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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. The alarming rate of Thailand’s nurse resignations has prompted calls for the government to implement more effective strategies to retain nurses within the country’s public healthcare system. Well I might be Mr. Thicko but a starting strategy would be to pay them more
  2. We installed a Japanese style toilet in the house, best thing ever.
  3. Why not just agree with the landlord a rolling 3-month contract but ask him to produce a 1 year to show to immigration?
  4. He won't come back if there is any indication that he might go to jail I would think that hands have been shaken, deals agreed and palms greased.
  5. Brexit is only a small part and this has pretty much been absorbed over the past 2-3 years. The UK has one of the most comeptittive retail markets in the world which has helped to keep costs down (pre Putin) Other than a few blips, Inflation has been pretty steady at 2% for the past 1000 years but we are of course in one of those blips. Inflation is pretty much down to Putin and his cronies who have caused global instability. If anyone is expecting prices to come down post-war then they are in for shock. I rarely have a supplier offer a voluntary price decrease but then that's my job to challenge them
  6. I'm sure you're aware of the libel laws in Thailand. I suspect the reporter decided to play safe.
  7. I have a little knowledge as I am a food buyer for a major global retailer. Brexit certainly hasn't helped and has defintely added to costs. Both vendors and retailers have additional paperwork to complete which was inevitable but one of the biggest hikes is on freight. There are still delays at border control and European freight hauliers don't really want to deliver to the UK and if they do then they asking for silly money to cover their lost hours. But Brexit is only part of the issue. Production costs are still sky-high although we are seeing a slight tapering in electricity costs. There is still reduced avaibility for some commodity items, think wheat for example. Wages are also increasing faster than they have for a long while. Lastly some of the big blue chip suppliers are pushing through stupid increases some as high as 40% particuarly on lines where there they have little or no competition
  8. Surely the bigger concern is for the child in that they are likely to grow up without their father. The average age of death for men in the US is 76 to which bother have surpassed this. That's not fair on the child IMHO.
  9. Missus flew with them today and she said it was the worse flight ever. Seats don't recline (even a little), no power slots. Food was awful and seat was dirty.
  10. Good job he wasn't wearing a "Good guys go to heaven, bad guys go to Pattaya" T-Shirt or he would be truly screwed...
  11. Oh please, get real. Those on an overstay know that they are breaking the law but it's not going to change their mind. The crime doesn't fit the punishment. Just put him on a plane discreetly and ban him.
  12. I didn't say it wasn't a crime but parading this guy in front of the media is completely OTT.
  13. I know an overstay is a bit naughty but does this guy really need to be paraded in front of the press? It's not like he has killed anyone for Christ sake. Just stamp his passport with an exclusion and put him on the next plane and be done with it.
  14. If you are worried about hygiene in Thailand then you're really in the wrong place. ???? That being said, I generally prefer street food to cheap restaurants - at least I can see what's being cooked.
  15. I use the term "emergency" landing in the sense that the pilot had obviously lost the engine but as a flyer, you'll know that the jet can be landed with one engine without damage fairly easily, in fact these aircraft are designed to do just that. My question is what happened that resulted in the pilot damaging the plane. Glad everyone made it to the ground safely but based on the report, the pilot didn't do a great job IMHO.
  16. As an aviation enthusiast, this is a very bad landing IMHO. He lost power on one of the engines on take-off so he had plenty of time to prepare for an emergency landing. If on the other hand he had lost power just before landing then I would have given him more credit. The A320 can land with one engine although it does require a little more skill from the pilot.
  17. Absolutely. Pilots are trained to land with engine failure without damaging the plane. If he had lost both engines then definitely 10/10
  18. I'd rather take Kalli than Khan. At least Kalli is good eye-candy when she screws us over...
  19. Well, I can't. It's essentially racism. If we, in the UK started charging foreigners more to enter our parks there would be uproar andrightly so.
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