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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. I mean this in the nicest possible way but how do you know he wasn't on drugs? How do you know if someone who takes drugs can or can't drive? . Surely it depends on the individual, type of drug taken and how much was consumed (amongst other things).
  2. On the flip side, maybe our leaders are just plain stupid.....
  3. I understand your point but you're wrong. Byeeee
  4. Yes. If your neighbour suddenly pulls up in front of your house driving a brand new Mercedes then they might want to move village
  5. No one looks at their ticket and thinks, hey there's a £30 charge to use Heathrow airport, let's not go to London. Thailands problems stem from a variety of issues, Covid, hugely inflated airfares and a looming global recession. Let's face it, I doubt anyone on this forum will be put off visiting Thailand again for the sake of $8 We'll agree to disagree on this one.
  6. Yes, I got it first time around. Again, how was Truss the better candidate? She wasn't by a long long way. Am I saying that ALL Tory members are racist? of course not but you can't seriously believe that there were those who didn't want a PM with Indian heritage?
  7. It's not a pejudice, it's blatant racism....IMHO! Please tell me how, in a time we are heading for recession that Truss was a better candidate ?
  8. Agreed. I'm a 45% taxpayer and while I welcome more money in my pocket, it really doesn't make sense that they dropped the top tier. The Chancellor says it's "to simplify the tax bands", well it's hardly rocket science with bands of 20%, 40% and 45%. It's a totally reckless policy and not only a loss of revenue but rewards those who can ride out a recession much easier. What they should have done is move 20% to 18% and move 40% to 41% which, if my maths are correct would have been pretty much cost neutral.
  9. Let's face it, she only got in because the Tory faithful wouldnt vote for an asian PM. Sunak was the much better choice..
  10. That's how it's currently setup in thailand
  11. Difference is that the UK doesn't charge on both exit and departure AFAIK but I understand your point
  12. I agree with your comments regarding economics but in this case I seriously doubt that $8 is going to put people off travelling to Thailand in the same way that no-one cares about the 600 baht to exit.
  13. Apps ?? Websites ??? Oh Gawd..... Why complicate it. Just add to airfare as they do for the exit fee... Immigration can be busy at the best of times, why add delays with kiosks ??
  14. I doubt most travellers will have any issues nor care what the 300 baht is and will be happy just to pay it. The key is ensuring its part of the ticket price so it's easy to collect The principal of the 300 baht charge is sound, where the money ends up and how it is used is an entirely different matter. Don't forget we also pay 600 baht (IIRC) tax to exit Thailand - I wonder what THAT money is used for?
  15. Pickup truck crashes in Chonburi, driver blames wet road Wet road denies it caused the crash and blames truck driver for going too fast
  16. I just transferred a million baht as we're building a house It would have cost me £657 more to use my bank (Halifax) than use transferwise because of the crappy exchange rate.
  17. Depends on the drug. I have no issues with weed, I don't use it myself but have friends that do. Heroin on the other hand is a nasty business, my cousin is a shell of who he used to be and it took him years to get off that <deleted> You also have to think about where these drugs come from, Coccaine for example principally comes from South America run by cartels who do untold damage to communities. Anyhow that's my take on it.
  18. The big difference is that sterling is not AFAIK being deliberately manipulated or we would be on the US radar. Thailand on the other hand is. To be fair Thailand is not the only country who are playing around with their currency
  19. One of the fastest ways would be to depreciate the baht to help exporters. The world is about to go into recession IMHO and as the demand for consumer goods weakens, some export markets will struggle. We've already moved most of our shrimp sourcing from Thailand to Vietnam where product is a lot cheaper for the same quality.
  20. Absolutely and if I am not mistaken Thailand is already on the US radar for manipulation.
  21. And yet they seem to have the time to check most of my containers coming into the UK incurring additional demurrage
  22. But golf buggy isn't ????
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