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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 6 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

    What? Less corruption? Prayuth wrote the playbook on corruption. This is why he has openly threatened anyone that questions his enormous wealth. 

    I know that, you know that but the perception to the average Somchai is somewhat different. Besides, they don't really care about top-level politicians, it's the local police that they get annoyed about. They are the ones they have to interact with on a day to day basis.



  2. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Deranged Thai roti seller hacks man's neck with a machete. Claims it's because the victim swore too much in English, neither's native language, whilst buying rotis from him and his wife.


    And you believe him!

    Absolutely. If what the son said was  true he would no doubt be swearing in his own language.

    Why swear in English unless he was provoking the Thai?

    Something smells fishy


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  3. 11 hours ago, nickstav said:

    Thailand's people need to look at what's going on in Hong Kong. Freedom is never given, you need to fight for it. 

    The average Thai doesn't care. I've spoken to quite a few people and they preferred the military controlled government. As they see it there was less corruption and if the police didn't sort out your problem, the army certainly did.

    Even the missus, who is better educated about politics than most likes Prayut.



    • Haha 1
  4. On 7/23/2019 at 5:11 AM, Nigel Garvie said:

    Ah, but that's the whole point, Boris does spout continuous crap, just how far down the reality denial road do you have to travel not to see that. He will be chosen by less that .002% of the population, and it is pretty apparent that a significant majority of the population think he is just a huge embarrassment. For many posters here the issue has turned into "Brexit at any price", if they had to accept Satan as PM in order to achieve their aims they would do so. This obsession has become so all consuming, that nothing else matters. "To hell with the Union, the economy, the evidence, the NHS, our international status, just give us our Brexit" 

    Countries all over the world are laughing at us because we really think that we are taking back control, meanwhile Putin and Trump are rubbing their hands with glee. 

    Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 13.06.21.png

    Whilst I appreciate some people vote based on the leader of the party, I would hope that most vote on the policies of the party.


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  5. On 7/19/2019 at 8:27 AM, madmen said:

    Totall nonsense on a grand scale. Ask 100 tourists who is running the country and you will get 100 shoulder shrugs

    It's always always ALWAYS about the money


    I think you're right in that tourists won't know who runs the country however, they will know it's a military government through the media  We know for instance Cuba is communist, we knew back in the day that Burma was ruled by the Junta, we know Corbyn is a Socialist idiot....


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  6. On 7/19/2019 at 3:54 AM, 473geo said:

    Simple mathematics - Tourists will still arrive


    But.....by way of example, a tourist from the UK saves every year GBP 2000 spending for his two week holiday, he exchanges it at home

    A few years ago at 50 baht to the GBP he was arriving with spending money in baht 100,000

    Current exchange rate say 37 he is arriving with 74,000 baht

    26,000 baht from one tourist that the Thai people will not see, unless he has the capacity to raise the initial annual holiday funding, given the current global economic climate many probably not willing or carrying the ability to do so


    Actually it's worse than that because you also have to factor in inflation.


    A few years ago, a beer would be 50 baht. It's now 70baht so not only do you have less baht to spend, you are also paying more for the same goods versus a few years ago.




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  7. It was a great place to go in its heyday but Sois 7 and 8 haven't competed with LK/Buchao where those familiar with Pattaya are more likely to frequent.

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