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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. Well I didn't know yer honour. If we're talking about tax evasion, let's start with some of the blue chips/off shore millionaires. That's where the real money is.
  2. IF there is good comeptition and no collusion behind the scenes. I mean banks are squeaky clean in Thailand, right ?
  3. Haha. In my fuzzy world, I did not commit a crime. The labourer did. I just asked what the cash price is. What he does is up to him. Hopefully that would hold up in court ????
  4. I have something to hide ???? I asked my local decorator to repaint the outside of my house (UK) and he quoted £400 which is the market rate for this area but he could do it for £330 cash. Now I know he isn't declaring this to the tax man but I'd much prefer to pay the lower amount. With a cashless society you are at the mercy of the banks. They can quite easily put up their transaction charges to the retailer which in turn will push up the cost of goods. I prefer cash, it's tangible, I know how much I have to spend because it's in my wallet rather than a number in my bank account.
  5. I'm not sure why this post was aimed at me. I was simply replying to @Mac Mickmanus who stated that NATO/EU/USA/UK were not involved in the war when they bally well are.
  6. Where do you think all the hardware is coming from ? Where do you think the sanctions are coming from ? Where do you think the policies to reduce dependance on russia oil/gas are coming from ? Of course they are involved
  7. Everyone has an opinion and I'd be interested to know why you think that ? Unless there is a major reversal of policy by the US/NATO/EU/UK then I think it's highly unlikely, in the long run that Russia will win.
  8. Sadly, this applies to a lot of countries, including the UK/EU
  9. He floored the acclerator after he was half way past the other vechicle. He already had enough speed to overtake. Reckless IMO.
  10. For sure but I see more trucks driving recklessly in Thailand than I do high end cars. Obviously there are more of them
  11. It could well be the case but how many accidents have been caused by cars pulling out of side streets and u-turns. My gut feel is that the truck pulled out on the BMW and didn't take into account the distance and speed the BMW was driving at. Maybe there was poor visibility on the trucks part. Unfortunately, we only have the truck drivers version of events.
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