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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 2 minutes ago, bomber said:

    brexit isnt happening and has never been planned for,just watched the faces on TV of BJ and Gove on TV the morning of the result,they looked absolutely terrified ,IT WASNT MEANT TO HAPPEN,and it wont,BJ was in it for personal gain same same Gove,johnson was writing pro remain in the telegraph then pro leave,a total clown of a fella

    For once we're in agreement.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    Well no, not really. You tick 'working' and then expect a visa waiver, you'll get knocked back. Tick 'visiting family' and you really should have a visa of some description.


    Two might only have buying power but they're buying for seven.

    So are they distingishing "Tourists" from "business people" and the amount of visitors is higher or are they lumping them together?


    Not really, 5 children don't consume as much as 5 adults.


  3. 56 minutes ago, DLock said:


    It's a valid point.


    I travel in and out of Thailand 12 - 18 times year, so I would be counted 12-18 times as a visiting tourist.


    I am not average, but I would expect most people take at least 1 or 2 trips out of Thailand per, visa runners or border runners would be more.


    So the whole visiting tourist number may be off by 50% or even more.


    They are counting ghosts are make believe that everything is rosy...them ghosts are going to come back to haunt them, and the "rosy" are just tinted glasses.

    My point exactly.


  4. 39 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

    I guess the U.K. is doing well then. Back where I'm from there are many lay offs with this latest economic downturn. There its just not the exchange rate that is causing people to cut back on all travel, it's also the uncertainty of whats around the corner. 

    Yes, you're right but that can be said for any country who have citizens being laid off. Simply put there are better and cheaper options for travel these days other than Thailand.


    Surprisingly, the UK IS doing well according to latest statistics, employment has never been higher, average wage growth is up although it might not feel like it in certain part of the country.


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  5. 28 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    There's a tick box section on the back of the TM6 arrival card. If I remember correctly there's 12 different boxes for 12 different reasons for coming into Thailand. One is 'Holiday.'


    So each category is counted separately.


    Every arrival needs a TM6, so yes a family of 7 having a holiday is 7 tourists.

    If that's true then it's not very scientific and completely open to abuse.


    So a family of 7 only has 2 of which have buying power.


    • Sad 1
  6. 22 minutes ago, hugh2121 said:

    With the ever strengthening baht, imports are becoming cheaper and cheaper. However, retail prices remain the same. Seems like another Thai rip off to me.

    True but for the average European tourist, what do they really purchase that is imported? Maybe a meal in a nice restaurant with a bottle of stupidly expensive wine but not much else I think. Maybe I'm wrong.


    On the flip side, Thailands economy accounts for 60%+ of exports. This is where they are hurting most especially as they export far more than they import (hence the trade surplus).


  7. 1 minute ago, from the home of CC said:

    No, Thailand is still very reasonable in the off season, accommodations are often half price etc. It's the people who travel that have reduced funds to spend due to the economic climate and rate exchange.

    Yes but only because the exchange rate is so bad. The tourist bringing in £1000 5 years ago would get a lot more baht than they are getting now. They still have the same funds but not the same buying power.


  8. 14 minutes ago, Sonhia said:

    What are the numbers for those leaving Thailand? My guess is much higher than the figures arriving.


    This morning whilst walking around the Royal Garden shopping mall in Pattaya city,  I was set upon and pysically attacked by a male Thai secruity quard!


    I was so appalled by the actions of the attacker that I decided to call 191. The Thai Police arrived very quickly, they questioned the Thai male attacker and took him away to Soi 9 police station Pattay city. Although the Police were very polite and showed concern the fact of the matter is, I was attacked FOR NO REASON at all which implies to me that being a foreginer, I am not welcome.


    I filed a complaint with both the Tourist police as well as the Thai Tourist Authority, but no action will be taken concerning my complaints.


    My point is this, most Thai are clearly racist and what with the Thai baht being so strong, in a nut shell, no matter what is reported about tourist figures, Thailand is not such a good destination to visit anylonger.


    Too Dangerous! Too expensive!


    Seems to me, the only way to deal with these complaints is to go onto social media. The Thai authorities are very quick to launch a "real" investigation then.

  9. 1 minute ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Denying you wrote this now are you or just further bickering on your part ?



    If you are referring to me in that comment then I can assure you that the members on TV (including you) are the very least I need to impress. I am lucky that I am in a very well paid job that affords me some luxury on vacation and when you have an extended family, you will soon understand how money gets eaten up.


    You may find this hard to believe but not everyone go's to Pattaya.






    Why do you think I was referring to you ? A bit paranoid aren't you ????


    If it makes you happy..

    • Sad 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Bit tetchy aren't you ? Why do you think you are the only special one on TVF I was referring too ? Sounds like you have a whole big chip on shoulder about something or else perhaps your well paid job exposes you to some stress. Relax more, take it it easy, money is not the b all and end all in this world to many people on here.

    Why do you think I was referring to you ? A bit paranoid aren't you ????

  11. 4 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    That seems a very reasonable price for 1 week.  But there again that is no doubt a factual amount rather than a stupidly exaggerated figure some others use in attempt to impress TV members.

    If you are referring to me in that comment then I can assure you that the members on TV (including you) are the very least I need to impress. I am lucky that I am in a very well paid job that affords me some luxury on vacation and when you have an extended family, you will soon understand how money gets eaten up.


    You may find this hard to believe but not everyone go's to Pattaya.



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