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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. I wish you luck but you are wasting your time. As another poster said, you are changing the terms of the original contract and moving the dates so in effect it's a new ticket which leaves you at the mercy of price changes. I typed "Airline ombudsman Australia" and low and behold. https://www.aviationcomplaints.gov.au/airline-customer-service Let us know how you get on.
  2. Nah. Why transfer the money easily via the bank when you can take the more risky option of paying by cash. 😕
  3. Dear His Holiness, Before you start meddling in politics, how about you get your house in order and stop your priests meddling with kids.
  4. I select the route based on price and if the cheapest ticket means I have a 20 min connection then I'll take it. I assume the airline has already calculated out that this is doable otherwise it would be costly for them especially under EU261. I travel a lot and the shortest connection I've had is 40mins and as I said before, the aircraft arrived 20 mins early so 40 mins become an hour connection.
  5. Booking two seperate flights with different airline/partners would ensure the onus is on the passenger. What we're talking about here is a code-sharing flight so essentially one ticket across at least two aircraft under Star Alliance. If the airline offered this ticket with a short connection then it's down to them to sort it out if things go wrong - within reason
  6. Done this many times and you'll usually find that the first plane gets in much earlier than scheduled and even if they come in on-time/slightly late they will hold the connecting flight.
  7. It's still the airlines respnsibility whatever way you look at it.
  8. I suspect the 300kr was for food/drink. There are many more aspects of this regulation which includes the airline having to cover overnight accomodation/meals where applicable. Thai failed big time and I hope they pay up rather than the passengers going through the courts.
  9. Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 EU Regulation 261/2004 entitles you to monetary compensation for flight delays over three hours as long as the delay was not caused by what the EU261 classes as an 'extraordinary circumstance'. Compensation amounts under EU261 for flight delays range from £220 to £520 per passenger Cancellation is not extrodinary circumstances. In this case they are entitled to the maximum of 600 euros as the flight was more than 3500km (assuming they were travelling to Thailand). It only applies for flights that originate or arrive in the EU. As an aside, I've used this many times to claim compensation. My latest involved Swiss air who cancelled my flight in Norway but did reroute me on Emirates. I arrived in Bangkok over 8 hours late so while they did everything to get me to my destination, my interpretation is that I am still able to claim for the delay.
  10. Hope they all put in their claim for 600 euros
  11. The US and Russia are just as bad as each other though I believe Russia can be contained in the short to medium term. It's China that worries me.
  12. Very true. Just think about all of us who are married 🙂
  13. Not sure on that. If they weren't wearing seatbelts then I would of expected them to be flying out the window.
  14. Skyscanner always seems to have the best deals.
  15. Sort of good news but household costs for utilitiy bills, food, clothing etc are still a lot higher than they were pre-Ukraine, some as high as 30%+. Peoples wages have stagnated so in fact we we are lot worse off before the war. My electric bill went from £80/month to £210/month! As a buyer for a major global retailer, prices went up during the Ukraine crisis - understandable, but as costs prices for commodities dropped I have seen very few price decreases. The likes of P&G, Coke Unilever, Kraft etc are milking us dry. High prices set to stay I'm afraid.
  16. He could have braked hard before he hit the bike.
  17. Probably but Porsche could have bounced off something else. I doubt we'll ever know what happened...
  18. So in summary, brake failure then?
  19. True but it's also funny how many imported cars end up in 'accidents'. The amount of times, I've seen these cars driving recklessly along the motorways is insane. Talking of which, hows the Red Bull heir getting on these days or the girl who drove into the toll booths?
  20. Thailand - The grave of high-end imported cars... RIP to the poor chap who died but If the driver can affford a Panamera then he's undoutedbly got money to buy himself out of this.
  21. Send the thugs to India with no chance of return. Net immigration figures reduced. Problem solved. Sometimes my brain amazes me 🙂
  22. Sure, but that's the same for every politician who buys rural votes. Mrs Chelseafan's family still think he was the best PM.
  23. And yet the masses outside Bangkok still love him...
  24. The timeline for the committee’s decision remains uncertain, but he noted that it could affect the selection of the new national police chief set for September. Decision on 1st Oct then?
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