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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. Perhaps he emptied his pockets when going through security ?
  2. You don't need a visa as you are under the visa exemption scheme, i.e. you'll get 30 days on arrival but I think you knew that anyhow :) I think you'll be fine unless you have a history of overstay. if that's the case then they may ask you more questions but with the onward ticket within the scope of 30+30 days it would be a churlish IO to refuse you entry. Don't volunteer information unless they ask!! Maybe I have been lucky but In 25 years of going to Thailand on over 60 trips, I have never been asked for a return ticket or proof of funds.
  3. I don't dispute that waiting times have increased, my point was regarding the quality of the newspaper! As I said before, the NHS cannot continue in it's present form, it's not efficient and is unnecessarily overused and overburdened. There has to be a change of funding somewhere down the road but it would be a brave politician/party who would advocate for any such change. Anyhow, we've gone off point from the OP
  4. Quoting the daily mail is like quoting Fox news! Yes there are backlogs. There have always been backlogs, there will always be backlogs. Covid didn't help. The point is that healthcare is free. Sometimes you have to wait. On a personal level, I've used the NHS for operations and never had to wait more than 2-3 weeks but having said that, its time to revamp the NHS so that it's priority is for critical care only.
  5. Quite right. Time to colonise them again and give these countries some structure 🙂
  6. Sure, if we're going down this road, lets ensure the Italians also pay back every country they pillaged and enslaved under the banner of the Roman empire. Perhaps we should also get Mongolia to compensate the families of the 40million who were killed. Should the Russians also apologise for how many they killed (and do kill). We have a great history, some good and some we're not proud of but I'm fed up with the "Brit-bashing" all the time. Most countries around the world have chequered histories including those in the European and African continents.
  7. Balderdash....next those pesky Thai Doctors willl be telling me that smoking is bad for my health...
  8. Bugger, you beat me to it 🙂
  9. "You’re basically killing each other to see who’s got the better imaginary friend" - Blaise Pascal
  10. And the same Qatar that is alledgedly funding terrorism militants (Sorry BBC) including those in the ME.
  11. I'm sure there weren't 500 killed but after Hamas went into the hospital, there probably is now. 😞
  12. Even if the bike and car jumped a red. the Benz driver was ignorant of oncoming traffic and doesn't look like he checked his nearside mirror.
  13. Google is your friend. Tobacco duty receipts held up well relative to the large pandemic-related fall in GDP in 2020-21, standing at £9.8 billion and reaching £10.2 and £10.0 billion in 2021-22 and 2022-23, respectively. About 1.25% of total revenue collected.
  14. £10 a pack in the UK ? Try nearly £15. As a self-loathing smoker, they should tax the hell out of it!! That's the easiest way to get us to quit !! The downside is that over time there will be less smokers which equates to less tax and people liveing longer so more pensions are paid out. I suppose they'll go for the motorist even MORE now to make up the deficit.
  15. Precisely. I have nothing against the tax if it is indeed used wisely and not siphoned off but at least add it to the cost of the airline ticket in the same way as the depature tax...
  16. We did 1 million Dowry but only for her to show face. I got all the money back after the wedding. My in-laws were very savvy to realise that that they would be much better off in the long-term than taking the Sinsod. ????
  17. I think you missed the point. The OP was talking about the war veteran but it could of equally applied to Biden ????
  18. Why blame the police when it's the drivers at fault? That's like me saying, I killed someone someone because the police weren't there to stop me People have to take personal accountability for their actions, in this case they didn't and it cost them their lives. I do believe that stronger enforcement / media messages would help and it pains me to say it but more speed cameras with heavier fines.
  19. Yes probably at the malls. Remember, it's Chonburi, not Pattaya per se. You probably don't see them Once again another report comes out without any explanation as to how they get to the figures although my guess is credit card sales. I'm a tourist, I use cash, probably spent upwards of 80k or so in a week, if this is the case then I'm not counted. Do I even exist ?
  20. Sod the kid, what we all want to know is what happened to the cat? It got venom in its eyes poor thing...
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