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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 3 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    Thai law says undertaking is legal if the road has two or more lanes going in the same direction. This does of course only mean that if a car is in the right lane, you can undertake it in the left lane, it does not mean undertaking a car which is driving in the left lane, because driving on the hard shoulder is illegal.

    OK. That makes sense. What I couldn't understand is that if you are in the left hand lane turning left (As I assumed in this case) that you could be undertaken.


  2. 4 hours ago, stevenl said:

    This discussion has been had many times here, I am not doing it again, let alone based on a site that has no standing whatsoever. Just check the traffic laws. Yes, can be confusing, make sure to check the rules for overtaking if multiple lanes going in the same direction.

    I've done a search on TV but cant find anything other than a couple of threads (including this one). It's not that I am disputing you but I would like to know for myself the legal status on undertaking. All the references I can find say it is illegal. I am happy to be corrected if you can point me in the right direction


  3. 11 minutes ago, Sonhia said:

    A good idea, but in practise? What about making a claim? No chance! Pay first for tratment and forget about getting a refund. T.I.T


    Health care is not that good in most state run hospitals. I'm sure the propossed Thai health insurance would not cover treatment in a private hospital?


    If Thai state schools cannot provide health insurance to non Thai teachers, as Thai schools are supposed to, how would such a Thai health care insurance work for tourists? 



    Why would you make a claim ? You will automatically have insurance so you are covered.


    And in answer to you last comment - Because the tourist is subsidising the insurance, the Thai teacher would not unless they negociated with their government.



  4. 6 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    You cant have democracy until people are equal. When all men (and women) are equal and are allowed to have a say on their constitution, sit in parliament without some bogus university diploma and are allowed free speech on whatever subject they desire, then you can proceed with democracy.


    But all people in Thailand ARE equal....It's just some are more equal than others.


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  5. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:


    Probably the motorbike was undertaking, but that is allowed on that road. Speeding, likely, but most likely mr. Sax will be at fault for turning left while there was traffic on that side. If he signaled a left turn, preferably long time, that might shift the blame.

    If he is turning left wouldn't he be on the inside lane meaning the bike undertook him ? If that is the case then providing the car driver wasn't moving quickly I'd say its the bikes fault.



  6. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    And this is why these perverts, cheats and conmen will continue to commit those despicable offences simply because the deterrents IS NOT THERE, and 1,000 baht will not stop them unless a much more serious penalties will be implemented and brought to bare of this unruly cabbies...

    I'm sure you understand Thai culture but being named and shamed is much more of a deterrent especially as he has lost a lot of face.


    • Confused 1
  7. Just now, sandmonster said:

    Thai Visa experts simply Google it. Like it or not, every article says Chinese outspend Europeans on holiday here. Try it sometime ????


    Chinese numbers have been declining since last year's Pattaya incident. Loss in European AND Chinese money mitigated somewhat by increases from India, ME, Asia etc who are probably even bigger spenders than even the Chinese.

    This is not the point we were making. Yes they outspend because there's so many of them. The point was that per person they do not.


  8. 2 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    The margin of error is less than 1%.  Like I said look up how modern countries figure Unemployment statistics.  USA, Australia, UK and so on..  I guess you think of statistics in your grandfather's day and will start quoting Mark Twain any minute.  Google Germany labor force survey methodology for an idea of how modern statistics work and how Thailand computes numbers for the TAT.  

    I'm well aware how statistics are calculated having a higher-level diploma in computer studies. I would be astounded if the margin of error is less than 1%. Whilst I appreciate it's necessary to gather data, you cannot really say that on a survey of let's say 60,000 people that this is representative of 60 million people. It's a guide for sure but so many factors can skew results. Even if you ask every one of the 60million, some will lie or give false data.


    Yes, OK, you got me. There's lies, damned lies and then there's statistics ????



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