prepared to invest you could always throw money at the project and add fertilizers etc to the soil to give your trees the best start.

  11. Ladies, or whoever, I will be marrying in August. My wife to be is 42 never married and no children. She has a good jub and a masters degree. She will be quitting her job and living in the USA for a few years before permanantly returning to Thailand. She supports her parents, and I will support them about 20,000 baht a month forever. Her parents say the dowry is up to me. I have no idea how much this is worth,  my gf said that 200,000 baht was to little. I said 500,000 baht and i think she thinks it should be more. That is a lot of money, so I am not sure if it is fair or I am being stuck.

    are we talking about type of dowry that you will get back i.e. looks good to wave about under the noses of family members, friends and jealous neighbors... or the other kind, that you'll not be seeing again?

    i would have thought that 200,000 was more than enough, not to mention .5 mil - Im sure other members will have their own opinions on this, so wait n see.

    all the best

  12. Hi! I live between Buriram and UK - I have a snake shop in Manchester: www.viperandvine.com  .    I find that most North American Colubrids such as your kingsnake eat a lot less in the hot weather of Thailand. I really agree with Bina and would resist force feeding at all costs. If the snake has eaten dead prey before, I would also shy away from feeding live pinkies as it will be a pain to get it back on the frozen stuff. Try feeding at different times of night and use a hide box with a small hole for the snake to strike from. I would also not handle the snake for a week or so and then try feeding again. A house gecko in the blender and then painted onto a dead pinky is another possibility as is a bit of fluff from a baby chick stuck onto the pinky. AVOID FORCE FEEDING AT ALL COSTS - IF YOU HAVE TO DO THIS, THEN SOMETHING IS VEY WRONG WITH THE SNAKE'S ENVIRONMENT.

    All 4 now, Matthew.

    would agree with this advice - i dont know about kingsnakes but have kept a royal python for some 10 years now... they seem to be quite picky with their eating habits - mine went a whole 6 months without eating - and the reptile specialist still held back from force feeding.

    as above - maybe try night time feeding is worth a try

  13. Well it's a new year for all of us in Thailand.

    Life is full of plusses and minuses and though I suspect my wife is playing around, she cooks a mean pork chop and mash.

    The future starts today for all of us.

    Where will it all go wrong?

    "Life is full of plusses and minuses and though I suspect my wife is playing around, she cooks a mean pork chop and mash."

    Erm...Is this a cry for help or....?

    I hope your wife isnt playing around, and her mean pork chop & mash continue throughout 2006...

    great post though! nothing like having my spirits lifted on the first day back at work. :o

  14. well ive certainly learnt something new today... it does all sound familiar and ive never heard of it before..

    the stickman article was very well written - that coupled with with totster and buadhai's analogies have brought it all together.

    now i need to think up an awkard situation to put my wife in, and try it out :o

  15. Yep Evergreen Deluxe for me... its not that much more and is certainly worth it, even if youre not a "biggun" like me.

    Dont spose it matters to much for you - but Eva lay on a free Express Coach from Bristol to Terminal 3... which is very handy, dont know if they offer this service all over though.

  16. My New Years Resolutions as follows - in no particular order

    lose weight

    stop smoking

    only drink alcohol on a weekend - and drink more green tea in the week

    save more money

    and sort out my bloody sciatica... jeez this infernal pain, is there no end to it!


  17. Call me a cynic, but i defy anyone sit down, type this out, proof read it and then send it to a bunch of strangers on a web forum honestly expecting some positive feedback.


    What do you think it should be write in a public forum to a bunch of strangers?

    plausible questions from genuine people i would hope

    Oh god... ok im outta here... dunno why youre taking a swipe at me - ive not said anything different to anyone else who said this guys a troll.

    enjoy your thread - im obviously not exclusive enough to comment

    happy new year Glauka

  18. I think i read once, somewhere, that initially the personal investment of ones gold jewellery was brought on by peoples mistrust of leaving your wealth in the hands of the banks... obviously im talking about a while ago now.... maybe its just a pyscological thing that lives on - either way, its still asking to be robbed

  19. guess it depends how good the view.. If you can just about see the sea by squinting, or dyou want an eyefull when you look out of your window and can see the pattern on girls bikinis.

    would also depend on "what" month youre talking about. xmas is gonna obviously be a pricier time.

    take a look here for some rates - although you would probably need to contact them directly to talk about monthly discounts.


    all the best

  20. Have to think we are missing smth here? Why did you board without your wife? (seems to me I wouldn't have left BKK without her - least aborted the flight and see what the problem was before leaving the country)

    Brit youve posted exactly what i was thinking... its a tragic story but also seems a bit far fetched - not that im saying its bow-locks mind you.

    I just cant imagine accepting that your mrs has gone through all the agro of getting the visa, flights paid for, got to airport, scarpered off and the guy has boarded the plane anyway... probably thinking

    "its been one of those days!"

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