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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. I saw this in the news (Thairat channel32) in the morning and they showed both video from the surveillance camera on 4th floor and even when she landed on ground floor (blurred out of cause). She did not fall, she jumped. Crawled over the railing and didn't even try to hold on to it. 100% her own fault. RIP anyway,
  2. I would say every CDM, Cash Deposit Machine can be used as ATM, I do use them regularly both to deposit and redraw. Good thing is that many times if there is a cue line to the ATM's there is no one queue to the CDM so I redraw there instead. Seams like most people has no idea they can be used as ATM. Only bad thing with the CDM is if you want to deposit to another bank or same bank in another district there is a rather hefty fee. Like 50 baht or so. Quite a lot depending on the amount you deposit.
  3. Elite VISA would be your best option, I know a few digital nomads working from Thailand on Elite VISA, and if there is any questions the Elite VISA staff will help you sort questions out. Important is not do any work that has anything with Thailand to do, For example can not work as a Digital nomad for a European country and create a website or application for any one or anything in Thailand. Elite VISA also comes with many extra benefits, like they handle 90 days report for you unless you wanna do your self over internet, you get a electric car that drive you to and back from the Gate, you go through immigration in the VIP line, same a ambassadors and 1st class/Business class travelers. Limousine to and back from the Airport, access to golf courses etc.. I suggest you contact them and be open with your plans to work as a Digital nomad, They will help. They can even find you a office to use if you don't want to work from home all the time. The bad side with the Elite VISA is that is does not count if you want to apply for a Permanent Residency in the future, If so you must have 3+ years of unbroken Extension of Stay witch you never get on Elite VISA. In the first sentence you state "Thai Girlfriend" and if you are not married you can not get a O-VISA based or Marriage. Your option nr3 might be possible by opening a satellite office in Thailand but I think that is rather complicated.
  4. I have seen a a few CDM:s at gas stations.
  5. Must have been a CDM, not ATM, they handle up to 100,000 in one go, just a bit stupid of him not to verify that the deposit had gone through properly before leaving. He was very lucky a honest man found them. On the other hand if he had the camera inside the CDM might have made him easy to find. In a CDM, it is the same tray (dispenser) that you deposit money and retrieve money if you redraw.
  6. That is true, But its also true that you can get a Tourist VISA that give you much longer stay but that comes with a cost that they will earn.
  7. Interesting it took them 7 years to figure out he has no money? Or maybe he has, I believe some rich people is the biggest Cheap Charlies you can ever meet.
  8. Last 3 times the driver has been waiting inside their car and go out when they see you approaching it. And I pick the ticket from the ticketing machine by my self. At least at Suvarnabhumi, was so many years ago I flew to DMK so I do not remember.
  9. Yes I know, I that is why I clearly stated Suvarnabhumi, can be a tip for someone that try to pick taxi on none official taxi stand. IMHO they should to something similar at Don Mueang.
  10. A truck has breaks on all wheels and can stop very easy and quick, Accelerate especial from standing still with a heavy loaded truck can be a problem uphill. It just have a few tires with driving force. When a truck stop uphill, the weight goes towards the back tires of the tailer, making the tires that can accelerate have less weight and with that less grip. Not much is needed and the driving tires looses the grip and just start to spin with you going nowhere except maybe backwards. This is what young people doing burn outs with their cars, just have a few friends pushing on the front of the car and as soon as the tires start to spin the car goes nowhere. If the trucks were all wheel drive I would agree with you. But unfortunate they are not.
  11. At Suvarnabhumi use the official terminals to get a Taxi, no scams, you yet a ticket with license plate of the taxi in case you have problem, meeter + 50 Baht and some extra if your bag is very big.
  12. He might not have enough traction to make a hill start depending on load of the truck and % climb at the bridge and how many axels that have a driving force. He might have to reverse back down flat surface and gain speed before the climb start again. He stopped on top of the bridge and didn't run away. That is good enough for me.
  13. If they cancel your Work Permit on Thursday (Today) you would need to leave the country today, or go to Immigration for a 7 day extension to take care of your stuff before you leave. This 7 day is actually 6 days because they will count Thursday as day one. Think the price is 1900฿ for this. If you ask me it's better they cancel same day or first working day after you have left.
  14. If I recall the rules in Sweden correctly, if your sentence is Over 2 years, you must do at least 3/4 of your prison time before they might start let you out on good behaviour and still supervised for the rest of your sentence. 2 Year and shorter sentences they MIGHT let you out after 1/2 of the time. Also I believe child abusers is not popular in Swedish prisons. Would not surprise me if he has a few strange accidents in the gym.
  15. I thought Cheap Charlie was a bar in that alley at On Nut, Sukhumvit 50...
  16. Yes. You can loose your Permanent status very easily. Leave Thailand more then one year you loose it. And I believe you need re-entry in your passport if you travel. from a agent that help you with PR: ”Your alien book will be your equivalent of the Thai National ID card and it must be re-registered every year.Your Thai Permanent Residence Visa never expires unless it is revoked, but if you leave and re-enter Thailand without a re-entry permit your visa may be revoked.”
  17. Had a meeting today, and he brought both his Thai ID card and Passport for me to see.
  18. I have a meeting with him later today, and I asked to see his ID or Thai passport if he want me to do business with him. I'll put a post here how it goes.
  19. You must do a complete new application, I guess if you have a PR you probably has all the qualifications, and if you are allowed by UK to have dual citizenship you can keep it.
  20. He will overstay on his Philippine passport. My friends Thai wife entered Thailand on her German passport and had to pay a hefty overstay fee when she left the country. However I heard from a friend of mine that when he got his Thai citizenship they could "stamp" him out of the country with out the need of leaving.
  21. Probably economy Tickets that is none refundable and already payed, so the Plane uses less fuel, so probably they gain a lot from the much lighter plane. Very possible also that the Plane could not wait in Thailand because its needed to take travelers from Scandinavia to Thailand on a returning flight.
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the PR has to be renewed on a regular basis, you still need to have re-entry stamps in your passport if travel abroad. You also need a Work-permit if you want to work, and mant types of work is still restricted to Thais. Also as I understand it is almost as hard to get as Citizenship. Upside I believe is that if you have had a PR for some time, It makes it easier to get a Citizenship. Especially if you are retired and do not work.
  23. As I understand it is a point based system, You get points for being: 1, Married to a Thai citizen 2, Have kid/s that is Thai 3, Speak Thai 4, Read Thai 5, Sing National Anthem 6, Sing Royal Anthem 7, Donated money for charity, and not only once for the application 8, Social status 9, Reputation of good behavior. Must also have: Been in Thailand for at least 3 years on a unbroken extension of stay. Not reapply in another country. Maybe get more points for more years. Must have income and payed taxes in Thailand. (I think pension can count if they are reported to Revenue department) With this if you score good on 1,2, 5,6,7,8,9 you do not need to Speak or read Thai. A friend of mine he has no Thai Wife, and can not read Thai, But have Kids in Thailand, speak and understand decent Thai, he had to be able to sing both Anthems to collect points enough. Please note this is how I have understood it, It might be wrong, and I might have missed some things. I consider to apply, but must fill in gaps in the point list or probably just throw money away.
  24. I have a picture from another guy that has become a Thai Citizen last year, and his Thai ID starts with 3. His pink ID starts with 6, don't know if they are related somehow.
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