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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. Just now, welovesundaysatspace said:

    No one except a Brexiteer cares about what fantasy solutions you believe in. To protect the GFA is the UK’s responsibility, whereas the EU’s responsibility is to protect the Single Market. 

    I'm a remainer but I get peeved about this defeatist mentality. There's always solutions if people can cooperate. Sadly politicians from both sides are inclined not to do so.

  2. 2 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    And how much “in cash terms” did the EU export to other countries than the UK, especially Intra-EU? And how much “in cash terms” did the UK export to other countries than the EU? 


    Even my ten years old nephew knows that absolute numbers don’t tell you anything unless you put them into relation. 

    Absolutely but your post did nothing of the such. Businesses on both sides are going to be hurt.

  3. 12 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    How is that any relevant when 50% of the UK’s exports go to the EU vs. only 7% of the EU’s export to the UK? Sometimes I’m amazed how those who voted for this desaster don’t even get the basics right. 

    And in cash terms, UK exported £289billion to the EU in 2018, UK Imported £345billion from the EU.

    Small businesses don't bank %ages, they bank cash.



    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Juncker is elected by the only cremium allowed to vote for and appoint the EU president of the Commission = the head's of government of the EU member states, incl the one for the UK.

    Just as the ambassadors of the UK in any country are elected in a barony ( cosntituency), not the UK representatives at the UN, WHO, WTO, FIFA, the top-boss of the Bank of England and of the BBC, and all members of the House of Lords.

    The difference is that the French ambassador to the UK has no bearing on what happens in Spain.


    Juncker was elected on a majority vote and the UK DID NOT vote for him. Perhaps that's why he hates us ????




    • Thanks 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

    From your last link: "Honda's rival Japanese carmaker Nissan announced earlier this month that it was canceling plans to build the X-Trail SUV in the northeastern town of Sunderland. Nissan said explicitly that uncertainty around Brexit was a factor in its decision.

    The absence of a withdrawal agreement — a so-called no deal Brexit — would likely mean the imposition of customs checks and tariffs as products enter and leave the UK."

    Do you really think Honda tells the whole truth? Vauxhall is thinking about to leave, BMW with it´s MINI too, all because the chaos of a no-deal Brexit. 

    Do you really think that´s it´s cheaper for Honda to close a running plant and relocate to Japan and ship all the cars the far way to Europe than to stay in the UK if they wouldn´t expect huge problems?

    "The plant, near the town of Swindon, accounts for more than 10 percent of Britain's total car output, although it has struggled increasingly in recent years.

    The announcement means the loss of 3,500 jobs in the UK."

    10% of the most important industrie of the UK (see pic). Wow"

    3,500 jobs - I guess plus many jobs around these plant. 



    10% of the most important industrie of the UK (see pic). Wow


    No, 10% of the most important export industries.


  6. 8 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Since the EU concluded a deal with Japan, Japanese cars, made in Japan, are free from any EU import duty. That's why Honda will go back to Japan and "reduces" its facitilies in the UK.



    Japanese automakers set for European sales boost from trade pact




    17 jul. 2018 - Toyota, Honda, Nissan could gain from EU-Japan free trade deal ... signed a trade pact that will remove EU tariffs of 10 percent on Japanese cars ... and JTEKT also stand to gain from the fall of a 3 percent tariff on auto parts. ... and drinks maker Asahi Group Holdings import wines from Europe and ... Close.




    Honda's exit is based on many factors, but Brexit is certainly one ...




    18 feb. 2019 - 'Shattering body blow' as Honda plans to close Swindon factory ... Japanese companies have a tendency to pull production back home when the ... The 10% tariff on cars imported into the EUwill not be fully phased out until ... on investment decisions in the UK,” said Rachel Reeves, the Labour chair of the …





    Honda closure adds to UK's Brexit gloom 19.02.2019 Japanese car ...




    19 feb. 2019 - Japanese car giant Honda has announced it will close its only car plant in ... plans to trim UK operations, with concerns that a no-deal Brexit could disrupt supply lines. ... taxes would massively damage the Formula 1 industry in the UK," Wolff said. ... Brexit: EU's Barnier says customsunion idea 'interesting'.




    You don't have to convince me, I voted remain albeit for a short while did see the merits of leaving but on the whole I'm a remainer. I have a fair understanding of the issues that this is going to cause. I will however say that you are only looking at the short-term damage. If the UK leaves and I don't think we will, we will adapt over time.


    • Like 1
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  7. 1 hour ago, tebee said: External Union transit procedure

    T1 The external Union transit procedure (T1), applies mainly to the
    movement of non-Union goods. It suspends import duties, other
    charges and commercial policy measures until the goods reach their
    destination in the Union.


    From https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/sites/taxation/files/transit_manual_en.pdf#page=41


    Another of those 1,000,001 things you probably didn't need to know. 

    You're right haha. Thanks


  8. 11 minutes ago, tebee said:

    Oddly enough, final customs clearance from goods outside the EU isn't done until until it enters its final destination country ( rather than the country of entry) So things that have come from outside the EU via another EU country would indeed be customs checked on the UK border.

    I didn't know that before today either !

    I thought it was the other way around, I must admit most of my containers from the far east arrive direct to one of the UK ports, I have had on occasions product arrive from the US via Rotterdam and sent to a UK port via a feeder vessel but I always assumed the checks are done at the first port so if what you say is true then I've learnt something new today too. I'll check with my imports dept. tomorrow for clarification.


  9. 1 minute ago, puipuitom said:

    Nonsense as is intra-Community supply. Only on a temporaty basis 

    For illegal migrants, yes, but for the rest: fee movement of goods ( persons and capital) between the EU member states.

    Union goods

    Union goods originate in the EU or have been imported from outside the EU and released for free circulation. All import formalities will have been completed, and duties and other charges paid.

    Union goods don’t need to move under customs control within the territory of the EU. But if Union goods go via a third country, proof of Union status is needed. This proof can be provided by a Community status (T2L) declaration made on a Single Administrative Document (SAD).


    Yes I am aware of this but lorries are still randomly checked for things such as contraband (tobacco and alcohol) and paperwork checks to ensure that what has been declared is on the lorry. The vehicles can also be searched for illegal immigrants.



  10. 10 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Again.. from OUTSIDE the EU is a complete other ball game as inter EU. Same ad from York to Leeds... nothing.

    Not so long ago, all noodles from China were checked 100% for aluminium. From other origins.. zero. 

    I didn't say otherwise. I was agreeing with your view on product coming into Rotterdam from outside the EU. Get with the program.


    My ORIGINAL reply to you was based on your incorrect comment


    " ONLY at ports leaving from the EU towards the UK there is a check for illegal passengers, but NOT for merchandise. Till of course 1 Nov 00:00:00 h "


    Lorries can and are randomly pulled aside coming into Dover for checks, amongst other things, MERCHANDISE.


  11. 23 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Do not mix up outer EU border (ports) and inter-EU transports.

    In Rotterdam and Antwerp less as 1% of the incoming containers from outside the EU are checked ( and much less visually inspected). And of course ex Columbia a lot intensive as coming from Canada. Containers arriving on the "big ferries" like from Asia, entering e.g. Rotterdam, there customs cleared ( and NOT in the final destination ports as then also this transport costs are included in the CFR ( cost freight) over which import duty is levied) and transported further to… Hull, New Castle, Edinburgh, Aberdeen... Stockholm, Riga etc

    Yes product is checked at the first EU port, however for the UK most product is shipped direct from Asia with a smaller %age going through Rotterdam and back to us on feeder vessels. You are correct in that certain countries present higher risk of inspection but also that the EU demands certain minimum %age checks from countries outside the EU for certain food groups, for example, at least 50% of containers arriving from India with shrimp have to be checked for the presence of antibiotics.

  12. 4 minutes ago, tebee said:

    Schengen has absolutely nothing to do with whether a lorry will be checked or not  as it has nothing to do with the movement of goods, but is solely concerned with the movement of people.


    Indeed, lorries are checked entering Switzerland, which is part of  Schengen, simply because it is not part of the CU.

    Stuff from Thailand will be checked because  Thailand is not part of the EU!


    However lorries going Dover-Calais are not checked and just give a simple declaration of what they are carrying. 

    That is simply not true, lorries going into Dover-Calais are checked randomly. I should know, I'm a buyer and have my lorries stopped, scanned and on rare occasions offloaded.

    Edit : I will say that most go through without inspection, just paper-work checks.

    Edit Edit : Yes, I shouldn't have mentioned Thailand but the same can be said for product shipping from Greece for example.



  13. 1 hour ago, puipuitom said:

    The heavily fortified and unpassable border between the EU member states Belgium and Netherlands… Same between EVERY two EU member states. ONLY at ports leaving from the EU towards the UK there is a check for illegal passengers, but NOT for merchandise. Till of course 1 Nov 00:00:00 h


    But for the moment: at NO INTER-EU BORDER anything is checked, not on lorries, nor in private cars or persons. Even forbidden ( only for a temporary action) Read EU regulations . ONLY and ONLY for outgoing towards the UK seen illegal migrants. Just look at the first the best video about the (un)loading in these ports. Brexiteers… not the slightest ideas about the present reality.


    border between Belgium and Netherlands.jpg

    Sorry, you're wrong about the UK. Goods (not just migrants) can be inspected and off loaded coming into and out of the UK through an EU destination (Calais being the major one). I'm not saying every lorry is checked.



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  14. 58 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    But for the moment: at NO INTER-EU BORDER anything is checked, not on lorries, nor in private cars. ONLY and ONLY for outgoing towards the UK seen illegal migrants. Just look at the first the best video about the (un)loading in these ports. Brexiteers… not the slightest ideas about the present reality. ( stuck at the early 70's when the UK was not an EU member state ). Advise: learn to check with Google or so, e.g. with "inter EU border checks ". 

    I would advise your learn to check Google again with "Inter EU border checks" as this only applies to Schengen. The UK is not part of Schengen


    My lorries are pulled for screening all the time at Dover. My consignments from Thailand that arrive into any UK port are randomly inspected.


  15. 1 hour ago, Mavideol said:

    in order to make a deal with the US, China or anybody else the UK has first to exit the EU and than it will take some time 9anybody's guess ??) to make trade deals, sometimes up to 10 years, what will the UK do in the mean time

    I see you mentioned "up to 10 Years" - which is the time it took Canada and the EU to agree on a trade deal.


    It won't take anywhere near this. Its much easier when you have one country negotiating with the UK than 28 countries negotiating with Canada.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, flossie35 said:

    The problem is that if  the UK leaves the single market while Ireland remains, you have to have a hard border. Otherwise all the nasties let in by BJ's trade agreement with Trump- chlorine chicken and the rest - could spread into all 27 EU countries, none of whom, quite rightly, want this junk. There is and never likely will be technology to solve the problem. Border checks require real people to rummage around vehicles looking for contraband, prohibited goods, trafficked people etc. And there are over 200 crossing points between N. Ireland and the Republic.

    But don't we have border checks for good entering into Ireland (North and South) by sea already ? That's what I don't understand. Also don't lorries get checked at Dover/Calais ?


    Btw. Nothing wrong with chlorinated chicken per se. The reason why we don't allow it is that the abattoirs in the US don't typically have the same standards as those in the EU and it's the lazy option of chlorinating chicken. If we allowed it here then the thinking is that our standards would decrease also


  17. I have the same issue with a neighbour in the UK. Total weirdo who will shout out "f@@king c@@t" as loud as he can at any time of the day. He is reclusive and hardly ever leaves the flat but after a few heated exchanges I realised there wasn't anything I could do...except buy  a pair of these



    Not cheap but they are effective at allowing me to get a decent nights sleep


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