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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 13 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Actually I do know.  They get the numbers the same way the USA gets unemployment numbers.  By survey.  No desire to go through a statistics training course if you want more information google how the government measures unemployment.  

    So either they ask people in which case that's incredibly inaccurate as people by nature will big themselves up or they take a survey of x people and factor up which again has a high margin of error.


    That's why I take these figures with a huge grain of salt.


    Someone mentioned that the data was taken from credit card transactions supplied by the CC companies. If that's true then again it's highly inaccurate as Farangs don't tend to use their credit cards in Thailand in the same way Asians do.


    The question I have is WHAT makes up the daily spend? I somehow doubt your daily barfine is included in the calculation...







  2. 5 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Expenditures by day Chinese tourists, $192.84

                                   Europe $125.47



    Maybe they know and it's you that have zero clue.  Anecdotal evidence is not accurate if you have better information please feel free to link it.  


    Please explain to me how they get to these figures...


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  3. 1 minute ago, CNXexpat said:

    I wonder why the Le Meridien in Chiang Mai is full of Chinese tourists and they pay the normal room rate of minimum 5,000 Baht per night. Also the other 5 star hotels are full of Chinese. But the dormitories are full of western tourists. 

    Tourists are not interested in the political system or the human rights of the vacation country. They visit China, Cambodia, Turkey, etc. - all not known as democratic countries.

    Do you really think they are paying 5000 a night? And even if they are, taking one hotel as a snap shot isn't the reality of the situation. The same can be said for the Hilton in Pattaya or any other of the 4-5 star hotels in Bangkok. Those establishments will always have affluent customers but what about the other thousands upon thousands of smaller hotels?

    Luckily there's Airbnb...no wait ????


  4. 18 minutes ago, British Bulldog said:

    Huh ? Europeans, Chinese and others all decide not to come to Thailand because of a sway of 1 or 2 baht difference to their respected currency .... come on ... try pulling the other one. (International exchange rates at 30.80 to the USD this morning) the Aussie dollar dropped heaps this year, but it doesn't stop them coming !

    I agree to an extent. It certainly doesn't stop the likes of us going there but to the families who have never been and are planning their vacation I'm sure they are carefully reviewing websites with regards to how much bang for their buck they are getting. It's not the main reason but I'll bet it's part of their decision making process.


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  5. 4 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Chickens of the Prayut military government coming home to roost I suspect. Plus the baht factor.

    Thai exports sliding into serious negativity despite the countless jaunts PM Prayut has made to foreign countries to try and drum up export trade. Seems like only yesterday that Prayut and his cronies were bragging about how well Thai exports were going.

    Contrast that with their neighbour Vietnam which has an average export growth rate of 17.9% for the period Jan 1998 to May 2019.

    Yep. I've moved all my business from Thailand to Vietnam especially as the EU removed the GSP a few years ago.

    If the Government doesn't do something soon there are going to be a lot of factories going out of business over the next few years.


  6. 6 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    Do you want to pick an older or more irrelevant article???  They talk about Orient Thai and One-2-Go!  One-2-Go haven't flown for about nine years!!


    Thai has always been able to operate flights to the US.  It wasn't able to expand to new routes while the CAA was red flagged and its processes were under review (nothing to do with Thai Airways safety standards), but that was resolved years ago.


    But carry on.  Maybe next time post an article that says Thailand is yet to reach the jet age and is still using propellor planes - how typical of Thailand to be lagging behind!!





    You sure?




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