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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. Issan for my permanent residence

    Bangkok condo for weekend visits to the big smoke

    An Island hideaway for fishing, diving and sunbathing... probably koh samet

    But 'till me n the mrs have enough magic beans... I'll have to make do with Sunny South West England :o

  2. Also you must make sure that you are sharing at least on drive on the machine, else there is nothing to see.

    not completely true - by default the c: drive will have an admin share - you can view this from any networked PC by typing

    \\"computer name"\C$

    this will work for any drive assuming you know the drive letter - and the default sharing has not been disabled.

    However this has no relevance with regard to whether 2 PCs can see eachother on a network - they will see eachothers IP if in the same subnet regardless of shared discs

  3. Are any of you guys out there looking after a LAN... if so how often are you SNMP polling your network nodes?

    Ive been led to believe that statistic polling more often than every 5mins can have a detrimental effect on the network... anyone have any opinions on this?



  4. Totster - As far as I can remember, the settlement visa forms and criteria are the same for a spouse or fiance...

    So no - providing that you can provide all of the required evidence and documentation - it shouldnt make any difference...

    Below is the web address to the UKvisa site - "If you are after Settlement for your wife/fiance" you will need to print out and complete form VAF2...

    If your wife/fiance is not planning to settle then VAF1 should be used - this will give her upto 6 months visit visa


  5. good ol' billyboy...

    can always count on a good laugh from your posts.


    sorry, I can't actually help you with your problem, but I appreciate the ever-constantly changing nature of your posts.


    same here -

    i cant help with your question -

    but reading this post has put a smile on my face -

    and considering its a Cold - English - Monday Morning and i have a hangover - thats an achievment in itself

    but good luck anyway

  6. what an odd question - Im not sure that you can

    you could take snap shots from a print screen of the page - save as any image format and put that on another media - or you could record the pages or website by camera and save the *.mpeg onto vcd...

    im not totally sure i understand what you mean - for what purpose are you trying to do this?

  7. You have to get it notorised at the MFA. If you're going to go there yourself, as opposed to having an agency do it for you, there are lots of places next to the MFA that will do it in 20 minutes, cost 200bt.


    these agencies you talk of, who / where are they? And is there any advantage in using one? Taking the plunge myself soon and it would be useful to know...

    Personally I didnt bother with an agency - as i thought it was a waste of money when i could do it myself... after all it wasnt like i had much else to do other than neck beers by the hotel pool, having said that i know of several people that have used an agency and have had no bad reports...

    You wont be needing to find them - they will find you, whether stood in the que outside the embassy or inside the compound itself... im sure you'll have a few offers from agents that will happily do the running around for you - at a cost of course - ive heard in the region of between 6-9000bt, this is give or take on the day so dont quote me.

    These agents can give coaching to your mrs - if its been a shotgun wedding after a months holiday etc - again I witnessed some of these agents coaching the newly weds right up till the last moments before visa interview... i dont think this looks very good on the couple but hey... whatever!

    To be honest - unless you really dont fancy doing the legwork for yourself - i wouldnt bother with them.... sure if you do everything yourself you will need to be prepared to do a bit of waiting here and there, taxis hither and tither and youre bound to get hot and bothered along the way - but all in all we got everything done - bar the UK settlement visa - done in one day - starting when the embassy opened 8:30-9am ish till actually getting married at 4pm - Baan Rak, Bangkok

    all the best

    Note: Im talking about the agencies that do the whole lot from marriage to visa - not just translations.

  8. As Rio wrote,

    major advantage of fixed IP is when you have to give access to your PC from the outside world!

    Three main usages are a webserver, an FTP server or a mailserver running on your PC. A webcam (as lampshade tried) might be easier with a fixed IP as well.

    If you have a dynamic IP address (when you want to spend the 200 Baht on Chang :D ) there is a free and easy workaround in the form of dyndns.org, combined with a small program on your PC called dynDNS updater. Every time you get a new IP address, the program on your PC will notify dyndns.org, so your PC can always be found...

    As far as security is concerned, a dynamic IP is actually the safest option. With a fixed IP, a hacker will know your PC will still be there the day after at the same IP. If he can't get in the first day he'll try again the day after. And the day after. Until he is in.

    With a dynamic IP, if he tries again the day after he'll be hitting a different iPSTAR customer who just happens to have the IP you had the day before...

    agreed -

    if hosting something go for static and hide behind a good router/firewall - as with all "always on connections"

    if not hosting and security is of paramount importance go for the dynamic - and still obviously hide behind router/firewall

    as monty says - dns servers at the ISP will update if dynamic address are used.

    PS i didnt know about dyndns - learn something new everyday :o

  9. I can choose NAT or fixed IP on an IPstar installation. The fixed IP costs 200 Baht per month extra.

    Why would I not pay the extra 200 Baht? Any negative issues using NAT? Sounds to me that a fixed IP would be more secure?

    Please advise.

    Fixed IP from your provider is most likely to be a NAT address within the ISPs own Network anyway... so Im not really sure what you mean... when they say fixed - theyre probably refering to a Static NAT address instead of a Dynamic NAT.

    Without getting too in-deapth with this - I wouldnt think it would make too much difference unless you are hosting on your own PC.. a website etc... either way the NAT Routers and DNS should handle this but if youre hosting a site it would be best to have a static/fixed NAT.

    not sure if thats any help... difficult question really, if you understand what NAT does and how it works then you can see that it shouldnt make too much difference..... but then again networking is a dark art - believe me

  10. So what are you saying my friend, I can't have a normal friendship and conversation with a farang lady AND fool around with a Thai woman, I must make a choice???

    no - not at all wes... i was merely drawing my first impressions on reading your post.. just in fun mate - just in fun


    No problem!

    Hey, is it not true that western chicks love to be friends with men who are womanisers?

    no idea - lets ask em..

    ladies ??????

  11. So what are you saying my friend, I can't have a normal friendship and conversation with a farang lady AND fool around with a Thai woman, I must make a choice???

    no - not at all wes... i was merely drawing my first impressions on reading your post.. just in fun mate - just in fun


  12. Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand, we can have a conversation with a gal without thinking about sex.

    ...and then

    Sure enough I ended up taking her back to her bungalow and obviously I couldn't stay the night but I had a great time for a couple of hours and once she had fallen asleep with that special Thank-God-for-real-men smile on her face, I repaired back to the party where my wife....

    you may find the answer to your question by looking at your 2 quotes... :o

  13. Personally, I think topless sunbathing in Asia should not be done at all. This is not Europe or North America. It is highly taboo and wearing a bikini is enough of a leinent compromise to foreigners. If Westerners want to walk around half-naked, they should holiday somewhere in the West.

    If you find a deserted beach that is truly deserted, and you don't have to fear for your lives in the event that you are found, then it would be o.k. I have been on a nud_e beach in Canada, and have no problem with nudity. But this is not the West, and their values are much different. I try to find a good compromise between both when I am on a beach vacation. A bikini seems to be the best compromise.

    agreed - i was gonna say this myself - but didnt fancy being lynched in the ladies forum - so waited for a female to voice my opinion...

    so thanks Kat


  14. Ping times under 500 msec are perfectly acceptable for VOIP, pings ove 1000 msec will get you serious delays, although voice clarity will not suffer.

    VoIP requires low latency dedicated bandwidth (QoS) to run at its best, we will be implementing on our site soon - and have needed to create a dedicated VLAN with high priority in order to route the voice traffic with the least amount of latency possible...

    From this I dont understand how roundtrip ping times over 1000ms will get you serious delays but clarity will not suffer.... I have read that latency should be no more than 250ms between speaker and listener - ideally 150ms


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