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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. Everyone has an opinion and I'd be interested to know why you think that ? Unless there is a major reversal of policy by the US/NATO/EU/UK then I think it's highly unlikely, in the long run that Russia will win.
  2. Sadly, this applies to a lot of countries, including the UK/EU
  3. He floored the acclerator after he was half way past the other vechicle. He already had enough speed to overtake. Reckless IMO.
  4. For sure but I see more trucks driving recklessly in Thailand than I do high end cars. Obviously there are more of them
  5. It could well be the case but how many accidents have been caused by cars pulling out of side streets and u-turns. My gut feel is that the truck pulled out on the BMW and didn't take into account the distance and speed the BMW was driving at. Maybe there was poor visibility on the trucks part. Unfortunately, we only have the truck drivers version of events.
  6. You get all sorts driving too fast. People only comment negatively when it's an expensive car
  7. Possibly but it appears the truck pulled out on the BMW so in my opinion the truck is at fault.
  8. Built up to such a point that Phakdee formulated a plan to ambush his parent as he said on the toilet. When you've got to go, you've got to go... Another pyscho off the street...
  9. Don't be daft. It's obviously a North Korean submarine. Do some research ????
  10. No he wasn't crazy. My auntie is crazy (she still hangs washing outside when she knows its going to rain!) He is nothing more than an evil, malicious and sick coward
  11. The reports coming out state that he was on drugs so that's all we know at the moment. My hunch is that he decided to end his life and take as many people with him purely because he was a sick f**£$&r
  12. I mean this in the nicest possible way but how do you know he wasn't on drugs? How do you know if someone who takes drugs can or can't drive? . Surely it depends on the individual, type of drug taken and how much was consumed (amongst other things).
  13. On the flip side, maybe our leaders are just plain stupid.....
  14. Yes. If your neighbour suddenly pulls up in front of your house driving a brand new Mercedes then they might want to move village
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